Friday, March 8, 2013

Video #5 - Ball Pit Friends

This is one of my favorite videos right now. Such a simple idea, and yet, who would ever think to do this? Would you sit in the ball pit and make friends with a stranger?


  1. OMG thats something i would do but my mom would get mad :(

  2. That was so cool that all those people got to meet other people and who knows they could become life long friends. When they were doing the one thing they have in common.... I thought that all the people that went in the ball pit had guts because I would have been scared to.

  3. ummmmm that makes me feel uncomfortable. BUT ITS A BALL PIT SO WHO CARES!!!!???? unless u get pink eye from it.

  4. I Like This Idea Because This Takes Meeting Friends To A Whole Diffrent Perspective. And To See People Walk Down The Street Or Just Anywhere Amazes Me Because That Could Be Your Best Friend So Props To The Guy/Girl Who Came Up With This Idea.

  5. This is such a creative thing to do! I would totally try it. It gives the people in the videos a chance to see how interesting some stranger could be. It is almost a s if fate were t put them together. especially the people with the flipper. (fake teeth) Or a better chance for adults to see that kids aren't so bad. Like the lady with the hat who talked to te girl with the green sweatshirt. The older woman learned that the kid wasn't so bad. The younger people also learned lessons too. The man that was about 30 and the man that was about 60-70 were in the all pit together. The older man was telling the younger man about love and how he lost his wife. I think that everyone learned a lesson in giving people a chance. If it werent for the ball pit, i bet non of these people would ever know each other.
