Thursday, April 16, 2015

Intervention Discussion: Fever 1793, Chapters 16-19

Discuss Chapters 16-19 of Fever 1793 here!


  1. OK, so obviously the biggest thing to happen in these chapters is Grandfather dying. Let's talk about that!

    1. its was really sad. like now what is she going to do? shes all alone!!!!!

    2. When Maddie said that she thought she heard a chuckle I thought that he was still alive or just sleeping

    3. Kia, I was thinking that she might take Mrs. Bowles up on her offer to help at the orphanage. At least she'd be taken care of there.

    4. i was sad when he died he is the only one that she has

    5. Shelby, I think she was imagining things because she doesn't want to believe he died. She seems like she's in shock right now, and hasn't fully absorbed what happened.

    6. on what page was that

    7. The author was pretty sneaky with this death. When Grandfather got sick a few chapters back, I thought he had yellow fever and was probably going to die. Then he recovered and it seemed like he was going to be fine, so I didn't think anything bad would happen to him again. And then that darn Laurie Halse Anderson killed him off! I couldn't believe it!

    8. Key - what part? When Grandfather died or when Mrs. Bowles offered to give her a job at the orphanage?

    9. Mrs. Boehle, maybe she will, but how would she get there? and what if those guys come back, what will she do? do you think she will have to hurt them again? and maybe scene those two guys were in the town she might fined other people there too!

    10. are you sure he actually was coughing

    11. thanks shelby

    12. Kia, according to the text (page120), the orphanage is in Philadelphia, which is where Mattie lives, so maybe she could just walk there? I'm not sure how far away it actually is from her house.

    13. Mrs. Boehle, maybe she could. but what about those guys, what if they come back?

    14. Her house has been robbed TWICE now. There's no way I'd stay there alone! At least at the orphanage, there would be other people there to help her fight.

    15. I'm not sure that they will really spend too much more time worrying about her. The one guy seemed to not really want to be there in the first place and was worried about there being people living there. I don't think he ever wanted to hurt anyone. On page 142-143 the "short man" continually tries to get the other one to lay off of Mattie, He says things like "you should have let her go" and "don't hit her", and " See? We're too late. Let's go." (in reference to them not having anything left to steal).

    16. i honestly would want to be there in person to help her through some things and if those guys come back

  2. on pg.145 and146 I laughed when Maddie cut that guys arm off :)

    1. mooooooooooooooooooooooocheleApril 16, 2015 at 11:57 AM

      i dont get why a man would put his hands around someone troat its just not right at all maddie couldnt of help she is to little but atleast did try

    2. so now that the grandfather died what will maddie do because its only September 26th 1793 and who would take care of her

  3. i did to it was really funny

  4. well this is very important so why dont we talk also what chapter is this again i forgot where it was talking about this situation

    1. Grandfather dies in chapter 19 on page 147 after being attacked by the person who broke into their house to rob them.

    2. Speaking of this robbery, did anyone else see it coming? I felt like the author did a good job at hinting that something bad would happen when Mattie chose to leave the windows open at the end of Chapter 18.

    3. Whoa! I didn't even catch that, Miss Mosher! I totally forgot that she left the windows open. She has got to be angry with herself for that.

    4. Yah , because she left the window open I had a feeling that it would happen

    5. Especially since they had already been robbed once when the house was locked up!

    6. You're right. There was some pretty good foreshadowing there. Even on page 130-131 when Mattie goes into the garden without getting properly dressed is a clue. She says to the cat, "Nobody can see me. There isn't another soul for blocks." She's VERY secure in the thinking that she and Grandfather are alone and totally safe. It's sad that she had to find out the hard way that they weren't.

  5. i feel bad for the mom but worse for mattie

  6. I noticed that after it happens you are kind of reminded how young Mattie is. She has seemed to really grow up throughout the book, but after Grandfather dies, she even says that she"felt like a baby girl learning to walk". I think she is in shock and doesn't really know what to do next, which is understandable. I feel like even as an adult I would struggle with how to go on with my life.

    1. Mattie is very resourceful. She knows how to identify plants and cook and mend clothing - way more than I understood how to do at her age, that's for sure. So, yeah, it is easy to forget how young she is, because she seems so mature. Do you think kids from that period in time were more mature than kids are now?

    2. i know how Mattie felt when she said that, i was in my grandpas hospital room and i watch the doctor unplug the life support thing... i couldn't breath, and i remember having a panic attack from watching it.

    3. It's definitely the kind of thing that makes you feel like a little kid again - like you just want someone to take care of you.

    4. that is very true miss mosher i actually have a connection

  7. i wish we knew what was going on with mom

    1. me too! do you think she is dead?

    2. I feel like Mattie's mom is still alive. I think if the author wanted to make her die in the book, she would have done it when she first got sick. Also, it would be really cruel of the author to kill both of Mattie's family members.

    3. i personally cant say if she is or ist

    4. Haha, true Miss Mosher. We have to find out something about her soon, I think. She's been missing for quite a while.

    5. yeah it would MIss. Mosher! maybe Mattie will fined her if she goes to town!

  8. I'm still wondering what happened to Mattie's mom.
    I think that she might be at Eliza's house because maybe her family is sick to and she needed to take care of them to. Or maybe she died but i'm really curious.

    1. I wonder if Mattie will go back to her house or just in town

    2. If I were Mattie, I would find it really hard to stay home after what just happened to Grandfather. And there's nothing there, anyway. She needs to find more food if she's going to survive.

    3. i wonder what happened to her mom to

  9. I feel like Mattie might venture into town now. Grandfather and Mother were pretty protective of her, but we know that she likes to be "free" and explore town. Maybe no one will hold her back from seeing what is going on with the rest of the town.

    1. Oh, I wonder if she'll find Nathaniel?! I want him to be alive!

    2. She has the right to go back in town to see whats going on

    3. He's got to come back in the picture eventually. I don't think the author would have made such a big deal about him if that was all the more he was going to be in the book.

    4. I agree. I've read this before, but I really can't remember what role he plays later in the story. I'm pretty sure he comes back.

    5. At first I thought that one of those men were Nathaniel but it turned out that it wasn't.

    6. i want him to come back. I wonder if he got the fever

    7. Me to I've been really thinking about that I always want to just read ahead and when class is over I just want to take the book and go home and read it all.

    8. so did i shelby! i though the short one was. but i think he will come back in to the story.

    9. so why do you think that he will come back kia o u have any evidence or are you just visilising what is next in the story thats what im doing

  10. I thought that Mattie was going to end up going with those guys when they found her or that she was going to die I was on the tip of my tongue just waiting to see what was going to happen to her. She also got slapped a lot, I don't think that their a real man because a real man wouldn't hit a girl.

    1. i felt bad for her when they slapped her

    2. I think there are three kinds of people that you see in disastrous situations like this:

      1. people who run away (all of the rich people like the Ogilvies)
      2. people who loot and steal (the thieves that broke into Mattie's house and killed Grandfather)
      3. people who stand and fight (helpful people like Mrs. Bowles and Mrs. Flagg)

      Which would you be?

    3. My mouth dropped when it happened to.

  11. What did you guys think about Mattie's bathing process (described on page 131)? Without running water, bathing is a LOT more work, and something that people don't do very often.

    1. because we have running water i thought it was kind of weird

    2. Well I don't really know I never even went into deep thinking about that but she had to do what she had to do

    3. I have to admit, even having learned about this time period when I was in school, it was still really gross to me to think about her only bathing on a monthly basis. Yuck!

    4. It's so inconvenient! She has to get water from the well, put it in a big pot to boil, drag out the tub, fill it up with boiling hot water, put MORE cold water from the well in to make it the right temperature...goodness! I'm glad we have plumbing!

    5. That's true people have to do what they have to do

    6. And after it's all dirty and gross because she hasn't bathed in over a month, Grandfather comes along and uses the dirty water to take a bath! Ew!

  12. i think that mattie is going to go into town now that her grandfather is dead and that her mom is no where to be found and she always wanted to be able to go in to town. she might try to find nathanial and see if he is alive or try to find her mom and see if she is alive and find eliza to at the same time that she looks for her mom because they are propaly together
