Thursday, February 28, 2013

To This Day Project - Shane Koyczan

Feel free to respond to this amazing spoken word poem.


  1. I feel like this poet was trying to get through our minds about how just becasue others judge you and make fun of you and bully you doesnt mean you have to believe everything they are saying and doing. That if you can't see the true beauty in you, to look deeper until you find it and dto never give up. To me this shows that you shouldnt let people put you down with THEIR opinion, you can only be put down if you let yourself believe that everything they are saying is true. You have to look farther into yourself to believe that theres a reason why you try so hard to keep going on with your life.

    1. Destiny, this is an amazing interpretation. I love it.

  2. I feel like this poet is trying to tell you that you should get throw it all, we all know that you can be called names time after time after time but. you can do it just never give up and believe in yourself and you can too believe that there is no problem that you have to have them ruin your life you can stop them. You just have to look farther in to yourself and believe that you can keep going on with you life, you too can be the smartest and you to can be beautiful they are just trying to get under your skin and hurt you.

    1. this is me.. Savannah

    2. It's good that you can see the message, and I hope it's one you take to heart. Don't let haters bring you down! :)

    3. Thanks, Mrs Boehle :)

  3. i think this poem is trying to teach us about how no matter what other people say about you you are always beautiful.i also think that he is trying to tell us that we all need to stop starting gossip. just like when all the kids started calling him pork chop. not everybody is perfect.

    1. NO ONE is perfect. Even that kid that seems like he has everything is hurting in some way. Just remember that, and it will help you understand everyone a little better.

  4. I think this poet trying to put out there how its like to be juge and how people feel when it happpens. hes trying to say that with all those names You've been called, all those bruise u have, all those hurt times you have had between all that u stand tall and build yourself up. Through all most kids turn to stuff they shouldnt like drug, or they cut and ya. But yet you shouldn't and hes telling you to look deeper in yourself and realize who you are. And if who you are makes you happy then so be it! Hes trying to say that beauty is deeper then most people think. I think the pome affected me the most because I have been through it know how it feels. But i know why i havvent broke yet. Because god put me hear for a reason. I may not be the pretties, smariest,good at everything Girl. I make mistakes I have done some stupid stuff in my time. But through all that I am still me and I am happy with myself! Yet I know things could be worse for me and I know other people go through worse.. So I am happy the way i am am.. Beauty is deeper then you thing!!<3

    1. I'm glad you don't listen to people who try to bring you down. I think you're pretty special. :)

  5. The second time I listened to this peom, it really helped me understand that people are getting bullied and we arnt doing anything to help it. I think this connects to the song "Where Is The Love" by the Black Eyed Peas because in that song it is talking about us humans hurting and killing instead of helping and love. And this poem talks about us humans bullying kids that may have somthing bad going on in their life, and we just dont know it.

    1. True! I love that you made a connection to one of the songs. Same message, just a different way of sending it. :)

  6. i have listen to this poem before. but today when i heard it i realized what it was about. it makes me realize how bad bullying is and it makes me really sad. because it makes me think of how bad someones life could be. so i should start stop taking my family for granite and realize how good i have it. because i could have it worse.

    1. That's a pretty common saying: "Things could always be worse." Still, everyone has their own battles. It's good that you can be grateful for what you have! That always helps when things get bad!

  7. This poem is really impactful. i love his obvious lesson spread out to all of us the painful agony of being bullied each day, having to go to school and face every mean face, hurtful word or rude action of the careless others. Thi poem really opens my eye and im sure it did for others too. But i can relate. for it felt like ages i went through crap that led to scary thought. I may be over that today but that doesnt mean that others have or are going through the same experiance.

    1. Emily, I feel for you. I've let people's words and actions get me down, too, and it's a sad and lonely place to be. I'm glad things are looking up for you because you're wonderful!

  8. I think the poet is trying to say that being bully isn't fair that it needs to stop. He put a lot of feelings into this poem because he was a kid that was bullied when he was a kid and he had to go to therapy because he was an orphan.

    1. One of the kids he talked about was an orphan, but it wasn't him. Watch it again! It's good the third, fourth, and fifth time, too! I understand something new every time I watch it. :)

  9. When I heard this for the second time it made me understand more, he was talking about his life through school and how he was always bullied and his friend was also bullied, and that people gang up on one person. And it's really sad that actual people have to go through this everyday and in their case it might be even worse than this.

    1. It is sad to hear their stories, but it's also very hopeful because he's saying that he made it through all of that by believing in himself. He never gave up, even though the things people did and said were hurtful.

  10. The picture part of the video explains things that the poem can't. It could just say "We were the outcasts" but instead it shows you what the words mean. I think thats why it moves people more than regular poems do. Visual aid is such a powerful thing and nobody seems to realize what the people being bullied are seeing. You only see the random fist fight out at recess but you don't see the bruises that people get or the mental damage either.

    1. I agree. I LOVE the visual coupled with the poem. I love how passionate his voice is coupled with the illustrations. I still get choked up every time I watch it, and it's usually because I'm seeing or hearing something I didn't before.

    2. Thanks Riley and Mrs. Boehle!

    3. I totally agree with you Emma.:)

  11. My mom showed me this video a few weeks ago and Mrs. Boehle was right, it is WAY more powerful the second time. This video shows how much bullying reallty effects people. Kids these days sont even know. They don't know how bad that these kids have it. They also dont know how good that THEY have it. Nobody really realizes how they can make someone feel. I saw a picture that had so many things about bullying within it. Some things included "That girl you called fat? SAhe has an eating disorder. That boy that you called wimpy? He has to work to support his whole family." That is some MAJOR proof that you don't know. You just dont know these things. They may not seem like a big deal but they are. And sometimes things like that start as an accident or a misunderstanding, but they lead into something terrible. Like in the video, The whole thing started out with a little boy falling like normal little kids do, but it ended up in a full fledge child abuse investigation and him getting called names. I feeel so bad for kids that get bullied nd i stand up for what is right and you should too.

    1. I'm proud of you for being an advocate for people who are bullied, Riley. Standing up for people who are being picked on is one of the fastest and most effective ways to end bullying. Thank you for doing that.

    2. Haha thanks. :) It's not fair for anyone to be treated differently.

  12. When I heard this poem it made me understand that everybody is not perfect and you should never give up if someone is bullying you. The part where he metioned that he hates pork chops that makes me think that he loved them when he was youngerwhy doesn't he like them now. If I was him I would have just told my grandparent what had happend and not have the teacher find out and get taken out of his home for three days when his gramdparent is worrying about thim

    1. I think it would be hard to love something when it was a name you were called because of something people didn't like about you. I heard another story about that once - about a boy who was called "Marshmallow Fluff" because he liked peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches. It might seem silly to reject something you love, but if people hurt you enough with those words, you distance yourself from it.

  13. i feel that this poem says school is a war zone and if your different your a target and they never miss they keep hitting you and there is no boundary line your not safe any where like in the poem it says that they would stay inside for recess or they would have to run and that illustrates to me that your not safe any where not even home because you come almost every day and that is no life its torture and its like every day your more of a shell of than yourself eventually who wouldn't break even if it's not true it does get under your skin and this is one of the many stories that are spoken and not one of the many that aren't.

    1. Isaac, I don't know where this came from, but I'm so impressed with you. You're right - it's hard to hear negative things about yourself even when those things aren't true. It's easier to believe the bad things we hear about ourselves instead of listening to the good things people say.

  14. I thinks the poem is way better the second time. It makes me realize that there is way more people getting bullied than just the people in your school. I mean nobody is perfect so why bully people who you think are not perfect.I also would have just told my grandparent then just keep it a secret from everyone.

    1. The more I watch it, the more I learn. I'm so glad I got to watch it four times yesterday! I bet if you watch it again, you'll see and understand even more than you did before!

  15. I think that this poem made me understand that everybody has mistakes and that when people are bullying you, you sometimes fall apart but you realize that you're worth it, and you can turn your life around and show them that you're just as good as everyone else. Even if you aren't "popular" or didn't have the best clothing to wear. This video shows how much little words can effect people and what they'll do to themselves just by getting called one name. It's kind of like a rumor that gets spread about you, everyone hears it and when they do, they'll all judge you because you're maybe not as good as them. I feel as if everyone is perfect in their own way. Even if you aren't just like everyone else doesn't mean you aren't good enough. It just shows that you're different, but in a good way. People don't understand how bad kids lifes can be at their house, and what goes on. So when things are already rough at their homes, things just get even worse. The kids don't have anyone to go to when they get home so they feel as if they have no one. People always gang up on one another to make the person even more down, but I think that you should stand up for who you are because your flaws makes the person you are today. When I watched this video for the 3rd time, I thought of the quote from the song by Jason Mraz, "I won't give up on us, even if the times get rough." This reminds me of the couple in the video and how they wouldn't give up on each other, even when they got bullied and wanted to end their lives. This is a very strong and emotional poem and I think that people can learn how judgemental people are these days and how it can really effect someone.

    1. That's awesome, Desimbur. I really love thinking of everyone being perfect in their own way, because there really isn't a such thing as perfect, is there? We do all have our flaws, and people can love us or not love us because of them, but the most important thing is that we love ourselves.

  16. i feel like this was trying to teach us all a lesson about being bulled to other people. and if i was him i would of told my garden of what happen to me.but i agree with mrs.boehle that it would be hard for you to love something when it was a name you were called because of something people didn't like about you.

    1. I'm glad I never had a nickname that made me hate something I loved! At least not yet. :)

  17. I think he was trying to tell people that even one mean nickname can ruin a kids life. It also tells that if you keep trying that you have a better chance of getting a suuccessful job but bullies ended up in prison or working at mcdonalds. In the long run you have a 99.99% chance of having a better life than bullies. That bullies thank there so smart because they ruin kids childhood and sometimes even their whole lifes thats why you stick together and bullies wont try and get you as much And that every thing they say is a lie.

    1. Usually bullies act the way they do because they are insecure about something and they think making other people feel bad about themselves will make them feel better. What kinds of things do you think bullies might be insecure about?

  18. I think this is to show kids that even if your getting made fun of you should just say They Were Wrong. I think this is about how kids never let this stuff go and it ruins there life and this tells you that they should stop and actually think of what this does to the kids that they make fun of. This reminds me of the song Black Eyed Peas - Where is the Love? because its about how the world has no love and this is about how kids don't care for each other and they should because this stuff could literally kill somebody...

    1. Don't you think the world would be a happier place if we did all care about each other? Even just being friendlier in the hallways at school when we see people we don't know could really make their day. I'm going to smile and say hello to three people I don't know today! :)

  19. I think this poem is about bullying, and it's trying to help people realize that they're beautiful, and amazing, in their own way. This poem is very inspiring. No one is perfect, and they shouldn't be bullied because they aren't. I really like the part that says, "She was 8 years old, our first day of grade 3 when she got called ugly," I think it's cute how they're holding hands and they're friends. That really shows a true friend. Someone that would be friends with someone that no one else likes. There's so many people that get put down and made fun of for being themselves. It was just really nice that they were both there for each other and were friends. People don't know what their other piers go through. So many kids have a horrible life at home and no one realizes. They just immediately judge their appearance, or believe the gossip and rumors before they actually get to know them. I just find this poem very inspirational.

    1. I'm glad you liked it. It's a pretty powerful message! I think it tells us that we can't keep ignoring bullying and pretending that it's OK because it's just something kids do. It's not OK to be a bully, and it's good that that message is out there.

  20. what i first thought about when i heard this i was like wow because you would not think that people would still be like your a pork chop it is just stupid why would you even call someone that it is not nice and it is just stupid maybe the people who call other people names maybe they are stupid you know just why would you want to call someone that name it doesn't make sense

    1. People find surprising ways to hurt each other, even when it doesn't quite make sense to us. Anything that is said in a cruel way can hurt you. It sure doesn't seem like Porkchop would be a name you'd hate, but it could if it was SAID with hate.

  21. I think this is about his Life and how much It effected him and how he grew up with bullys and how he really it and how it its not it was saying it even is getting worse and that he has a right and how every one has a bad like and dont judge a book by it cover cause you dont know what they have been threw and how every one in there one way short tall round we all have some beauty in us also how he say a life full of pill and poping and said he tried to commit suicide in the 10th grade who that got to me and i think that he had a roughf life

    1. That boy's story made me the saddest. It's hard to understand what people go through when they're battling depression, but hearing that story helped me understand it better.

  22. i think this it talking about this kid who was fine untill he fell out of a tree and he said the wrong thing to a theripist and when he said that the therapist told the cops and the word got out and people started calling him names and so he started going to thearpy and he is depresed and he is in drugs to stop that but because of what he did the hallays where like war zones and that he is like a loaded bomb and is in the line of blowing up and that people make funn of this girl and him because she had a birthmark in her face, and that there is awlays something buetful in u, even if its not on the outside its in the inside. but even if you are on pills and depressed then you dont fit in because the pills will make u dull but you dont have to fit in to be cool, ut that when you get to the point where you dont need to fit in and u need to have your own personality and there is awlays something that other peole might not have to the point that you are abiut to kill yourself... :"(

    1. But it's hopeful! They made it and they know the people who made fun of them were wrong! I think it's just a good message that we should be more careful about the things we say to people because we never know how the things we say can hurt.

  23. I think the author wanted us to keep trying and get through bullying. That you could end up a drug addict or a person who could explode with repressed feelings. He said the guy was a bomb lit from both ends.

    1. It's hard to get through bullying, though. I think he's also saying that we shouldn't put up with bullying - that we should be kinder and gentler with each other as well.

  24. I've watched this video twice now and I felt like i understood the video more the second time then the first. I feel like this poem is trying to say that a lot of kids go through stuff like this all of the time. I felt like the author wanted people to learn from this poem that when your bullied and when people call you names don;t let it hurt you. Everyone is beautiful in there own way no matter if someone tells you you that you're not. I also think he is trying to say that bullying is stupid and that people shouldnt do it, there is no reason for bullying it only makes that person who is getting bullied feel bad about themselves and it brings them down. This poem may be sad but it's also inspiring.

  25. When I was in forth grade me and my best friend were the freaks of teh school. Running around at resess with a kick ball useing it as a dinisor egg. wee got the weirdest looks. We did not care, at that time. The next year we wanted to try and be normal we tryed talking to poeple,They just igored us, we gave up. I got over it, She did not she drop to get home schooled. after to week she started thinking of suiside and wint to a metal hospital for to weeks. when she got out she was pit on an antidepesant. She forgot how to cry for a hole year. I began hating every one for what they did to her. I moved, and i dont talk to those kids any more. i still see her evey week end. Because what they did to her she is scard to talk to others when i am not with her.
    So i am glad there are people like this who are not afraid to tell there story. I dont think it was ment to make you cry. It is more of a, "NO matter what hppened i am still ok. Even if it hurt." type thing. It is a story to make you stronger even if it was sad. If only the bullys looked at thing the way we do. They find it funny even though they know it is roung, most of them dont care. They see things like this and cry, and get sad, but they contenue. IF THEY ARE GOING TO CRY AND GET SAD THEY NEED TO REALIZE IT DOES NOT MAKE THEM A BETTER PERSON. It just makes them look stupid. It not like they dont Know what they are doing because they do, and if not you should tell them. They may try and stop.
