Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1st Hour - Week of 1-7-13

Hi, kids! :) This week, and for the next several weeks, we're focusing on figuring out words that confuse us while we're reading. Remember that you're trying to practice a specific strategy based on the mini-lesson I taught you on Monday. This week was all about those tricky words that have more than one meaning.

Sometimes a word has more than one meaning and we can be super familiar with some of the definitions of that word, but not understand other ways it can be used. This happened to me when I read the book The Little Ships. On the first page, I read the word "smack", but it wasn't used in a way that made sense to me. The sentence it was in read, "My father, Martin Gates, owned the Lucy, a sturdy fishing smack." The definition I know of smack is "to hit someone or something with your hand" or like the sound you make when you smack your lips. But neither of those definitions of "smack" made sense in that sentence.

To help myself figure it out, I decided to use other information on that page that might tell me more about this kind of "smack". The author said the Lucy smelled of herring and mackerel and cod, which I know are types of fish. Later on the same page, we find out that the narrator's father is a fisherman. From these context clues, I can infer that the Lucy is a fishing boat. I looked it up in the dictionary to make sure, and I was right! It said a smack was a fishing boat, sometimes with a well for keeping live catches. Woohoo!

So now that we know that words we're normally familiar with sometimes have meanings that are completely foreign to us, we can stop ourselves to make sure that we understand the correct definition before we move on. If I had read on thinking the Lucy was a way to hit someone, I would have certainly been confused!

You're ready to do one on your own! Use your vocabulary blog organizer to write a response like the one I did above. Since you guys didn't get to hear the mini-lesson until Wednesday, you only have to define one word. Have fun and let me know if you have any questions!


  1. BOOK: Secret in the Shadows
    In my book i found a couple words i did not know and i went to the book shelf and got a dictionary to look the words up in. So the first word i found was on page 1 and the word in TENANTS i thought it had to do with ears because some guys was going to wear he couldn't hear and i that it was parts inside of your ear. So then i looked it up and i found out that it was when i person sell a house our rents them to someone.
    My second word i found was on page 3 and that word was administer this word i thought was a teacher our a business person because i heard it around that type of person before. So i look it up and i found out that it meant getting hit and taking over and over again until the person who is beating you stops. Those are the only word i found.

  2. Book: A Man Named Dave
    Author: Dave pelzer

    On page 211 I read the word justification, after reading, Mother restated her justification, placing a further emphasis on the word "It" and "David". This word confused me because after trying to break down the word, I got justice, but i always thought that the word justice was for court cases or a name for a league of super heroes. to figure out what it meant i got a dictionary and found that justification means to say something again to prove it at a higher reason, kind of like gloating about something that you said,

  3. book:blackout girl
    by jennifer storm
    on page 50 of my book i read inflictingafter reading the sentence " i learned how to punish myself by inflicting the pain...the word confuesed me because i had never heard the word inflicting in this way before..To figure out wat it meant i look trough the dictionary and found out that it mean to strick, give a deal. this word will proably come up more ..

    1. Really good job Sheyenne!! i think you did a good job. :) keep it up!

  4. BOOK:Secret in the Shadows
    In my book is about how they is a kid named roylin and he is in high school and he has a job at a restaurant. So he is the one who is making the money to support his family and he is the one who pays his mom car insurance. So when he gets to school he see that there is a new girl in there classes. So he goes and meets her and shows her around the school amd he ends up driving her home and then when the were going to go to take her home they end up in a jewelery store. So her birthday is coming up and he finds the thing she really wants and he only has fifty bucks left in his wallet. and that is as far as i got in my book.

  5. Book:Alphas Author: Lisi Harrison
    On page 132 i read the word lapping in this sentence; the sounds of lapping waves surounded charlie, making her sea sick. Tghis word confused me because i usually only hear it at swim practice or gym when you lap someone or pass them more than once. To figure out what it meant , i read more of the page and figured out that the walls had water behind them and that it kept hitting them. I found out that lapping means like smacking against something over and over again.

  6. Book Radiance
    Author Alyson Noel
    I found this word on page 13.I read the word justified in the paragraph that says Because the truth is, I felt justified some timexs you have to act your own. This word confused me because I didn't know what the word was and I wanted to kno what it was so that if I come across it anouther time. I figured it out by lookingt it up in the dictinary and by useing my contact clues. What justified mean is capable of being shown to be just or proper.

  7. Book:Divergent Author:Veronica Roth
    On page 164 I read the word claims in the sentence He squeezes my shoulder. His fingers feel dry and cool, and the look he gives me claims me. This word confused me because I had never seen it used this way, I thought claims were an animal from under the sea. To figure out what it meant, I used the contact clues and figured out that it bacillary meant scared

  8. book: chamber of secrets
    author: J.K. Rowling
    on page 85 i read the word awestruck in the sentence "cool", said Dean
    "amazing" said Neville, Awestruck. i used my context clues to figure out the word and i cam to the conclusion is the word means amazed.

  9. Book:Don't look behind you By: Lois Duncan
    Now I read this whole book, but i couldn't find a word that confused me or anything like that. So what my book is about a teenage girl that is on a tennis team for her school, she is one of the best tennis players around at Norwood High School. But things take a huge turn when her father, a worker at the local airport is actually working under cover for the FBI. During a trial a gun was shot at him but the bullet missed, the gunman was not caught cause he had a silencer on it and was not heard. So April's family had to go into the witness protection program to start a new life. But that doesn't mean that they are completely safe.

    1. Great Job Jake !!!!:) i loved it... I loved this is sounds like a GOOD book!!! you explained it very well and put alot of good details into it. Keep up the great work Jake!!!

    2. That sounds like a good book! Good job explaining it!! :) Your so AWESOME!!!kEEP UP THE GOOD WORK JAKE!!!

    3. I think he did better.

    4. i KNOW HE DID BETTER :)

    5. Yea! he did..

    6. yepp okay bye :)))

    7. This book sounds really interesting. How close are you to being done?

  10. Book: Artemis Fowl
    Author:Eoin Colfer

    Right now in my book Artemis is trying to get the fortune of gold that fairy's have in their underground world but he isn't allowed to go into the world so while one fairy was on her patrols ( since down in fairy world they have a police station where they arrest trolls goblins,etc )Captain holly is captured by Artemis's butler which is supposed to protect him

    Some questions i had were: How did holly break that concrete with just a wooden bed-leg it seems impossible to a human so a 5 in. fairy shouldn't have done it. if Artemis is a " evil genius ) how couldn't of he anticipated that holly's had magic and he didn't have a better cage than just a small cell?

    My opinion on the book: SO far the book is really good some holes in the story here and there but other than that its fast paced, funny, and it clears up any question you might have had in the beginning of the book

  11. Book:The Sorceress The Secret life of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
    Author:Michael Scott
    Right now in my book Nicholas is with Perenelle again and the twins are both being trained. Sophie is starting not to trust Nicholas, but Josh hasn't trusted him sense the adventure has started.Dr.Dee did capture them like he was suppose to and has to go into hiding.
    On page 454 there was a word that I have not seen the way it was used. The word was depression and it was used in this sentence: A circular depression opened up around Cernunnos and the Archon was swallowed. I've seen it used to mean a tropical storm or mental illness. I read the sentences around it and now I think it means a type of quick sand but with mud.

  12. Book: Payback Time
    By: Carl Deuker

    On page 166 in my book I cam across a word I was unfamiliar with.The word snarled was used to describe the fans as they walked out of the stadium.The sentence said, "The Cascadia fans snarled their way down from the bleachers and out of the stadium." This word confused me because I have usually heard of a pig snarling but not people.

    I figured out what it meant by looking it up in the dictionary. I figured out that it meant mad or very angry. This makes sense because the fans were angry because their team had lost the state championship game.

  13. Book: Boy Proof
    on page 49, I came across a word I did not know. The sentence was:"unfazed, she moves on to bother people at the next table." The word "unfazed" confused me, I've never heard it before. I figured out what it meant by rereading it and then i asked my mom...next I asked my mom what it meant and she told me..then just to make sure she was right i looked it up in dictionary. Now, it all makes sense to me.
