Sunday, September 13, 2015

Analyzing Fiction: Summarizing Review

Hi guys! Welcome to a new week of school! You'll be responsible for watching three videos this week, so make sure you're keeping up with your work. I'll have another one ready for you to go tomorrow night.

Also, don't forget your vocab quiz over "gen" words is on Wednesday. Anyone who made an additional study guide will get extra credit points on the quiz! If I have your packet because you handed it in late, be sure to get it from me so you can study.

Your first video this week is about summarizing for fiction. We talked about this quite a bit last year, and some at the beginning of this year when we were talking about responses, but making sure you have summarizing down to a science is a big part of being able to analyze fiction well, which is what we're getting into this week. See the video below for my example using "A Retrieved Reformation".

And here is a clearer shot of my finished summary in case you'd like to read it again:

This week, you'll be working with a small group to read a short story that you'll choose together. There are 3-4 options, so hopefully you'll be able to agree on one. ;) The stories are all laid out on the jellybean table, and you will find your and your group member's names near the collection of stories meant for you. Spend some time checking them out, and then decide on one you'd all like to read.

I'm going to talk in class about what you'll do once you have your story chosen, but part of it will definitely involve a summary, so keep this mini-lesson in mind as you move forward.

Since notes for this video were optional, what I would like you to do is leave a comment on this blog that tells me your goal for summary writing this week. What is something you need to work on when it comes to summarizing? What did you see in the video that you'd like to try. Let me know below for participation points!


  1. I want to work on not including unessacary details and I'm going to use the reporter method and somebody wanted but so then method.

  2. I would like to get all the information down and not leave anything out.

  3. i would like to work on putting in more detail and description for characters and the settings and just make it to were its describes everything in detail.

  4. Put better details about the characters and making sure that I put the important details that help understand it better

  5. I would like to make sure my summaries are longer and have more detail on what's going on in the story

  6. i would like to include a lot of accurate detail about the story because while watching this video i realized i made some mistakes in my thinking.

  7. I would want to put more detail and expression about the characters, setting and so on

  8. I want to try to have detail to where people get a picture of what stuff looked like and try not to leave out any good info.

  9. I want to explain the summery as well as I can put it in

  10. My goal is to write at least a half of a page for my summary. I need to work on my spelling when I am writing. One thing I want to try is to summarize the story better.

  11. I'd like to work on elaborating on summaries more- like your final product- and with all the most important details, something I think I need to work on.

  12. My goal is to put the important detail in and unnecessary detail out.

  13. I need to work on making my summarys more detailed and longer than half a page

  14. Hey, umm...... my goal is probably like everyone's. Give more effort, don't put unnecessary stuff in there.

  15. My goal this week is to go back through and revise my summary.

  16. my goal is to work on getting all the important info in to my summary

  17. My goal is to put the important details in the summary. I would like to put more detail like you did in the summary.

  18. This is the third time ive tried to post this so i hope it works i need to work on leaving some stuff out and getting rid of unescisary details and i like the reporter method and i will stick to using it.

  19. my goal is to work more on my summary and see how I can improve on it. I would like to try adding more detail and look back through it

  20. My goal is to be as accurate as possible with the facts I put in my summary and understand what I'm reading before I try to write a summary

  21. i want to leave out unnecessary information, but i also want to make sure that i get everything i need in my summary.

  22. My goal is to make my summary good and not sloppy and just slapped together. Something I need to work on is not tell the whole story again while I'm writing my summary. I would like to try the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How summary idea.

  23. My goal for this week is to make since of what I am writing and provide more information in the story

  24. my goal is to verify my thinking for my summary. what I want to learn is summarize your thinking over the book you are reading.

  25. sometimes i include too much detail into my summary's and sometimes i do add enough detail, leaving readers unaware of what I've actually just read, so i guess my goal is to squeeze myself somewhere in the middle of those two points?

  26. My goal will be to use only important info, and to cut out unnecessary details.

  27. my goal is to include everything I need, and cut the unnecessary things.

  28. My goal is to make sure i put more reasoning into my somebody, wanted, but, so, then. I also want to make sure i put more detail into my summary.

  29. My goal is to make sure that I keep my summarizing to a minimum and only summarize whats absolutely necessary.

  30. I want to not carry it on and not include any unimportant information because I tend to do that a lot.

  31. my goal is to keep all my summarize short and on point not to scram off with fake talk and compare it to real life.

  32. My goal is to use somebody, wanted, but, so, then. I feel like that will help me a lot.

  33. my goal is to not put unimportant information in my summary and maybe use the somebody, wanted, but, so, then

  34. I would like to work of keeping important info in and leaving out unimportant info.

  35. my goal is to focus on the important information instead of deatil

  36. im going to focus more on adding detail and information from the text

  37. to focus on using only the important details and not access stuff

  38. to work on putting more detail in my response and to use the reporter method

  39. I need to work on including the right details.

  40. i need to spread out my detail and not just put it all in one spot

  41. i used to typically leave out key details about my story. so from now on i`m going to try to add in more of those kind of details
    P.P.S you were right i`m a robot the name is Domo Arigato Mr Roboto see you in class

  42. my goal for summarizing is to make my paragraphs more of a seed story and not as much as a watermelon story.

  43. my goal is to add more detail into my summary

  44. My goal for summarizing is to use more than just somebody wanted but so then. I would like to try who what where when why and how

  45. my goal for summarizing is to put alot more detail and time into it

  46. i want to work on putting more detail into it instead of non-important information

  47. This is like 2 weeks late because I didn't see the bottom so My goal was to was to have detail but not to much detail

  48. So this is really late because i didn't see the bottom:( but something i should work on with summarizing is not to give to much away. And my goal is to make sure im only using important details.

  49. Shelby T. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):) :)October 9, 2015 at 8:22 AM

    Something I need to work on is making my responses longer and making them make since. Something i would use from the video is SOMEBODY WANTED BUT SO THEN.
