Thursday, September 27, 2012


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  2. so far my character Liz is just getting use to living in a world were instead of getting older you are getting younger ..So liz got a job were she gets to tell animals that they are dead...i think that is a brave job because you dont know what the animals will do after they find out they are dead.On page 131 Liz meets this dog in the bathroom drinking out of the toilet and the dogs name is sadie and sadie doesnt know thas a toliet until liz tells her. ..and after that sadie becomes liz best friend.i think thats brave because liz didnt know what sadie would do.

    1. i think that's brave to but i found out that sadie goes home to lizs grandmothers house and becomes her dog. I also think its weird that she can talk to dogs.

    2. I kind of love the idea that animals can communicate with humans in Elsewhere. I'd love to know what my dog really thinks of me. :)

  3. so what really is this book about i here dying in your conversations alot

    1. in the book there is a bunchs of deaths .but in elsewhere instead of getting older you are getting younger and when you are about a week old you are sent back to earth and you get to real live your life.but you have to readit to find out whate happens

  4. Why does liz hate elsewhere so much?

    1. because she isnt use to the people there

    2. I think everyone is resistant to new places. No one likes having to leave their friends and/or their family to go someplace different. I think of how angry I was every time I had to move as a kid. I had to leave all of my friends behind and try to make new ones somewhere else, and it was really hard. The only thing is, every time I moved, I could still talk to me old friends if I really wanted to. I think if you were someplace like Elsewhere where you can NEVER see or talk to your friends or family again, it would be that much harder and would make you that much angrier to be away from home.

  5. so liz lies to betty alot and be rude to and betty finds out the empty tank box and betty said that she wishes that she had coam to her and dose liz like owen?

    1. liz was not rude to grandma betty she took something that wasnt hers.

  6. so i thinks its funny how that when liz was on the boat to elsewhere and she and thandi explaing to these old ladies and shes like i got shot in the head" and one of the old ladies are like what my hearing isnt good and thandis like I GOT SHOT IN THE HEAD! i think its funny because the old ladies were shoked that she got shot in the head...... i perdict that liz and owen are going to fall in love and they are going to get married.

    1. What makes you think they'll fall in love, Sheyenne?

  7. in the book i think its cool how you get to talk to different people and animals, and see how they died and stuff.... i also think it kinda funny how Sadie got hit by a car to just like Liz did!. i found out that Liz and grandma Betty relationship got better as Liz got use to the elsewhere ....... at first Liz was being really rude to grandma Betty but then Liz got use to being around people that are dead....... if i was dead i would be home sick to for awhile not being able to see your family and not be able to talk to them, if i were dead i would have a hard time not being able to talk to your best friend because they get all your inside jokes and meeting new people would be hard and maybe they don't like the same stuff tat you do but you are tired of not being able to talk to people

    1. I think Liz and her grandmother getting closer is a HUGE change in this book. I love seeing how their relationship develops over time. I can't imagine what it must have been like for either of them to meet each other, but I'm glad they got to. It'd be pretty cool to get to know your grandma when you never really thought you'd get to.

  8. so wht is this book about i hear it is good ??

  9. the book was realy fun dont you guys think?I like the part when she is at zooeys wedding dont you guys?


  11. I think that this was a realy great and good and interesting book i think we work as a good group dont we?It was really great working with you guys have fun.

  12. liz doesnt know shes dead whan she found out she couldnt believe it she new she was going to miss her fanily and friends than she want to else were and she hated it she didnt know any ione than she got a job and know she is happy

    1. Hay reyna did you like the book? did eneyone else like the book?

  13. It would be awsome going to elsewhere and earth back and forth i think that is neat dont you guys?But its sad that you can not have chilldren in elsewhere though but at least you can on earth and it wouid be awsome seeing people that you have never met before to and that you can go to some other playses.I wonder way that there are no docoters in elswhere and thier are on earth??????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. what is your book about haylee?

  15. Jacob S The last Olymplan

    In the book Percy a titen call Prometheus he show him a visnt about Luke.It tell that Luke takeing has father Hermes the argu.Afther that Prometheus give a gift the box of Pandore.
    I wonder what will happen if the box was open? What was Thalia think right now?Will Luke be alive at the end?

  16. there is a girl named thandi and whan she got shot she couldnt ramember how she got a hole in her head later on in the story thandi finaly ramembers how she got a hole in her head and liz told her i thought you didnt know how you got a hole in your head thandi said i dodint i just now ramembered how and befor she told liz she told myrna.

  17. you guys shoud read eleswhere but reyna and I have already read the book so shes tell you guys the story what happends and some of the carecters.

    1. yes i do and if there already on this blog that means they read it

  18. there is a girl named liz she was hit by a cab and whan liz was at elswere she didnt know that she was dead but than she started to realise that she is dead and she didnt like it because she miss her family so what she did so that she could see her family was whan she looked through the telascoop she went there every day and brang a quorder every day so she could see her family later on she gets a job and she ends up being happy and she thinkss its not so bad to be dead.

  19. Reyna and shellbe and noah what book are you guys rading and what is your guyses book about?

  20. Noah did you read the hunger games and the book called eleswhere?

  21. yes hunger games i sitll have to raed the 3rd one and elseway

    1. the book is called Eleswhere whith a capetl duu.

  22. did you read the you read the foot ball book and I bet you are glade that foot ball is over hu?

  23. The last Olympian
    Percy Jackson seen a vision what happen to Luke mom she was trying to be the Oracle. Percy fights a flying pig and Kronos was sit on a blue giant butt. Chiron helps Percy and the outer from an invasion from Kronos. This is important because we don’t know what happen to Luke mom she want to be the Oracle but she did not became and it cause Luke to be evil. This helps me understand Luke mom make mistake Luke mom wasn’t very smart.

  24. The book FableHaven is about two kid's who have been invited to stay at their grandpa's house but the kid's only think their grandparents run a nature preserve but have yet to find out that the preserve is actually a place for magical creatures.
