Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Code Orange - Extra Credit Responses

If you are reading Code Orange for extra credit in Mr. Williams' or Mrs. Faichney's class, put your responses here. Yay for more points!


  1. in the book code orange on page (33) it reads on Tuesday,February 3,2004,an envelope filled with white powder was delivered to the united states senate office building.......turned out to be ricin but wait on april,17,2013 a envelope was sent to the prez and it had ricin in it but it realy did happen in 2004 and in 2013 weird??
    i think that thats weird

    1. re:^^^^^^
      i think that its weird that the same thing happened in 2004 and now it happened in 2013 i also heard that it was on the walking dead ....

  2. This is a great connection to current science and social studies topics happening now. Did it say in the book what happens if you breathe in ricin? What happened in the book after they found out it was on the letter?

    1. it didn't say what happens after the ricin is breathed in

  3. Currently in Code Orange, I have just finished the first chapter of the book. To me, Mitty seems to be a very care free kind of guy. He waits until the last minute to turn in work, forgets about assignments, doesn't really care about his grades other than math, etc. He just doesn't seem to care about things.

    So when he goes through the old books and finds the envelope of Smallpox scabs, you can kind of tell something bad is going to happen. I say this because in almost all of the books I've read and movies I've seen, something bad happens to the laid back person. In this case, I am assuming he will contract Smallpox from the scabs.

    I can also support this from the ending of the chapter, when it talks about viruses shelf life. It was kind of pointing to the fact that the virus could still be alive in the scab, since its 'shelf life' is unknown.

  4. On page 14 Mitty found scabs in his book that he was using for research for his homework assignment. For some reason he had to touch it and feel the scabs. If I were him I wouldn't do that. I would be smart enough to maybe think that touching the person's scabs were not the best idea. Also Mitty didn't read the page that the scabs were in. If i were him I would have read the page. It could have been a clue on why the scabs were in the book, and on that page. But Mitty passed the page not caring at all. Later on in the book it explains how Mitty starts to get sick. It also says that Mitty takes a shower and then places the towel on his school books. So now the school books are infected and whoever touches the books next will then get the disease. It frustrates me that Mitty is probably going to be the one that spreads this disease. I am getting a feeling that Olivia (a girl that Mitty has a crush on) is going to get the disease because she is the one that spends the most time with Mitty. I hope she doesn't get it though, but its a great possibility that she will end up getting it as well. Mitty is putting everyone in New York city at risk with the disease that he now has.

  5. so far im on page 80 and Mitty is now thinking that he has small pox because he smelled and touched the scabs in the book he found,i don't think that he did get sick though because he said no know cases have been around for so many years Mitty also thinks that he gave small pox to his dad and mom.
