Friday, September 4, 2015

Flipped Classroom Reflection

Alright, guys. We've been working under the flipped classroom model for a week now. What do you think about it so far? What are the pros and cons now that you're in it? Let's talk about it!


  1. I think that its cool and its also easier becuase we can go back a rewatch the videos if needed

    1. Is that something you've done? Did you feel the need to rewatch any part of the videos from this week?

    2. i agree rather then having the teacher talk for a long time. and possibly not knowing how to do it. videos you can watch them over and over until you understand the concept.

    3. Yes I rewatched the optional video for the reading response to make sure I had done it correctly

  2. i thought that it went well

  3. I like it a lot. A pro is now we can be more independent but a con is some people aren't very responsible to watch videos.

    1. Do you know if there were people who didn't watch the videos?

    2. No, but I feel that people last year who didn't turn in their work they are just going to take advantage of the fact we can have our devices.

  4. it has been fun so far.

  5. Yeah I like the flipped classroom a lot but I think some kids are not watching the videos and taking advantage of the hole thing

    1. Have people talked about that? That they aren't watching the videos?

  6. A pro is that if you didnt get part of it you can rewatch it so you dont have to ask a million questions. But a con is that some ppl arent responsible enough to watch the videos at home.

  7. Pro-We can re-watch the videos if we forgot something and need to re-watch it again if we needed to. Con- Some people just mess around and don't really watch the videos and act like they are, but their not.

    1. How do you think we can make sure people are watching the video?

    2. thats so true shebly people can just mess around without acually doing any of the work

  8. I think it is going well and a pro would be that I could re-watch the video if needed and a con would be that some people cant be responsible and watch the videos

  9. So, a big problem I've seen that pretty much everyone has mentioned so far is that some people aren't necessarily watching the videos. These videos are taking the place of my instruction, so they're pretty important. How do you think we can get everyone to watch them?

    1. Walk around to everyone to see if they are watching it and taking notes.

    2. But I don't want people to have to watch the video in class...I want them to be able to watch it at home, too. But I think the note thing is a good idea. I was going to check your notes from this week for a participation grade, so maybe I should just do that.

    3. you can have us wright a reflection about what happened in the video.

    4. i think we should put something up to see how many people watch the video and when you are done watching it.

    5. i think that would be a good idea. that way the people who are doing the work will get a grade for doing what there supposed to do and not having the kids that dont watch the videos will ruin it for the kids that do watch the videos

    6. I think checking the notes and having a particapation grade is a good idea

    7. Yeah, I definitely don't want to punish the people who are doing the work by taking it away. If people like it, I want to keep it going.

    8. i agree with branson d. i think that is a really good idea i feel like it is a good way to find out who is watching the videos and who isnt.

    9. you can put somthing in the video saying comment somthing that
      has to deal with the video to see how many people watch them but I guess the pro nB lon would be that people could usr there friends names instead of theres to cover for them

  10. that's kind of a hard question......

    1. i meant that kind of a hard question to answer.....

    2. wrote it in the wrong area whopps

  11. i think the flipped classroom is good because i can to re watch the video like twice instead of forgetting what Mrs. boehle says.

  12. We can have a discussion about the videos and everyone has to try all before the discussion is over.

  13. one of the pros is that if we are at home and we just watched the video we can ask a question and get it answered and one of the cons is there are some people that will take advantage of the whole thing and wont watch the videos and will fall behind

  14. Everyone has to talk*

  15. These videos arent even hard, there is really nothing to it. Maybe you have to take a little notes or just watch the video. I dont see what the problem is. But people need to watch it because theyll fall behind and itll really effect them.

    1. I totally agree, Keirsten. But some people will go to great lengths to avoid doing work. :)

  16. What do you guys think about Vanessa's idea of me keeping track of your notes? About that being an easy grade for you guys and a way for me to make sure people are watching the video?

    1. I think that is a good idea

    2. That's a wonderful idea.

    3. ya i think it is a good idea.

    4. i think Vanessa's idea was good and u could also maybe walk around from time to time...

    5. So do i. But you could always have little conference's with every one and ask them stuff about the video

    6. ya that's a good idea to.

  17. it takes alot of stress off of our shoulders since we get to work in class

  18. i like the blog because we have to work on stuff in the class room. i used to not like it because we wouldnt be able to ask questions and now we can on a comment

  19. I think that were having a better discussion on the computer than we do in a conversation out loud...

    1. Haha, that's usually how that goes. :)

    2. We really do because everyone talks and responds to what other have said

  20. Last thoughts: Is this model something you can see us doing all year? Tell me your thinking.

    1. yes if everybody is responsible and watch the videos

    2. YES i could use this all year it is better because we all talk more and no one even talks in a normal discussion anyway (me.) i think we sould keep the blog

    3. i feel like it is something we can do. as long as u can find something to do to make sure people are actually wathcing the videos and if u do that then it can be something we can do all year

    4. I think we could definitly do this all year. It would be something fun to do so we just have to come in class and get to work and we would have the whole hour to work so most people who use their time wisley would definitly get stuff.

    5. i think we can do this all year if people watch the videos and try's to work with it

    6. I can see it working all year

  21. Yes because everyone seems to like it and so far it is going super well.

  22. i think we can do it all year if people put forth effort into it

  23. maybe not all year but atleast for a while cause i can understand better when you say it in person

    1. it depends if everyone watches the videos or not really
