Christian Issac Belvill Book: City of Fallen Angels Author Cassandra Clare. Summery: I just started the 4th book in the series And right now Simon (a vampire) is talking to Isabelle (a Shdowhunter. they hunt demons) at a restaurant and these Subjugates (owned by vampires for blood) are staring at Simon because there master is wanting to talk to Simon because he can walk in sunlight. he can do that because he drank Jace's blood and Jace has angel blood.
Book: I Funny Author: JAMES PATERSON summery: I just started to read this book last Wednesday and the book is getting really good. It is about a boy who is in a wheel chair and he is adopted by his aunt because both of his parents died. But it doesn't tell how his parents died. But the book is abut the boy getting adopted by his aunt and he moves to long beach from upstate new York where he was born. He also now has a step brother that goes to school with him and picks on him and other kids in the school. But when he got home one night his step brother locked him out of the house and let him sit in the cold weather out side. Because he lives in the garage and his step brother unplugged the garage door opener so when he went to open the garage door it wouldn't open. So his step brother also locked the front door so he also couldn't get in and that's why he sat out side in the cold weather. And that's what has happened so far in my book.
City of Fallen Angels Cassandra Clare Short Write Jace was dreaming about his girlfriend and then he seen a hunting dagger laying on the bed next to her so he picked it up and stabbed her. then he woke up and fell to the ground. ever since his dad died he has been having these kind of dreams, killing the one true love. his father taught him - 'that to love something is to destroy it forever." I think that ever since his dad died and jace received the hunting dagger and letters from him he has had these bad dreams. I think that because it says in page 66 that jace's father taught him "that to love something is to destroy it forever." Also I think that somehow valentine put a spell on an item to make jace dream about destroying his loved one or actually make him kill her.
summary: this book is about this girl who killed herself and she had made 13 tapes before she had died. she had made the tapes for 13 guys and she had made them for the 13 guys because the 13 guys were part of the reason why she had killed herself. right now in the book clay Jensen is walking to the first star on the map and he had realized that as he got closer to Hannah bakers old house that he had been on that street helping this old man... clay was helping the old man because he had gotten in a car accident and he was only 2 blocks away from his house and he was on the phone with hiswife and when he had gotten in the accident so clay had ran to the old lady's house and told her what had happened and all that.... I predict that clay is going to find out a lot of things about Hannah that he didn't even know about her..
Summary: Safe Haven is about this girl named Katie, who moves into this small part of North Carolina. She moved into an apartment in town, and when she got into her apartment, she had opened her window because it was hot in there. She had opened her window and meet her neighbor named Jo. Jo and Katie are now friends because Jo said that she is going to help Katie with things, and that they are going to be really good friends. After that, Katie had to go to the store to buy food for her, so she could eat. She doesn't have a car, so she has to walk everywhere in town. When she had gotten to the store she walked in and there were these two young kids playing with toys. Then she had met the store owner, which is a widow with those two kids at the store. The store owners name is Alex, and her instantly falls in love with Katie, and don't even know her. Katie always comes to the store to get something that she wants to have for dinner, but they never have it. The next day when she comes into the store, they have it because Alex is the one that gets it, only for her! When Katie starts coming to the store everyday now, Her and Alex talk more and more everyday. Also in the book, Alex is starting to really fall in love with Katie, because to him, she is a really great person around kids and other adults. They start falling in love with each other, and then Alex keeps trying to get Katie to eat with them, like on a date so that they can get way more closer, and then have it become a relationship!!
Kaleb.O Book: Rangers Apprentice Book 7 Date: 9-5-13
Summary: I haven't gotten but 5 chapters into the book but what I do know is that Erak the oberjarl ( Lord ) of the Skandians A ragtag Army of Big muscular brute's who raid and have a small past with the Ranger's Will and Halt has Been Captured by a tribe south in the sandy deserts of what I believe now a days is called Mexico. So Will, Halt, Horace ( a knight ) Eveleyn ( a soon to be queen) and Other Skandians go and try to find and pay for his master back.
My Thoughts: Now in the book They are sailing along the ocean to get to the Arrdi's Land when they get there they have no idea what the desert is like or feels. I predict that the period between them getting to Erak is going to be long torturous and Bloody, I also think That something at the end of the book is going to be Full of plot twist's That's how the other books go after all
Book: Ramona The Pest Author: Beverly Cleary Summary: right now in my book Ramona now starts kindergarten, and is having a little bit of trouble fitting in. she has trouble of getting along with certain kids: Susan, Howie, and Davy, Davy is her secret crush. she has gotten in trouble for pulling Susan's hair, and trying to kiss Davy, sometimes her sister Beezus, and thinks Howie is a complete bummer. she loves her teacher Miss Binney is the best teacher in the world because she doesn't get in trouble by her. My Thoughts: I think this book is great because its funny and its a great series.Book: Ramona The Pest Author: Beverly Cleary Summary: right now in my book Ramona now starts kindergarten, and is having a little bit of trouble fitting in. she has trouble of getting along with certain kids: Susan, Howie, and Davy, Davy is her secret crush. she has gotten in trouble for pulling Susan's hair, and trying to kiss Davy, sometimes her sister Beezus, and thinks Howie is a complete bummer. she loves her teacher Miss Binney is the best teacher in the world because she doesn't get in trouble by her. My Thoughts: I think this book is great because its funny and its a great series. I think the author has a great ideas because of what she wrote. this book is a brilliant kids book and I'm surprised that this isn't a Newbery honor book. if I was a book critic I would give this book an 8.
theVampireDiaries:STEFAN'SDIARIES VOL 2 BLOODLUST Stefan and Damon leave their home town because people found out that they are vampire's. They head to New Orleans to hide form the people that are trying to kill them. Stefan has to save his brother Damon because there is a vampire versus beast battle in New Orleans. Damon was caught bye vampire hunters. The vampire hunters put Damon in the battle for the vampire versus beast battle.
Book: Mockingjay Summary: Katniss was marked as a little insane by the Doctors in the rebel fort/base. They live were the so called District 13 was destroyed by the capital there isn't a lot of people because they recently had a Pox Epidemic. So when the only people left from the bombing of District 12 traveled to the rebel's base/fort. They were welcomed. The book stated that they were only really welcomed for the reasons that most of the people in the rebel fort/base died from this Pox Epidemic. A little after the District 12 and 13 combined they knew they need a some what symbol for what I think is a revolution brewing.. They asked Katniss the main character to be that symbol that they need so she has accepted this offer and is in the making of becoming The Mockingjay.
My Thoughts: I think that the rebel base is not much different from the Capital in the book it talks about how they tortured people from the Katniss's Hunger Games prep team. I don't think that it was the right thing to do cause they grew up there and they just didn't really think that it was that bad. I know you had the view of Katniss living in a horrible District but they grew up being pampered.
book: twilight (*EXTRA CREDIT!!!!) summary: in my book, Bella just moved from the big city of phoenix Arizona to the small town of forks to live with her dad, the chief of police force in the small town. She starts to go to the small school of forks and meets a boy named Edward. he doesn't even know her name but it seems as if he hates her.
my thoughts: why does Edward hate her?!?!? like he just seems so mean to her. I don't understand because they have never even spoke. he just glares at her and try's to switch classes to get away from her.. she's the new kid give her a break!!
Book Title: The Great Gatsby Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Summary: Recently in this book, I have just finished the part where Gatsby wants to see Daisy again, after many years. To do so, Gatsby gets Nick to invite Daisy (His cousin) over for tea. Then Gatsby would come over too and see her. Luckily for him, his planned worked, and he got to talk to Daisy and catch up with there lives. The trio even went to Gatsby's house afterwards.
My thoughts: From this part of the book, I can tell that Gatsby is really nervous and probably scared to see Daisy after so long. Earlier in the book, it says that Gatsby and Daisy had a relationship before he went to fight in World War One. That would explain why he didn't invite Daisy to his house in the first place. (As a side note, Gatsby has a mansion and Nick lives in a gardeners house that wasn't used anymore and was put up for sale. Big difference!) But he finally decided to talk to Daisy after so long, possibly as a sign of getting over his fears. I predict that he Daisy will mend their friendship together again because Daisy seems happy when she is with him.
Ramona and her father Beverly Cleary Summary:Right now in my book Ramona and Beezus's father loses his job and he has to find a new one. with all the stress Ramona and Beezus has been causing him, he starts smoking. Ramona and Beezus try to get him to stop and Ramona also tries helping him. my thoughts: I find it sad that he has to have to find a new job and that their mom has only a part time job so she barely gets paid at all. so with the way the family's going on throughout all of this pressure, I feel very bad about it. and I would recommend people this book.
Book: Maximum ride the angle experiment Author: James Paterson in my book what is happing so far is that they are in there house getting ready for school and they ant wanting to go. through out some of the pages they are talking about cloning their self so they don't have to go. but they don't have the powers to do that. so it looks like are going to there schools today but at least they get to use their powers though. we don't have powers and we still have to go to school I don't really want to get up every morning to go to school but I do. and that is what is happening mky book so far.
I'm at the point in my story where a plot twist is starting to happen. All through the beginning of the book, Bryce thought that Julianna was Rowdy, obnoxious, weird, and creepy since she moved in. But right now, 5 years later, Bryce is starting to see Juli differently. He is starting to like her. A lot. When Juli was younger she was very energetic and excited. But as she gets older, more anger towards Bryce build up and up until she can't take it anymore. They start getting mad at each other really often. But Bryce is finally starting to see Juli differently. He even brought a picture of her to school accidentally.
I kind of assumed that Bryce and Juli would end up being together in the end. But Bryce always seemed like he hated her and then out of no where he starts to like her. Then Juli liked Bryce SO MUCH in the beginning, but she starts to like him less as the book goes on. So they switch! I really like this book because it is relatable. Lots of things that happen in the book, have happened/will happen to me sometime through out my life. I'm almost done with the book though, which is kind of sad because I like it a lot.
Beezus and Ramona Beverly Cleary right now in my book Ramona is ruining everything, she ends up throwing a party without her mothers permission. the next day was Beezus's birthday and Ramona wastes all of the eggs, so her mom has to go back to store to get more. when she comes back she is baking a new cake and Ramona ends up putting her doll in the oven and messes up Beezus's cake. Beezus yells at Ramona and when their aunt Beatrice comes over she brings a new cake, and some presents for Beezus, and Ramona. I don't think Ramona deserves a present. :-)
City of Fallen Angles By Cassandra Clare Simon was attacked on his walk home by someone in a track suit and had a hunting knife. when the mugger went to go stab Simon he was dragged up into the air and clawed at then he turned to ash. Simon watched as it all happened and when it was all done he thought what could have done it. Then he remembered the Mark of Cain. That is basically a rune. If someone tries to kill him he will not die they will. But I think it is supposed to make him human after awhile. I think after the 5th attack something bad will happen to Simon. I think that because the attacker will find out about the Mark of Cain and will somehow bend the rules of it and kill him. Also I don't think that valentine is dead because a baby died and its eyes were big and all black and it had claws. When Jace was borne he had black eyes and he was valentines son.
Book Title: The Great Gatsby Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Summary: Recently in this magnificent book, Gatsby has been inviting Daisy (Without her husband Tom)to many things. They've pretty much been spending a lot of time together. Though this may not seem like a big deal or something worth mentioning, this is actually very important. That's because Gatsby has told Daisy to tell her husband that "I never loved you". He wants her to do that, so he can marry her.
My Thoughts/Response: This is where I feel that I can predict that this is when the book starts to get more dramatic and action-y (We can pretend that's a word). I say this because Gatsby is trying to break apart someones relationship for his benefit! I understand that he has missed her and she is the love of his life, but I feel that he should move on and realize Daisy has a whole life with Tom and their daughter. I'm glad Gatsby got over being shy, but I think he is just taking it too far. I have a feeling this won't end in Gatsby's favor, because Tom and Daisy have been married for 5 years! It's not like it's only been a little bit, but 5 whole years! I understand there are divorces and such, but those happened less in the past. In total, I think there will be some sort of conflict/confrontation with Gatsby and Tom.
Cover-Up John Feinstien Recently in my book Stevie and Susan Carol are at the Super Bowl both reporting for their own newspapers. They have discovered that there has been a scandal cover-up of 5 offensive linemen using steroids to enhance their body. The coach, players, team doctors, and most especially the owner of the Dreams are covering up that those players tested positive so that they will not have to have a second test and possibly if positive again will be suspended from the Super Bowl.
I think that I can predict that something is going to happen that will chance the route of where the story is going. I think that it is going to happen during the actual Super Bowl game that is coming up. I say this because I can see that nothing happening in the book really has an outcome of changing the scenario.
miracle on 49th street MIKE LUPICA In my book molly was just now hearing from the famous basket ball players agent aka the basket ball play is her dad she is just now finding out from bobby fisherman the agent that he doesn't want to hurt his daughters feelings but truly the basketball player dose love his daughter but the agent it trying to scare him away.
I think this is said that the agent wants to put a shoe deal first over the players daughter and he knows that josh likes his daughter he just wants to interfere with there relation ship which is bad , I think that his daughter is going to move in with him.
City of Fallen Angles By Cassandra Clare since jace has died clary could have what ever she wanted so the angle Raziel granted her wish and that was to have jace back so The angle brought him back to life. but when a shadow hunter is born they get a spell sort of thing happen to them so they are not venerable to demonic influence. but when jace was brought back to life all those spells were washed away. so now he has been dreaming of killing clary the one he loves most. so he ends up stabbing her and then he tells her what has benn happening so they go to the silent brothers and they reach into his mind and find out he has been brought back to life. then when he is sleeping in the silent city and has a dream of his dead brother-max. max tells jace what to do to "stop" the dreams- cut your rist and draw a pattern on your heart. so jace did and now he in command of a vampire that wants her son alive and needs simon to maker her son a vampire. simon has angel blood in him and that's what makes him able to bring the dead back and if he doesn't jace will cut clarys neck
In the 2nd to last book of the series Will, Halt, Alyss, Horace, And Eveleyn go to China ( They call it something else in the book) As a part of Horace's Training but of course Horace gets dragged into a fight that isn't his and suddenly he fights against a clan that wants to over throw the emperor. The Chinese general who just so happens to be an American (Or Arulean as it's called in the book ) AND ( SPOILER ) Horace's father
I believe what will happen is that Will and the others will come to Horace's aid when they need him because their the good guys... and good guys never lose. Right?
The Vampire Diaries Vol4 The Ripper Stefan works at a farm. The next day he hears about a women that was murdered and he thinks it was his brother Damon Because he has not seen him for 20 years. Damon promised Stefan that he would give him a life of misery or Stefan thinks it might have been Kluse the old vampire because Stefan and Damon took Katherine away sopoosely because she loved them. So Kathrine got cout about being a vampire and know Stefan is trying to find out who is the Murder eather Kluise or Damon.
In my book Thomas and the Gladers are trying to get out of the second trial of 3. They are halfway there and have gotten past the city full of cranks. Thomas got shot by a rusty bullet and WICKED which is the new government and is the one who put them there came and saved him then left again to continue watching them try to get through the trials. The Gladers had 40-60 of them in the beginning and now only 11 remain from the deadly trials.
Book Title: The Great Gatsby Author: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Summary: Recently in this magnificent novel, Daisy has sadly ended the life of Myrtle Wilson (The wife of George Wilson, and the Mistress of Tom Buchanan) by accidentally hitting her with Gatsby's automobile. This happened because Gatsby let her drive because it calms her down, and she couldn't see Myrtle when the collision occurred. In order to protect Daisy, Gatsby has decided to take the blame for running over Myrtle. No one else knows who actually killed the woman, because the car was going too fast to see who was in it.
My Thoughts/Response I think this is another example of how much Gatsby cares/loves Daisy. He is pretty much ruining his image for this one girl, just so she doesn't get caught. I know for a fact that not many people would make a huge sacrifice like that for someone. This only reassures my earlier thought that Gatsby really loves Daisy. I can predict that things won't go to well for Gatsby, though. I say this because he is now taking credit for the murder of someone. There are major drawbacks to that! Such as imprisonment, people see you very differently, no one will go to his parties anymore, etc. I just hope that everything turns out okay.
Summary: Katniss is training and earlier in the book she was shot in her side by a Peacekeeper. The bullet barely touched her but it left really bad wounds. When she got word that they were about to try and get the Capital to surrender and that she wasn't going she pretty much forced them to let her go. The deal was she needed to do some training and if she passed the exam she would be able to go into battle. Now with her current state in mind she could barely walk or do anything without her side hurting. So she went to talk to her trainer and she told her to give a note to the hospital to speed up her healing process. When she got to the hospital and gave the note to her head doctor he warned her that this process would be very hard but she went on with it. So they strapped her down. After that they starting jabbing her with needles around 24 I think. It took about 2 or more days to heal. But for the kind of state she was in that is a pretty fast healing process. Now that's were I left off.
Book : skeleton creek the raven By : Patrick carman Summary : well there is a guy and a girl and they have found a ton of gold in a old gold dreage and then they found the missing Jefferson library books and now they are on the trail of a man called the apostal and they also have to worry about being caught by the raven frizs dad and he does not like them trying to figure this whole thing out and sarah ( the girl ) is going on this really long road trip from LA to Boston and has to find these clues along the was and they will find out what is at the end of the rainbow when sarah gets back to Boston
the odd squad Nick is the shortest kid in the school(by the way don't make a KYLE joke about that) anyway he is bullied by a kid named Roy, and Nick does not fit in, like with Molly and Karl they are having trouble fitting in and they end up joining safety patrol and they have to bring the crazy so Roy leaves them alone
Book Title: The Great Gatsby Author: F. Scott. Fitzgerald
I have finished this magnificent novel a while ago, and it was amazing! The ending though, I hated very much. Since Gatbsy doesn't tell anyone (Besides Nick) that it was Daisy who ran over Myrtle, not him, something VERY bad happens to him, like I predicted before. You see, Myrtle's husband, George, was seeking revenge for the murder of his wife. He found out that the car that hit is wife was yellow. He managed to trace this unique car back to Gatsby (Since it's his). Deciding to take action, George gets a firearm and murders an unaware Gatsby in a swimming pool, and commits suicide. To top this off, no one comes to Gatsby's funeral, except Nick and Gatsby's dad. Out of the hundreds to thousands of people who came to his parties, no one came.
Wow, is all I have to say! I was really liking Gatsby (Besides the adultery) and he was killed! The part about the funeral especially angered me. I know this is just a book, but you can get attached, haha. The ending was so well written and detailed, that I can't hate on F. Scott Fitzgerald, but it was so sad! All these people coming to his parties, and not one, ONE, of them could come. I think this is horrible! I feel very bad for Gatsby (Even though he isn't real). Each kingdom will eventually fall, I guess. (Insert sad face here)
Book: Middle School Worst Author: James Patterson In my book what is happening is that the kid in the story is trying to fit in with a punch of kids that are being mean to teachers and getting detentions. So when he try to do what they do they tell him to pull a fire alarm during the school assembly. When he does pull he run back to the gym to sit back down and every one is already gone because of it. But now that he has done it they are trying to find out who did it. So as this goes on he gets points for what ever he did. And that is what is happening in my book so far
Book: 13 Reasons Why Author: Jay Asher My book is about this girl named Hannah that had committed suicide because she got bullied. So since she got bullied she had sent out 13 types to 13 people that she knew, and they were 13 reasons why something happened and why she picked them to listen to the types. Each person has their own type about them. The 13th type is going to be the worst type of all. The types get worse everytime somebody listens to them.
Book: The Giver Author: Lois Lowery Well I just finished reading The Giver. It was amazingly amazing in every possible amazing way. Don't judge a book by it's cover or title, I debated reading it for years just because I thought the old guy on the cover was creepy and that the title was just plain weird. BUT IT'S NOT!!!!! The Giver is about an 11 year old named Jonas, who lives in basically our world in the future. The world is much different then though. While everyone thought they were solving problems, they're really just shielding the future from our experiences and opportunities. Sounds complicated now....just read the book. Anyway, there is only one person in the community that does have these memories, feelings, abilities, etc. He is called the Receiver. When Jonas is selected to be the new receiver, he must endure training and a bunch of other weird changes to his life. crazy amazing book, worst ending ever.
book: twilight author: Stephanie Meyer in twilight, Bella and Edward start talking and she realizes that she is love with him. Edward is acting weird around her... like one minute he wants to be friends he says that they shouldn't be friends.. to me that's weird but I think I know why he's acting weird...I wonder why Edward would even start talking to her if he couldn't hardly be around her? why leading someone on and then just tell them that they couldn't be friends anymore? it makes no sense to me.
I read that book a thousand times and I never get tired of It and I watch the movie all the time I LOVE TWILIGHT I read the book a week ago and I watched the movie last night.
City Of lost Souls By Cassandra Clare Jace woke Sebastian and now they are both missing and dangerous cary went to the clave and they said that they she did nothing illegal so she was free. But they said that Jace's search was de-prioritized because they couldn't find any clues. I think Jace will find away to get out of they spell and to get back to clary and the clave before he becomes a threat to the whole world.
book:divergent in my book the jus got done with visiting day and tris was talking to her mom an she knows how she is ranked and how she is fighting but she never reviled how she did it. (figured it out)
I started the book yesterday and I have already found myself very into reading about it. right now I am on chapter 4. So far in my book, I have definitely discovered a lot about the main character. To me she is a very disclosed person from the world, only because she has already faced so many struggles and challenges. She has found herself in lots of trouble lately at her high school. I'm not for sure but so far from what makes sense to me, the high school she attends is a preforming arts high school. therefor the standards are set extremely high for the students there. lately the main character has been finding herself in lots of trouble for her grades and behavior at school. But its obvious to me that the reason for this is because she has such a tough life at home. And it shows that it is effecting her whole life. she finds herself unlovable and has the addiction of making herself feel pain. The reason she is attending the school she does is because of her music. she is a prodigy on the guitar and finds herself playing until she is unable to play anymore because she has so many cuts on her hand she cant pare it anymore. this girl interests me because I feel like there is a secret about her that I have yet to discover. I cant wait to read more so I can find out more about her story.
Book: City of ashes Author: Cassandra Clare Summary in The last Book City of bones Jace Found out that his father is alive and he is a the one who they have been fighting all along he uses this thing called the mortal cup to create an army of demons. When he is supposed to stand trial in front of the calve to find out if he is lying about not knowing his father is Valentine the one who is creating the army of demons to take/wipe out the calve. Jace has to spend a night in the Silent City prison when he wakes up only to Find Clary,Alec And Isabella rescuing him they all find there self Standing in front of the inquisitor and 30 other Shadow Hunters including Jace`s Foster mother they get Terrified.
Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Author: J.K Rowling In my story, it's just passed Christmas time and Harry got the new broom called "FireBolt." The reason why he got this is because during a Quidditch match, the dementors made Harry fall off his broomstick and land right on it. Dementors are these souls covered in black robes, and black faces. They take everything happy away from you, and make everything dark. They scare people really badly, but not as bad as Harry Potter. When Gryffindor's first Quidditch match with the FireBolt arrived, everyone was shocked at what he got because no one else can afford one, and they're supposedly the best brooms around. Harry doesn't know who sent him the FireBolt, because there was no note from anybody. Harry and Professor Lupin has been working on a spell to make Harry not so afraid of the dementors, because whenever he sees them, he passes out. Professor Lupin told Harry that he'd teach him how to stay strong when the dementors came, but it won't be an easy task because even the wizards who have been training on this spell haven't even completed it. When Harry first took his private lessons with Lupin, he would pass out every single time he'd do the spell. After a few times, he finally got it kind of accomplished. Whenever Harry passes out, he can hear his mother and father before they got killed by Voldemort, trying to save him. Gryffindor's first Quidditch match came, and Harry saw the dementors but performed the spell, and nothing happened to him at all. He was perfectly fine and Professor Lupin was shocked. I think that the spell actually worked perfectly fine for him is because he was so concentrated on it, and he didn't want to hear his mothers and fathers voice again trying to save him when he was little. Plus, on the other hand, Harry is so powerful that he was actually capable of casting it because of his skills. I now think that since the spell worked for him, whenever he sees another dementor, he will be fine as long as he performs this spell. I really love the Harry Potter books because they're so interesting and you never know what is going to happen. Harry Potter especially, because everyone is after him, so anything wrong can happen at anytime. I can't wait to read more into the story to figure out what happens next.
Book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower Author: Stephen Chbosky
In my book, the main character Charlie had to make a hard decision. He had been dating a girl named Mary Elizabeth for a while, but he was still in love with his best friend Sam. Charlie and Mary Elizabeth, Patrick and Brad, and Sam and Craig all decided to go to Craig's house for couples night. They drank wine & played a bunch of games like truth or dare. When Charlie was dared to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, he was faced with a problem. Does he kiss his girlfriend, or does he kiss the girt that he has been madly in love with for years? He knew that dating Mary Elizabeth and loving Sam wasn't fair for Mary at all. So he made the choice to kiss Sam. Which broke off his relationship with Mary Elizabeth and made Sam very mad at the same time.
I think that he made the right decision. It really wasn't fair for Mary because she liked him a lot. He even told Mary that she very beautiful, but he realized that Sam was more beautiful. From the very beginning of the story, you can pretty much tell that Sam and Charlie will end up together eventually. You just don't know when.
Book: The Adventures Of Captain Underpants Now In Full Color. Author: Dav Pilkey Summary: This book is about 2 fourth graders and there name is George Beard and Harold Hutchins and they love to make comics and one of there comics has a superhero that rules the elementary school and his name is Captain Underpants and there is a part of the book were Captain Underpants tries to save the world by chasing the Bad Guys and when in the process of doing that Captain Underpants gets caught and captured and the enemies rapped him in rope and when Harold and George finally knew what happen they both distracted the Bad Guys and got Captain Underpants out. Since Captain Underpants is in the comic that doesn't mean he can save the world.
Book: House Of Hades Author: Rick Riordan In my book I have a lot of main characters Leo Hazel Frank Nico Jason Piper Annebeth and Percy. Leo Hazel Frank Jason Piper and Nico are stuck with the Athena Parthoes a statue made to honor Athena. It attracts monsters along with all the gods that are trying to kill them. Gaea is a God of the earth and in a way grandmother of the Newer gods. She wants to open the doors of death overthrow the gods and rule the world. In a attempt to stop her these 7 demigods have to close the doors of death so gaea's army can't rise. There has been a setback though. Annebeth and Percy have fallen into tartarus and have to live the next few days with the worst and most dangerous monsters from the golden age. (Gaea's age). There goal is to battle there way to the doors of death on tartarus's side in order to stop the army from rising but once the doors are closed it is very highly unlikely that percy and annebeth will ever be able to escape. Meanwhile Hazel is being shown by a goddess of crossways that whatever she choses it will be bad. People will die and there is nothing she can do to stop it. Will they live long enough to beat Gaea. If so will Percy and Annebeth close the doors of death and make it back to there friends? My 2 favorite characters are Percy and Annebeth so I am hoping that they will make it but they are facing the worst monsters of all time so I don't know if they will. I think that Hazel is ganna over come the challenges that are ahead. Including the challenge of stepping up as leader and defending her friends on the way to the doors of death. If it results into anyone dyeing you will have to deal with me crying in class as I read this..... sorry.
Book: Mockingjay Author: Susan Collins Summary: Katniss is in the Capital square when she see's a Capital aircraft hovering over and his human shield made out of children and silver parachutes drop from the hovercraft and then the children start picking these parachutes up and one after another they start exploding and then Rebel Medics start rushing in to help help them. Once the Rebel's are in there Katniss's starts to see that one of the medics from the team is her little sister Prim so Katniss starts to yell "Prim Prim!" Prim then starts to notice that it's her sister yelling too her. Right after that a second round of the parachutes start exploding then killing Prim and giving Katniss horrible burns all over also burning some of her hair.
Book: Syren Author: Angie Sage Septimus Jenna and Beetle just rescued Nicko and Snorri. Septimus is taking beetle with him on his dragon Spit fyre while the others are taking Jenna's boat that her real father gave to her to win her over. Septimus just sent a message to Marcia to tell her he will be one day late and then someone said they had a message for him and that is where I left off at
Book City of ashes (Extra Credit) By Cassandra Clare
In my book right now Clary,Jace,Simon And Isabella Are on there Way to a seelie court. To see if the Court can be on their side when it comes time to the trial that Jace has to deal with. I still have know idea if Jace will be sentenced or no I will have to wait and see......
Book: Matched Author: Ally Condle I just started to read "Matched" and in the beginning of the book we meet Cassia, Xander, And their parents. All of the in a car on their way to the Hall. While in the Hall the get to meet their match. Everyone meets their match sometime after they turn seventeen. They will meet them by time they are eighteen. While your meeting them you have to dress fancy and carry around a artifact with you. Everyone gets one artifact. But they can be passed down by generation. Artifacts are really hard to come by so if you find one and you don't have yet you better take it. Right now Xander and Cassia are going into the Hall to go see their matches. Its really cool because Cassia gets to meet her birthday.
What I like about this story so far is it kind of seems like its in the future. But I really want to know why they do these special matches? Also why do they need to have a special artifact with them? I also wonder why they wait until they are seventeen to do this match?
This blog is my extra credit blog ;) Book: Revolution Author: Jennifer Donnelly
I have read a coupe more chapters since my last blog yesterday. This blog will be more of a summary than it will be about the details of my main character. So anyways, The main character was invited to a party by her ex boyfriend. she didn't know if she should go but she took the risk and went anyway. there she flirted with the ex boyfriend after he surprisingly saved her from falling off the top of a building to kill herself. After some things happened she was told to leave ad it all went downhill from there. she was devastated. when she went home she found her dad at her house and that was strange because he left her and her mother months ago to pursue his career. the main character found herself actually hating her father even more when he told her that hes putting her mother in an insane hospital while he drags her off to Paris with him on a business trip so she can get her mind off of things. right now in my book they have made it to paris and she is not very happy with the results of what will happen there over the next few months. cant wait to find more out about the trip!
BY THE WAY I HAVE ALREADY READ THIS BOOK. ( PSHH YA LIKE IN THE 6TH GRADE) TRUE READ THIS IN 6TH GRADE THE HUNGER GAMES SUZANNE COLLINS so right now in my book I haven't gotten too far but right now Katniss wen out to the woods to see gale and when she gets there he throws some fresh baked bread. (yuuuuuuuummmmm) any way he told her that all he did was trade in a squirrel to get the bread, then gale tells her that could escape DISTRICT 12 and runaway together but I don't think they could make it out there.
I just started reading the book yesterday so I haven't got very far in the book.. but people had said it was a very good book... so I thought i would read it so I got the book and started reading it. i hope its a good book.
Book: 13 Reasons Why Author: Jay Asher Right now in my book I am on the 4th tape out of 13. This book is about this girl who had committed suicide because of 13 people. I really like this book because it had really good dialogue and detail of why she killed herself. The only part of the book I don't get is the beginning, because at first it didn't give any detail really about the character, but now it gives a really good script of what the book is about.
Book: 13 Reasons Why Author: Right now in my book Hannah's tapes are getting really good. I am on the 4th person which is the 4th tape. Hannah made 13 tapes for 13 certain people. The 13 tapes go to them, and each tape has somebody's name and the reason why she killed herself. (it was because of them). Since I'm only on the 4th video tape, I hope that I finish the book very soon.
Book: City of Ashes (Week of 15-19) Author: Cassandra Clare
Well Jace,Simon,Clary And Isabella went through the court and at the end, The fairy Queen Pulled a Trick on Clary and said that she has to stay because she drank some of the fairy drink even though she did not. It spilled on her finger and she licked it off. The Queen said that she has to kiss somebody so, she tries to kiss Simon her boyfriend the Queen said NO,NO and NO she must kiss the one who she desires to. so the Queen said "you must kiss your brother". Clary asked why when I love Simon? "but to get the Queen on our side you have to obey her rules".said Jace so Clary was torn she thought that it only was a kiss she has kissed Jace before but Simon was right their so she did not want to but she did anyway. therefor Simon was mad an did not talk to her for the rest of the day and still has not talk to her at all yet. I Still Have not finished it yet im only in the middle but I cant wait to finsh it.
Book the chronicles of Vladimir Tod Author heather brewer
right now in my book Vlad got lock in a room with Eddie Poe and he find out his friend joss is a vampire slayer and he get worded to bathory (the old high school) because of Joss he goes their to see his dad well a picture of course his parents are died vlad got bite by another vampire he almost died then the chapter ended bad ending
(Side Note: Yes, this is the book about the disgusting meat processing factory Mrs. Boehle told us about)
I have recently began this novel, and it's great (I haven't gotten to the gross part yet, haha) !! What has happened, is that it starts off at a wedding party. It's between a Lithuanian man named Jurgis Rudkus, and Ona Lukoszaite. Before I continue, I have to point out that Ona is barely 16 (I'll talk about this later, in my response)! We also learn about the families of the guests at the party. One the of most interesting people of the families, is Mikolas. He is a beef - boner. Their job is to remove meat from the cow carcass. The problem with this, is that it's very dangerous, because you can cut yourself if you hit a bone or slip up. That cut can be infected, which led to Mikolas having blood poisoning twice, in the last 3 years, that also cost him his job. To add on to that, he only makes about 40 cents, AN HOUR!
My Response:
First off, I can't believe a 16 year old is getting married to a grown man! That is a definite sign of the story taking place in the past (1905-1906). That may have been more normal and acceptable at the time, but today you need parents consent, and even if you have it, it is very frowned upon. Now, onto the (Dangerous) job of beef boning. I think that's crazy to take such a risk for so little pay. From reading the story though, I understand why he would do this job, because they are poor and jobs are rare and uncommon. I am also disturbed by the fact that his wounds got infected. That tells me health care was a luxury at the time, because most people would at least get it checked out nowadays. I hope things will get better for Mikolas's family, and that Jurgis's and Ona's (Weird and kind of creepy) marriage works out well.
in my book Dwight got kicked out of school they tried to get him back in school but they couldn't do it because the school board was mean. then Dwight went to a private school they went to go visit him at his house and he was acting really weird like he didn't even want to do origami (what!!!!) so then a couple days later his best friend went to his house his mom was gone she he tried to squeezes through the doggie door he made it they talked... the he left Dwight got in a lot of trouble ( so I am on book 3 and this is a really good series I love it )
fortune wookie I think that next in my book I think next Dwight will go back to his regular school and be very very happy then I think that his mom will be happy to because she will be saving money I think the principle is going to allow him to do origami and they will all be happy.
Bella is in a depression form Edward breaking up with her and she is starting to hang out with Jacob and they become best friends and she then realizes that she hallucinates when she is doing something dangerous like Edward starts speaking to her telling her to get away or not to do it. one day she jumps off a cliff and ends up getting hurt... but she does not die. Edward calls Charlie's phone and Jacob was at her house and said that Charlie was at a funeral( Larry Clearwater's...he had a heart attack) and he thinks its Bella's so he goes to Europe and try's to kill himself but Bella and Alice come to the rescue...
book: new moon (EXTRA CREDIT!!!!!!) author: Stefanie Meyer
sooo... basically the end of the book is about how Bella and Edward get back together and then Bella starts having issues with Jacob because he is in love with Bella but Bella doesn't love him she loves Edward but Jacob wont let it go and just be her best Edward and Jacob are kind of like mortal enemy's because Jacob is a werewolf and Edward is a vampire... but they have to kind of get along for bella's sakes... so its just a mess. *sighs* stupid love triangles.
book:playground author: 50 cent in my book playground, butterball lives in garden city and goes to Watkins school. he has gotten in to some trouble by the law. he thought it would be a good idea to hit a kid in his grade named Maurice with a sock full of batteries. now he goes to a therapist to talk out his problems. the girl he likes is now scared of him. so basically everything went downhill for him really fast.
Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Author: J.K Rowling I'm more than halfway through the fourth story of the Harry Potter series, and Hogwarts is starting a new thing this year, that's called the 'Triwizard Cup. Basically, the whole point of this is to see who is best at doing very difficult tasks, and see who's mind works the best with magic. The 'Goblet of Fire' is what picks people for the Triwizard competition, but there is an age restriction and you have to be over the age of 16 to put your name into the Goblet of Fire, and if you're younger than that and try to put your name in it, it won't accept it. When the drawings came through, the Goblet of Fire chose 3 main people from different schools, but it also chose Harry Potter, who isn't of age to be in the competition. If the Goblet of Fire does this, you have to compete anyways. They have 3 main and difficult tasks to complete, and Harry Potter and his 3 'enemies' facing him just got complete with the 2nd task. They had to swim underwater and 'find what they'd miss the most' underneath there, and you only have a hour, and if you go beyond the hour the thing you'll miss the most will be gone. It turns out this wasn't exactly true, and they just said that because they wanted you to be done before the time for the task was over. Harry is now waiting for the 'grades' from the task, to see who won overall. My opinion on this, is that Harry got put in there for a reason, because he is so strong and powerful with his magic and he knows that he is better than some of the 17 or older wizards and witches. I think, what might happen later on is that Harry will probably end up winning the 'Triwizard Cup' and be even more famous than he already is because he's younger than everyone, but still competing because he has to.
I just finished the necromancer in the immortal Nicholas flamel series an d what happened is Sophie and josh return to their aunts house but someone is there waiting for them so they start running to their aunts house to see what is going on Sophie uses the power of fire to pop the tires of the car they were driving while josh goes inside to see if their aunt is ok then Sophie see a person who looks like there friend scathacth but it turns out to be Aoife her twin sister and she kidnaps Sophie to talk to her but as there escaping josh gets mad and chases after them with two broken chair legs and then they turn into golden rods and when he tries but as soon as they leave his hand they turn back into broken chair legs after that he goes to Nicholas and perrinelle and they track them down then after they clear things up they go to see Prometheus to teach josh fire but then mars takes control of josh's mind taking him to dee what happens next read the book to find out
Intervention response Book: Maximum Ride Author: James Patterson
in my story right now the flock is in Manhattan looking for a place called the Institute that may have information on their family's and where they came from. But while buying honey roasted peanuts and talking to a clown Max saw that the clown looked or winked to a man and that's when max knew they were Erasers looking to capture them again, Max said to Iggy "get the group" and off they were running through Manhattan trying to get away when more and more Erasers were closing the gap in between them so Max had a decision let the group get caught again or fly in front of all of Manhattan when Iggy suddenly said left and the snuck in a zoo with a group of kids and got away and from the Erasers, nut lets see how long they last.
Messenger by Lois Lowery I just finished the book Messenger. It is the third book in the Giver series (which is amazing) and probably the 2nd best I've read so far (the original is my favorite). Messenger is about a boy named Matty who lives in a village with a blind man named Seer. Seer's daughter Kira lives in the neighboring village and Matty decides that he needs to bring her to her father before it's too late. Mostly the book is about the journey through the forest trying to get back to Seer. Really hard to explain if you haven't read The Giver or Gathering read them. Then we can talk:)
Jim worked on Thursdays as a stock boy at the mall he stocks stuff up than drives home.Jim was one of the last ones to leave that night he was walking to the big parking lot when all of a sudden a guy came out of the shadows with a big knife in his hand.The man said "nice sharp knife" than jim thought to him self don't panic and then the man stepped toward him and jim said to himself don't run.The man repeated himself nice sharp knife jim thought to himself again just give the man what he wants the man held the knife up to him and said"cuts nice and easy the man got in jims face and said in a low voice "hey man only three dollars two for five nice present for your mamma
In my book right know they found a key inside a toy Unicorn and they unlocked the second lock on the side of the mysterious journal. She started thinking if all the other keys are in something that another key unlocked then what else in this room is unlocked and is most likely to have a small key in it.. Then she thought that the jewelry box would have something in it. So she used the key on her key chain that unlocks the jewelry box and sure enough on the inside in one of the small compartments was a small golden key. So she went over to the journal and the put the small golden key in the last key slot and it opened but the mysterious journal was empty except the last page which had a weird choice of words "Drink the milk.."
hey hey everyone im baaaaaack hunger gaaaaames right noow in my book Katniss just dumbfounded the gamemakers and scored an 11. and right now she just aced the tv interview, and then wen it was Peetas trun he told a buncha stuff and at the very end of the chapeter he tells everyone he was in love with Katniss. ooooooooooh. and now im at the part where she shoves him into a flower pot. owwwwww! be back later to talk more about it.
Summary: Recently in this novel, we are starting to learn about a meat factory. Right now, we'ere being educated on the hog processing buildings. More disgustingly, we learn about how they kill the animals and cut them up. First, they have this big, slow spinning wheel. They attach the pigs to the wheel and slit their throats. Then, the wheel lowers the bodies into a vat of boiling water, etc etc. Let's just say a lot of blood and blades were involved. (It's very disgusting).
I think this is really gross (At least the killing part, for I very much enjoy the eating part of the finished product)! If you read what's actually written in the book, most people would find it disturbing to say the least. It just seems so inhumane to me, because they didn't do anything to deserve this death. I think this is a big sign that this book takes place in the past, because today, pork making is probably a lot more humane than it was in 1905/6 .
Book:fableheaven By Brandon Mull Right now in my book Kendra is going to a special meeting in Altanta, GA with Coulter, Tanu, and Warren to the Kights of the Dawn but they have a slight of a problem. They don`t know if the Sphinx is a traitor or not. He can be working on the enemy side The Society of the Evening Star. They are trying to get all 5 artifacts to unlock the demon.
I can predict that they will find out the true identity of the Sphinx. The hard way. But who knows what will hapen. Guess I will keep reading to find out.
book: playground author: 50 cent butter ball got mad because Maurice laughed at him and nia's friends but nia didn't because she liked him to but butterball got mad so he put battery's in a sock and hit Maurice with it so after that nia got scared so she walked away with fear of butterball so when butterball tried to talk to nia she didn't responed so he got upset but still didn't regret what butterball did after that butterball got mad because this kid on the bus was stairing at him so butterball got up and talked to him and after butterball was done the kid on the bus walked away
in my book playground butterball is in a tough situation, his dad has just took him to a shoe store to buy him new shoes.. he shoes he wants the foamposites that cost like 300$. his dad has a better idea to get them. he steals them and leaves butterball in the dust. butterball then has to run about a block to catch up with his dad and then his dad starts like bullyinghim and calling him fat. ....... wow. what a great dad he is! -_-
book:playground author:50 cent after when butterball got mad he talked to his dad about getting shoes and his dad said yes so butterball and dad went to the mall butterball saw these really cool shoes but he didn't want his dad to pay 300 dollars so he was just going to look for cheeper ones as he was about to walk away his dad asked do you want theses shoes butterball said ya but he don't want him to pay that much and his dad told him to look some were else so wall butterball was in the other isle and butterballs dad steels 300 dollar shoes and left butter ball behind after that butterball had to run from the cops when butterball got home his dada said butter ball I wish I had a camera cause its funny when you run man why didn't I have a camera
the enchantress right now in my book Sophie and josh find out that there parents are Isis and Osiris and then they are going to there parents house on Danu talis (the first earth basically) and they see Anubis is attacking the temple so they tell the kids where the house is and send them off but Osiris and Isis go to stop Anubis,. meanwhile Perrinele, Nick, Nitten, and Prometheus are trying to help mars Hel and Odin fight the monsters on Alcatraz
In my book Ender just got transfered from the launchies to the salamander army but the leader is really mean and told him that during training he gets to sit out and do school work because his is 6 and you're supposed to be 8 before being in a real army. And during the games he sits in the door until 4 mins later then he is not allowed to shoot. also since he got to advance early everyone hates him.
Ender just got transfered again and now is with the rats. They are the second best team in the league and the leader hates Ender again. But his toon leader likes him and treats him well. His toon is the only one that does not go with the rest of the toons it learns more to.
in my book, scary stories 3 this book is like a book full of little spooky storys that are supposed to creep you out. (they are not that creepy) so basically I will tell you about 2 of the stories in the book since they are all like 3 pages long. ----------------------- storie number 1# this story is called boo man and it is about a little girl who was trying to get home and she was late for supper, it was dark and she decided to walk through the cemetery, she sees a girl walking in the cemetery too so she catches up with her and says" do yo mind if I walk with you? the cemetery at night scares me" and the girl replies " I know what you mean, I used to feel that way myself when I was alive......(SPOOKY :p)
------------------------------ stories 2
this story is called the bus stop it is about a guy named Ed who was driving by a bus stop, it was pouring ran at this time and there was a beautiful woman standing out in the rain with no umbrella or anything he asks if she would like a ride and she agrees he takes her to her house and he asks her on a date and she agrees. a couple weeks later the man had not heard from the beautiful girl and was wondering if she was okay, so he goes to her house and a old lady comes to the door, he asks if the beautiful lady was there and the old lady replies " no, that's my daughter. she got hit by a car at a bus stop more then 15 years ago" ( :0)
I am on page 130 in my book- chapter 23. This book is taking me awhile to read because I'm not the fastest reader and that's why I usually don't read bigger books but I am really liking this book. Its extremely interesting. The main character andi is in Paris with the dad she is not a fan of. She again had no choice and was forced to tag along with her dad as he put her mom in a mental hospital while they are gone or maybe forever. Andi is desperate to get back home in Brooklyn and to be back to her normal life so she made a deal with her dad that will allow her to take a flight back home if she follows through. so, andi has been working her but off on this project that will send her back to her normal life. but as she is finishing up her goal she decided to go out for a break to get something to eat and gets stopped by a guy who has some of the same interests as her. so she goes and meets this guy at dinner and they get to play there instruments together for the food. in my opinion I think that andi is actually having one moment of happiness and joy while she's in Paris. considering there is so much of the book left, I think andi will end up getting to know this guy better and she will end up staying In Paris with this guy until she is actually suppose to leave. I am really exited to find more out about what she will end up doing and maybe some adventures her and this new guy will take while there together.
book: the distance author: Jackqulin in my book the distance this boy calvin at first wants to run track but after he ran that mile he was complaining about how much he was burning and the other kids on the track teem were making fun of him because he didn't go that far he cause he stopped and the kids were saying you suck and that made him feel bad about him self so the coach decided that he wanted to practice with calvin after prac tice so as they were talking calvin says I don't want to do track I hate track and the coach was trying to make it to the point were the kids don't make fun of him cause he is slow all the coach is trying to do is help and calvin wont let him and when thwey had there race calvin was there he jusat wasn't running but when he saw how hard the other kids were trying he felt bad for not doing it
Currently in my book Max and the rest of the Flock just got makeovers and are flying over the coast looking to stay a night or two (depending on how long it takes for the Erasers to find them). They found a place on the coast with boulders on both sides of them with no parking lots in sight. All while doing this Max keeps having this voice talking to her in her head like she is a crazy person. Max and Fang are trying to make a plan to find the institute while everyone else is swimming in the cold Atlantic ocean
Currently in my book, something really important just happened. Augustus just told Hazel that he loved her. It makes it even more special because it was on the plane ride to Amsterdam. Where they are both going to meet their favorite author.
To be honest, I thought that Hazel would be the first to say it. Thinking back at all the times she has thought about him and all the things she has said to/about him, she is in love with him too. I just started reading this book on Tuesday and I'm already halfway done with it, because it is so interesting.
Summary: Recently in this novel, the family has purchased a house. Let me tell you, this must have been one of the most emotional moments these people have experienced. You see, they have saved up their money and want to purchase a house, because a single room apartment isn't exactly the best place to house a family of 12. One day, Jurgis finds an ad for some homes in a neighborhood. He meets the agent, but is dumb founded when he sees the contract. Since only one person kind of understands English (The family is made up of Lithuanian immigrants), this makes it very hard for the family. The next day while the men are at their jobs, the women decide to buy the house, but soon regret it, because they believe they have been scammed. When the men get home, they are all angered at the agent. Jurgis goes to see a lawyer and make him read the contract. To their disbelief, the contract all matched up, and they were okay. Eventually when everyone gets home, they share the news and pretty much cry the whole night out of joy.
Response: I can't imagine how these people must feel after this huge relief. Since this country is new for them and they have almost no means of help or communication with others, they must be scared to death. At the time, and today still, there are people that take advantage of people that are foreign. So, this family must feel like they've won the lottery. I don't think I would be able to move to another country that I know almost nothing about and can't speak it's language. It would be like being trapped. I predict that the things might get better for this family, because they all most likely have high morale and may preform better in the outside world.
Book: The Alchemist Summary: Right now in my book Nicholas Flamel and the twins he recently met named Josh and Sophie are at a magical place that will actually suck the energy of all your electronic devices. I'm not quite sure why this happens yet though. Before they arrived there they got stuck on a bridge when a bunch of possessed crows came after them so they decided to drive there giant SUV threw a small gap between the cars on the bridge this ended up with most of the mirrors of the other cars being knocked off but they were in a situation were that really didn't matter..
Ender got to command school and with all the best people he ever had and they were playing a command "game" they then kept on winning no matter what they had to fight. the last game they had to fight an impossible number of enemy fighters to beat they then went through losing a lot of men when they got surrounded they flew straight at the planet and blew it and the enemies up. After that he found out that it was all real and they destroyed the buggers planet and all of them
the secret adventures of Jack London the wild right now in the book jack has just met this girl who is very magical and he is in love with her but in the book jack does not know that he is so he's been there for 3 weeks now and he knows that he must go eventually but his heart would break if he did and she lives in a wooden cabin but the wood is alive and well it is winter but there is plants thriving in her garden she is not the normal women during the gold rush and jack right now is out walking in the woods with a book just walking.
book: a map of the known world author: Lisa Ann Sandell
in my book a map of the known world a girl named Cora is the main character. she is 14 and just starting high school... she isn't very happy about it. her brother Nate died in a car accident six mouths earlier and now her parents are like zombies. she wants to get out of the little town she lives in and travel the world... to run away from her past and here home life now. she gets to high school and has advanced art.. she is reunited with Damien. he is the boy that was in the car with her brother when the car crashed. he walked away alive and everyone blames him for Nate's death even though it was Nate who was behind the wheel. Cora and Damien start to become friends and he takes her to this barn. it is full of sculptures and art that Damien and Nate had made together. Cora then realizes that it wasn't Damien's fault for Nate's death it was Nate's he was the one behind the wheel not Damien. to summarize, basically the rest of the story is that Damien and Cora start dating and they put on a art show to show off the artworks in the barn. THE END
-Summary: Recently in this book, we learn about some very drastic measures people are taking to keep their jobs. I say this because it's winter, and people have to make it to their jobs on time, or they will be fired without remorse. Since most of these people are very poor and can't afford to take a street car, they walk (Some walk miles). The problem with this is that temperatures range from 10 to 20 below 0 (Fahrenheit). Not to mention that the buildings they work in are mostly unheated. This will obviously cause major problems to these people. Problems include a boy having his ear torn off, freezing to everything, blood from wounds freezing, etc.
-Response: I think that this is just crazy! I can't believe that these people are risking (and most likely shortening) their lives so that they can keep a job. I talked about this before in an earlier response, but this just adds to the already great risk these people endure. The way the book describes these peoples lives sounds like a horrible torture that I don't think I could go through or survive. This tells me that most of these workers must care a lot for their families if they do this to support them. Using the information I have received in this book, I predict that things may get worse. I say this because the book has a tendency to do that, and winter isn't over yet in the timeline.
Book: the Dragon Rider Author: Cornelia Funke Date: 10-31-13
Right now in my book Firedrake ( a Dragon ) Ben ( The human) and Sorrel ( a brownie ) are on a adventure to find a safe spot for dragons to roam and not be in constant fear of humans firedrake the leader of this expedition is currently sleeping on a small mountain while Sorrel, a small cat like man ( otherwise known as a "brownie" ) and Ben keep watch. In a castle far below them, The golden one or nettlebrand as most call him is being pampered by his servant
I think in the future The golden one is going to get some information of the whereabouts on the heavens Arc ( the place their trying to go) and intercept them there in a bold attempt to kill the last few dragons on earth
: trackers : Patrick carman in the book trackers a boy named adam is leading a team that likes to track people and kind of stalk them ( lol ) and they just had a field text called field test 14 and it Is just a test to put things through there bases to kind of like test them to see if everything is working right that is all I know for now so I will put more on here to update people
Title: Divergent Author: Veronica Ross So finally after about a thousand people recommended it to me, I decided to start reading Divergent a few days ago. I'm not super far into it, (page 64 to be exact) but so far its pretty good! There's not a lot I can say without giving the book away, but so far the main character Beatrice is from the faction Abnegation. She has to take an aptitude test to help her find which faction she will choose to live the rest of her life in. When the aptitude test reveals that she is divergent, Beatrice has to make a hard decision. Sorry I didn't include more! Didn't want to spoil it!
Title: Maximum Ride School's Out - Forever Author: James Patterson I am a little more than halfway through the second book in this series. So far this is an amazing series. I would recommend this series if you like thrillers. Ok o in my book right now the "Flock" just found out the person the they had been living with for the passed two months turned out to be worse than the person that abandoned them in the first place, mainly because she was his boss. Sothey are on their way to Florida right now.
heeeeey everyone I'm back with more Catching fire updates. so right now in my book Katniss has gotten a messed up tailbone and possibly a broken foot because she went to the woods and she found 2 new people: Twill and Bonnie. they escaped from district 8. and when Katniss got back to the fence she found out that it was actually on, so she couldn't go under it considering the ground was like rock hard. so she had to go over it so she went to get on a tree and tried to get over the fence and she fell off the tree and over the fence and landed on her back from a 25 ft drop. ouch, so now she had gotten done modeling her wedding dresses for her photo shoot and she was modeling them because Peeta had proposed to her. so nw that's all I have for now folks. il be back next week, or possibly later for more blogs. byyyyyye! '_' poker face
the Maze Runner the book is about these boys put in the middle of a maze and for the past two years they have been trying to find a way out but then one day comes Thomas and then the next day comes a girl named Teresa who signals the end is near for them but she is in a coma then Thomas wants to become a runner but to do that you need to be the best of the best and he gets his chance when the walls close and he try's to rescue two people from the grievers (robot slug things) and then they let him become a runner because Minho the keeper (boss) of the runners says he should be the keeper (but outside he says aim high hit low) and every one is disagreeing with that so then Thomas gets to become a runner and he knows that he was sent her to help free them but he does not know how and so he starts to try and figure out how to get out of the maze
in my book, playground butterball breaks down in front of his therapist.. liz he is starting to open up to her and is starting to bond with his mom. his mom gives him permission to go to nias partie. im wondering... will he bring back the sock full butter? I hope he doesn't cuzz it seems as if his life is just now starting to come back together.
Title: Revolution Author: Jennifer Donnelly In my book a lot of things have happened since my last response. I'm not on chapter 26 and I'm starting to think that andi is going to want to stay in Paris for awhile longer. there are two reasons that I think this. one is that she met new friends that she has found really nice and both love music like her. I have a feeling that she doesn't want to leave them behind. the next reason, and the main reason I think is because with the key that she has from her brother before he died was the actual key that fits into a lock in an old guitar case from centuries ago. it amazed her but also scared her because she couldn't believe that it was real. but anyways, when she opened the secret area at the bottom of the case she found an old diary from a poor girl . and right now in my book she is reading the diary and I have found it extremely interesting! Its a really long diary because I've been reading it for the past 2 chapters! But the diary is from the 1700s.
sooo yeah. that's what is happening right now in my book and I'm in intervention so I'm going to go read more!
Summary: in the book right now A kid named Billy Broccoli Moves into a new house which unknown to him at first it " haunted" by a teenage ghost which takes pity on him and makes friends with Billy. On the first day of his new school Billy- instructed by The hoove ( the ghost ) - tries to act cool in front of everyone but ends up falling flat on his face in front of the entire student body. After that the school bully Rod Brownstone comes over to Billy's house and figures out something about Billy that could ruin his life at school forever. Billy keeps his old Tonsil in a jar under his bed, Which on the next day of school he puts on the table of the most popular girl's in school with a note stating " Dear Ruby, Hers is a little piece of me, want to sit with me and my tonsil today at lunch" My Response: The kid Billy reminds me of napoleon dynamite I don't know why he just does, it's the way they describe Billy as a small weakling who could never even hit a ball much less make the baseball team that really gets the picture in my head of a scrawny kid like napoleon.
-Summary: Recently in this novel, Ona (Jurgis's wife) has just given birth to a baby boy. Sadly, both Ona and Jurgis hardly get to enjoy the perks of being parents. Since they both have strict jobs and low pay, they cannot afford to be arriving late to work, and they must work all day. Starting from early in the morning, to late at night when mostly everyone is asleep. This is especially hard on Jurgis, because when he wakes up for work, the baby is asleep and when he returns from his job, the baby has fallen asleep again. Luckily his boss allows him to have Sunday off, leaving him one day a week to be with his child.
I find this quite horrible. If I was going to raise a child in the future (Because I obviously don't have one now), I definitely would want to be there for him/her everyday of his/her 's life! I would understand if he would be able to come home at dinner time (6:00-7:00-ish), but this man is forced to come home a lot later. It's a shame that he can scarcely witness his own kids childhood. I imagine that this is torture to Jurgis because of what he already deals with at his job must be immense, but now his own infant. This makes me infer that Jurgis is most likely getting fed up with his job. I say this because to me, he is losing more than he is gaining. I see why he still works at the meat plant, because he must support the family. But precious memories?
DRACULA Their is this guy and he is a witter .The witter got a letter from count Dracula.Sir count Dracula said in the letter that he wants to have a interview with him at is HOUSE.So every one is trying to stop him from going to sir count Dracula plays and they also said that he is a vampire and that he is going to kill you by sucking your blood and that you will turn into a vampire with him and be his salve.When he leaves he tells every one bye and they all tell him again that not to go and that to be careful While he is there. When he gets their he sees a castle and he sees a beautiful garden and he loves the trees BY haylee.h 11-7-2013
The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket Right now in my book, the children (Violet, Klaus, & Sunny) think they have figured out a where they could find the Quagmire triplets (which are only 2 because the 3rd died in a fire that also killed their parents). When they go uptown to find everyone was getting ready to burn someone to stake, a man that was being framed as Count Olaf who really wasnt Count Olaf after all, was already dead because he was murdered mysteriously while he was in his jail cell. The children didnt need to guess who was the person that killed this inocent man because it was already clear who did it. Count Olaf, desguised as Detective Duplin, tries to frame the children for being acomplises of the murder and the children knew by the time he spoke in his screetching voice that that was indeed Count Olaf, not a detective. Will their problems become even worse from now on or will they once again escape from Olaf's clutches? Ill keep you updated :)
Magyk By: Angie sage in my book they were scrying to see if what the apprentice had said was true but before they could see he messed it up and they are inside aunt Zeldas cottage and aunt Zelda hands Jenna a bullet that inscribed on it was I.P witch stands for infant princess and aunt Zelda says an inscribed bullet always finds its target but not always the way the hunter wants it to as the apprentice boy thaws out from the cold
in my book Clara and Luke a werewolf has entered the city of glass uninvited or broke the law of the angle first of downworlders are not supposed to be their in the first place Clara seeks Jace and the lightwoods when she finely finds the lightwoods house she is surprised to find out that her own brother lied to her about everything and now they are in a huge argument over little things like their not supposed to be brother and sister and things that happened in the past. "ah true love get over it you two past is the past forget about it"
In my book Percy Jacksons Lightning Thief, Percy has just returned from "the under world" in attempt to retrieve Zeus's master lighting bolt and Hades's helm of darkness.To his surprise Ares (the god of war) is waiting for him upon his arrival, only to tell Percy he had been the master mind behind this whole thing, putting a curse on the lighting bolt making sure it would return to the book bag Ares had given Percy a few days before at an old restaurant after Percy had found and battled his way out of an old abandoned water park in desperation for information on his moms "death". With the help of Anabeth and Grover, Percy found the lighting bolt in the book bag with had magically appeared because of Ares's curse. So Percy with only a day to get to Olympus and stop the major gods from fighting has to take a big risk and fly back to New York with the small chance of Zeus knocking the plane right out of the sky and killing Percy. But Zeus seems to of given Percy a break and Anabeth Grover, and Percy landed safely in New York. With only hours to spare, he got to the impire state building went up to the 600th floor and returned the master bolt in time for a war not to start.
catching fire Suzanne Collins hey everyone right now Katniss has found out shes going back in the arena and fast forward she had went to haymitch and got drunk, and now either peeta or haymitch is going back in ring with her. and now peeta has dumped all of haymitchs liquor down the drain and said that if they try to buy more they will go to jail. HOW DEVIOUS! what will haymitch do without his alcohol ??? I will let you guys know later on byeee
-Summary: Recently in this novel, it seems the family has gone into catastrophe. This is due to the fact that Jurgis has been injured at his work. What happened is that a steer got loose, and Jurgis attempted to move out of its way, to avoid collision. But as if by some malevolent force, he slipped and fell into the traps (where they kill the animals), thus twisting his ankle. In addition, a doctor has told him that he may be disabled for months. This is especially bad because he is not just unable to support his family, but the company Jurgis works for isn't liable for his injury. His family depends heavily on his earnings, and he could even lose his job at Durhams.
-Response: I think this is just more salt to the wound for Jurgis. He has already been put through so much, just to have more put onto his platter (I like using figures of speech too much). I feel that this may be his final challenge before he finally loses his employment. He has already been weakened and put into torment from this position, and this seems like the end. If he gets any worse, he won't even be able to walk, much less work! Things are looking very grim for this man. To me, it just seems that his work force doesn't care about their workers (they actually talk about this in the story). It's almost as if Jurgis is their tool, and they're just using him until be breaks, just to be replaced with one of the thousands of fresh unemployed workers right outside their doors, begging for a job.
Book: Maximum Ride Schools - Out Forever Author: James Patterson Currently in my book the flock has escaped to Florida to be able to escape the grasp of the erasers though so far that hasn't worked out very well for them, mainly because Max has a chip in her arm to where the erasers are able to track her every move. They just got to Itex Which is where Max thinks she will have to save the world, but that is as far as i have gotten.
book: the series of unfortunate events book number #1 author ; lemony snicket I just started my book and the kids are now orphans because there parents just died and now they have to live with a really mean guy and they have to basically get away from him because he is a bad guy just wants the kids fortune.
The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer So far in my book, Joss was having a normal day. He woke up, played with his little sister(Cecile), ate breakfast, then went to school. A lot of the kids didn't like Joss because they said he shows off or he "cheated" all because he could out run anyone in his school. So Joss was sort of the "invisible" boy. He then went home after school and continued to have a normal day. It was until night time when he was to excited to go to sleep because he was going to go over to his cousins house during the summer, that he heard his sister crying. He thought it was just another night mare she was having and to help her out he was going to go into her room and help her calm down. When he go there, he saw that his sister was almost as pale as snow and that she wasn't breathing. She had blood draining down from her neck to her ballerina pink gown and right next to her was a man who heard Joss when he accidently stepped on a creaky floor board. The man then came out and looked at Joss, with blood coming down his mouth. Things were never the same for Joss. Now he was the "invisible" boy to his parents and he would never forget who and what killed his sister. he was seeking for vengeance.. Now, his uncle brought him to a cabin that he was staying at so he can train him and teach him the ways of the Slayer Society. Joss, thinks he is ready for what is to come apon him but is he really?? That is the question I am going to be looking for an answer too!!! :)
book: you don't know me author: Sharon G. Flake I kind of just started my book but in my book right now tow-kaye is marring this girl named cindella and they have been friends for a very long time. The only problem with that is that they're both fourteen years old and tow-kaye didn't think he could go through with marring her even his parents said he was making a huge mistake. But tow-kaye didn't really care what his parents say he wanted to do it but then again he didn't while they were at the wedding he about puked because he was so nervous about marring her. At the end of the wedding he said I do and they were both married and cindellas father was talking to him outside and he said "if you want out of this you can get out." he said he just cant believe that im going to be a father and now im a husband. In the next chapter im only couple pages in but in those first couple pages he found out that somebody had killed his grandpa and his grandmother was scared something was going to happen to hi to if he went and tried looking for who ever killed him.
Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck Author: Jeff Kinney
This book in the series is about Greg Heffley and he is losing his best friend Rowley Jefferson and he is trying to get him back. Greg is not accepting the fact that there friendship is over so with him trying to win him back and having a tough time in middle school and having a tough time a home with his brother is hard but also hard luck.
Im in the middle of my nook and it is really good you should really read it but here is a summary on the book in the beginning of the book there is this girl she is really a loving girl then one day she had to walk to school the shorter way threw the cornfield and then her neighbor asked her what is she doing all by herself etc but she said im going to school so he just let it go but then on her way back he was still there and she was kind of hesitant to keep walking that way he even sounded creepy and so anyway she kept walking trying to get past the point that he has been there all day the he spoke and said how he made a little place for teens to hang out and he went to show her but she could not fin it she said where is it at? and he said In the earth and he stomped at this one part of the cornfield and it was hollow and the he opened the door to get in and she said she needed to get home maby another time but he said it not polite you need to come down then she said just for a little bit when they got down there the book said that it had dolls and drinks etc everything a little playhouse would have for teens then he made her a a coke (soda) not the drug and she really needed to fget home but he would not let her out so she hurried and ran up the stairs but he got her a made her take her cloths off and she ended up getting raped and killed and then right now it talks about how her heaven is and how its not as fun as she thought it was
The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer Summary: Right now in my book, Joss is at his uncles cabin, unpacking and trying to get used to his surrounding around him. He is already starting to feel a little homesick. Abraham is being doubtfully harsh on him because deep down, he does not believe Joss is fit to be the next Slayer in the family. Joss knows that, he can tell by the way he talks to him which is no way an uncle would talk to his nephew, but Joss wants to prove him wrong. He thinks if he shows his uncle that he is capable of his "Purification" test that it will show his uncle that he is good enough, but that is going to take a lot of work, especially since it is Abraham he has to impress. Will he be able to show off the skills he yet knows about to his uncle or will he keep being a disappointment? Ill keep you updated!!! :)
Last week I didn't do a blog only because I wasn't really in to my book at the time so I figured that I shouldn't talk about what's going on if I didn't know! so over the weekend and in the last little bit I have re read and read more to discover new things that I didn't catch or still needed to find out. I am on page 170, chapter 29. in my last reading response I talked about how I thought Andi would want to stay now that she met new friends and found the secret diary of a girl her age back in the 1700 hundreds. but now I am starting to have mixed thoughts on what I really think she wants to do. Andi already has a plane ticket booked for her still in 2 days and I don't think she forgot about that. other than my mixed feelings on the decision I think that she is having some too. Andi is still preceding on getting her essay done on her famous artist for school so she is able to leave on the flight in 2 days but she is also focused on the diary and what she is finding in it. I'm hoping Andi knows that unless she stole the diary, she wouldn't be able to take it back with her to Brooklyn. I also hope Andi considers the fact that she actually has the exact key to a hidden box all the way in Paris and it just so happened to fall in her hands! I would be freaked out and I also wouldn't just want to leave Paris unsure as to why I had the key in my hands in the first place. this book is kind of making mad in a sense that it just keeps dragging on and on and I just want to know more and more! haha.. even though I'm sure that's what the author is trying to do.. well, now I got to go and find out more to be questioning. bye now.
book: three times lucky author: Sheila Turnage right now I just started this book and it takes place in a town that only like 158 people live in and its plot is a girl that has a resurant (family resterant ) with her acorse family and her uncle I think just stole a boat and turns out he finds the owner of it and dosent say anthing because he is scared but after that a detective ask the boss all of these weired mean questions and he lies witch isn't good so idk why he did it but he yelled at the detective and he left that is were I am in the story I like this book so far and it is a good read.
Summary: clary and Jace go on a romantic walk out of The City of Glass and go to the wayland manor to find the book of white they get that book but Jace is having Childhood memories and finds these books that he was not allowed to touch when he was a child so he picks one up... but latter to find out that one of the books led them to a secret passage that led them down to what looked like a dungeon only to find that there is an angle locked up down their and looks dead or is it.... turns out it is still alive but somehow connected to the manor when it kills it self the whole house fell down with it but Clary and Jace make it out alive. when there walking home Clary notices that the sun is coming up or is it turns out the city of Glass is under attack but who is attacking it? Demons cant enter the city thanks to the tall glass pillars that create a magic barrier around the city turns out valentine went in their and took the magic away from the pillars next thing you know demonic creatures roam the streets and is killing everybody including the Shadow Hunters even the sick what is wrong with this guy all I know is he is looking for the third mortal instrument the magic mirror to have all power in the world and take out the gard once and for all.
book 5 of the rangers apprentice series in this book it has been 5 years since the last book and will now has his own town to protect he is a fully fledged ranger but soon after his arrival he gets a message for a secret mission up north the baron in charge has fallen ill and his son is a scholar not very popular either and then there is his cousin who is a well renound warrior and leader and will is sent there trying to see if any magic is going on because 95 percent of cases are fake 4 percent are unexplainable and 1 percent is real so they are sending will to find out witch percent it is and ten after arriving he meets up with his contact who is long time friend Alyss who is disguised as a princess holding out there until the harshness of winter is done to see her fiancé but then they find out that the son is now poisoned to and so they escape into the woods and find Malcolm the supposed reincarnation of Malkalkom the evil sorcerer who slayed the barons family over a century ago and then shortly after they try to save Alyss who did not now until they had escaped and seen them fighting there way out of the fort. an d had been put up in the tower cell
Right now in my book Clary, Jace, and Sebastian just got done fighting off snake like demons with legs. they all got burn by the acid blood so when they were done they used an iratze to heal them. and now they are getting ready to go to a club to celebrate.
Also after Magnus, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec summoned the demon Azazel they had to give them one of there happy thoughts so they can hear his plan to try to separate Jace and Sebastian. so he said that he could drag Sebastian to *ell and the bond will slowly stop working. so after that they went to bed then the next morning when the got up Azazel was sending them messages so when Azazel came Simon accidently stepped inside the pentagram and if your inside the pentagram the demon can harm you but if your outside it he cant. so Azazel picked Simon up and spit sulfur on him the demon was blown back because of the Mark of Cain. I think that Azazel will drag Simon to *ell to experiment on him to try to get the mark of Cain off him so he could kill Simon.
Book Title: The Playground By: 50 Cent (Author) Lizzi Akana (Illustrator)
In this book there is a kid named Butterball and yes he is overweight and that is how he got that nickname and Butterball lives in a world where he feels like he has no one to talk to besides Nia and his Dad but his Dad is not the best influence when it comes to having a good behavior and the reason I say that is because whyen he is around his Dad they either steal or do illegal stunts like for example when Butterball and his Dad went to the mall His Dad decided to steal a pair of shoes that are worth 300$ so when it comes to him hanging with his Dad they always get in trouble and with Nia she is good influence when it comes to having a good behavior and the way she does that is she tells him the right from wrong and that is a big deal in his life because for him he don't get the best grades and the best love that he needs to feel successful.
right now in my book I have found out that Katniss is in the arena and there's no place for a girl on fire. CINNA HAD JUST BEEN BEATEN REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD AND I THINK HE MIGHT BE DEAD! but who knows? a book this good always keeps you at wonder. Katniss had just watched Cinna beaten before she went up to the arena. I don't know what the arena is this time but I will find out later. byyyyye
Book: the Mark of Athena Author: Rick Riordan In my book right now Percy, Leo, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper are on their way to Rome to complete a quest to stop Gaea from waking all the giants but first they have to get to Rome and defeat the twin giants Otis and Ephialtes and release Nico Hazel's brother from dying. But it is constantly getting more difficult from running into monsters while having to stop for something, or having all of New Rome after because Leo was possessed by an evil spirit that made him use the ballista and volleys of arrows fire on New Rome, and that's as far as i am in my book right now.
-Summary: Recently in this novel, great tragedy has been cast upon Jurgis. He has been fired from Durhams due to being inefficient and more like dead weight for the company. This is because he is still suffering from his injuries that caused him to lose his muscle. This is especially terrible, considering that his family depends on his income. In response to this, Jurgis has had to resort to working at the fertilizer plant because no one else will hire him. This may not sound too bad, but you'd be dead wrong. You see, this is were the lowest life forms of the town work. This is due to the fact the most of the workers there end up practically always covered in the fertilizer produced there. Followed by them eventually attributing the horrid smell of these chemicals.
-Response: I think that this definitely shows just how much Jurgis cares for his family. He is willing to compromise his own persona for the welfare of the household. There are absolutely very little people who would do such a thing. After everything, he still has the courage and perseverance to continue in his strive to work. He is truly a dedicated man. I know that I would most likely lose it if I had this sort of weight on my shoulders. I can't imagine being forced to degrade myself like that. Because of this, I hope that things don't get worse for Jurgis and his fellow relatives. I don't know what else they could do if something happened, since they already can hardly afford to keep a roof over their heads or food on the table.
The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer Summary: Joss was walking through a field of flowers. He didn't know where he as because he never remember being there. He saw a little girl in the middle of the field picking flowers. Her blonde curls up in pigtails. He knew who she was. It was Cecile. He walked towards her asking what she was doing here. But she didn't answer. He asked her again and finally spoke saying "I'm picking flowers Jossie. There no flowers in hell". Joss got mad, and he pushed his little sister to the ground. He screamed at her telling her that she was not going to hell. Her eyes turned black like a deep pit. A centipede crawled out of her mouth. Joss screamed. Cecile smiled. The next thing he knows is he is sitting down on the ground where there were no flowers. He couldn't believe he fell asleep. Especially during his purification. He got up and started pacing back and forth. He was thinking of ways to explain to his uncle about it but then something caught his eye. Red liquid on the ground. Joss bent down and ran his finger in it. He smelled it. It smelled like metal. It was blood. Joss shook his hand so that the blood would come off. When he was done, he started to follow the blood trail. The trail lead to something behind the bushes. He saw a hand. He walked closer to find that the hand didn't belong to anything and that it was just laying on the ground by it self. NO BODY. He looked further find Malek's head also without a body. He couldn't believe. He blamed it on himself. He fell asleep and because of that Malek was dead. Everyone came from the cabin to the clearing where Maleks head laid. Abraham ordered everyone to start cleaning up the mess, then he told Joss to follow him. Joss knew he was in some type of trouble but he didn't know what his uncle would do to him. He lead Joss to the little shaft outside of the cabin and gave Joss an option. That he could go home. act as if nothing ever happened and he could move on with his life. But Joss didn't want to go home. He wanted to continue on with his training so he can tract down and kill the monster who took his little sisters life. He begged for his uncle to think of other ways so that he could finish his purification. And so he did. But this way of finishing gave Joss a big knot in his stomach. It made him think if it was better to just go home now instead of facing what was about to be done with him. He had to get whipped. He thought and though about it for a good couple of minutes. He thought about how crazy it was that his uncle was going to whip him with a coil whip. He thought about Cecile. He thought about Malek. To avenge his sister and now Malek. He then knew his answer. he nodded his head at his uncle, turned around and removed his shirt. His put his hands on the wall in front of him and took deep and slow breathes. He was going to regret this but he thought his disserved it. It was his punishment and it was about to hurt like crap
book: playground by:50 cent butter ball asked his dad if he could stay with him and his dad said no because butterball and his mom got into a fight and butterball just found out that nia does not like butter ball Nia told butterball that she was sorry that she actually trusted butterball butter ball didn't now dis how tall she was she was close to his eye's Nia kept poking him and told butterball that she's sorry that he got hurt but butterball deserved it because butterball tried to hit Terrance with a sock full off batterys.
The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer Summary: Joss wakes up to find himself laying on his bed. He looked at the clock, it was noon. He thought he past out for almost half of the hole day but really he was past out for 3 days. Sirus told him that they thought that he wasn't going to wake up any time soon but he didn't stop caring for him. Joss tried to sit up but his back ripped with pain so he couldn't really move with out it hurting. Sirus turned him over so that he was laying on his side. Sirus explained to him that what his uncle, Abraham did to him was uncalled for and unnecessary. That being whipped was an old way of going through purification and that you now need permission from the Slayers Society in order to do it. Joss didn't care. He agreed to get whipped on his own terms. He knew that Sirus was only trying to help but he didn't want it. In his mind, men don't need help. They can do everything by themselves. Sirus knew why Joss was doing this. But he warned how things are not going to get any better and how Joss should of just went home when he had the chance. Hearing all of this from Sirus, Joss started to get a little angry. Sirus was talking to him like a boy, he felt. He didn't want to be treated like a boy. He wanted to be treated like a man. But Joss didn't know that no matter what he would do to prove that he is a man, he will still be a boy and he knew that. He just didn't want to believe it. Response to this: I think Joss is pushing himself way to hard. He blames himself for his sisters death and Maleks now too. He doesn't get that he is just a boy and that he cant do a lot of things because of it. He understands the dangers of all of this. I mean fighting vampires, who wouldn't understand what would happen to them if they made the wrong move or made the wrong choice. But still, I think Joss just wants to prove more that he is capable of doing what needed to be done, and that he will do whatever it takes to do so. Also, it seems as if Sirus is trying to care for him as if he was his own. I don't get why he grew so angry with him (Sirus).
Book: Wonder by R.J. Palacio in my book there is this kid and he is different from every one else and he don't go to school because kids make so much fun of him about the way he looks. But he is only in 5th grade and he had a friend named Christopher and about a couple years ago he moved away and he was his best friend he did everything with him. They even went on vacation with him when he was in town but after he moved we kind of stopped talking for a while even his mom didn't know who I was when I tried to call him. On the way home from there vacation his parents thought he was sleeping but he actually wasn't he was listening to his mom and dads conversation and his mom was talking about putting him in school and starting a new and try to make new friends but his dad didn't like the idea that he was going because he didn't want the other kids to make fun of him and than his dad compared him with a lamb in a slaughter house and that's when he spoke up and said "I'm going to school" and his mom explained the entire situation and then he asked what was a slaughter house to his dad.
Book: Titanic in my book there is this girl rose she gets on a ship with her husband the ship was called the Titanic and she found this boy his name was jack and jack saw rose at the very tip of the ship and he trys to talk her out of it and when he does he grabs her and puts her back on the ship when the other people came because rose had scream for her life cause she almost fell but when the men see her they thought that jack had rapped rose
the author of the eleventh plague has come back with a new book titled The Darkest Path this book is about the glories path a army who is fighting the U.S. federal army From June 2026 to September 2026 I am almost finished with this book already im about half way through right now in my book Callum Roe who was in the glorious path and his younger brother James which was also in the path were captured by the U.S. federal army they are in jail cells right now Callum is in a corner of his cell when a guard unlocks his cell and moves into the cell he sprangs out of the corner and threw the blanket at the guard`s face and ran out of the cell only to find another guard standing in front of him stunned by surprise the guard hauled him and put Cullum's back against the wall and Callum finds him self being asked one question tell me what are the Path`s plans for this region or die? your choice
Book: playground author:50 cent in my book right now butterball is at the store buying laundry detergent and that's when he ran right in to nyia and she was so mad at him she just looked at him for a second and that's when she just went off on him she was yelling at him and saying that he wasn't anything t her anymore and she was saying how she liked him last year and how he was better than what everybody said. she was pointing her finger in his chest and saying how she didn't want anything to do with him anymore and how he was nothing and how she should've known he wasn't anything else besides what everybody else said about him.
In my last reading response I talked a little about how I figured that andi would want to go back to Brooklyn once its time for her flight but now I'm thinking a little differently. this is because I have a feeling andi wont finish her essay in time to leave considering she leaves in a couple days and all of her information is sitting in the exact library she just got kicked out of the day before. So I'm guessing that she will end up not making her flight for that reason but I honestly think she doesn't want to anymore either. this is because lately she's been really getting into the diary of the life of that girl from the 1700s and she's been feeling like the girl is trying to tell her something. I'm pretty sure andi is only about half way done with the diary also and she cant just leave all she's learned behind in Paris and go back to the normal crappy life she had down at her home in Brooklyn.
I honestly think right now where andi is at, she is having a better life then ever. even though I don't think andi would ever admit it anytime soon. because she has her dad with her, a safe house with food made for her every day, money to buy what she needs, she's doing her school work even if its not for the right purpose, she met a guy that she is slowly falling in love with, and she is also finding something that interests her to get her mind of the death of her brother Truman. in my opinion, I think that she should stay in Paris with her dad and read more, see more, create memories and just enjoy what she's got there.
I am so exited to find out whether or not she will decide to stay the full time in Paris or not!
book: playground Author: 50 cent In my book right now butterball is at school and he is in the cafeteria when he runs into Andre and his boys and they started making fun of him about the fight he lost at nyias house they were basically saying stuff about his weight and how he cant fight and how he cant do anything but eat and how if he would get in to a fight with Terrance he would just sit on him and kill him and than one of Andres boys his name is bobby he through a fake punch at butterball and made him flinch and a small squeal. Then they said that they were just messing with him and on there way out of the cafeteria they were still making fun of his weight. After that school day he went in to lizs office and was happy to be there and when he sat down she got him out his favorite drink called PQ.
Right now in my book clary followed Sebastian though a door to Paris. Then into an apartment. When she did she went though a door and smelt demons. then she started walking down the stairs. it was dark but an occasional match on the wall. when she got to the bottom she heard voices. so she walk out into the room and went forward and found a door. she looked inside and seen the 6 demons. she made a very little noise and the demons attacked her. she killed one with an ornamental axe and killed another with a punch. but before she could punch the second one it took one if its tentacles and wrapped it around her wrist. and then Sebastian came and killed it. he was telling her that they have deadly poison they releases when they wrap their tentacles around you. but when he was explaining that, she was loosing her vision.
I think that she will be perfectly fine because he will take her back to the house and give her an Iratze to heal her.
Right now in my book, Will, Naomi, & James are all on their way home after school. They are all conversing about how Naomi forgot about everything after 6th grade. James is trying to talk, but Will keeps answering with snobby answers. James starts talking about how Naomi losing her memory is a good thing. How she can forget about all of the bad things in her past that she wouldn't want to remember. But Will argues back that forgetting everything is horrible & how it ruined her life & how she forgot so many good memories.
I personally am not on either side. I agree with both guys. Losing my memory could be great because I have so many things that I want to forget. Like messing up in speech. Or missing every serve for the first few weeks of volleyball games. But then there are good things that I'd want to remember. Like going to see my baby sister in the hospital after she was born. Or getting a 1 on my speech. Or getting my first ace against Edison in volleyball. So I agree with both boys. It's a win/win and lose/lose situation for Naomi.
Right now in the third book Nickie and her aunt Crystal went to her deceased Great-Grandfather's house to sell it. But Nickie has a different Idea when she wants to keep the house just because it looks so cool. While they are going through selling the house some crazy things start happening. Terrorists start to come to the U.S. and want to basically ruin it. There also have been a couple of sightings around Yonwood of these known terrorists. While searching the house Nickie find a small room on the third floor and calls it the nursery. But In the closet of the nursery she finds a young girl and a dog. The girl took care of her farther while he was sick. The dog she found in the street. The girl said her name was Amanda. Amanda soon finds a job as helping the Prophet but before that she lived in the nursery with her dog. Crystal could not find out about them because she would then kick them out. But Nickie kept the secret until she was ready for her to move out. but now Nickie is stuck with the dog Otis. Hopefully Crystal doesn't find out about Otis.
Right now in this book, M. Aronnax the main character is traveling on the Nautilus along with his friends Coanseil, Ned Land and Captian Nemo. At this point in the book they just arrived at the red sea and the Suez canal which Mr.Aronnax finds very appealing because it has many types of aquatic life forms that you can't normally see anywhere else in the sea. This is also one of the first times that they have been near inhabited land in a very long time and they are have to try to hid from ships because they have to keep there ship secret. I can predict that because its been many months since they have been near land that they are going to be caught and will have to escape
book: harry potter and the sorcerers stone. author: J.k. Rowling
in my book, harry has just got his magic stuff he needs for Hogwarts and he in now trying to board the train but he still cant find the entrance! so I think that there is going to be some like magical trap door or something that is going to lead him to the train station to go to Hogwarts.
this book is really good! I have never read these books nor really watched the movies but I like it! I may be a little late on harry potter but don't judge me!
so if I was harry I would be scared out of my mind. because he's going to a school with all wizards for crying out load I would be scared of the competition! not to mention I would HATE the people I lived with! the Dudley's or whatever are really mean and I don't like them. I am happy that harry got to leave because that wasn't fair for him.
book: the fall of five my two of the people in my book just went of to get the last member of the seven of them and the part that I think is funny they where driving in a Honda civic and that is one of the worst cars they could thing of but no before nines ceptan died he tricked out a ton of the worst cars he could find so now the have a small parking lot floor full of cars that he had tricked out but the Honda civic is one of the fastest cars in the world and it has a Mogadorein tracker in it to keep them safe from any of them sneaking up on them and killing them I thought that this is just amazing taking one of the worst cars and turning it in to one of the best
Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry Summary: (page 1-138) Benny hated zombies. Not just an original hate like hating the smell of onions or eating broccoli. It was a burning hot hate towards them that he never had any other opinions going against it. His brother, Tom Imura, is a bounty hunter. Benny wanted to see Tom kills some zoms. But he never wanted to be a part of the family business. He hated his brother. He never thought of his brother as cool. Especially as cool as Charlie Mathias and Motor City Hammer, the greatest bounty hunters of all time (at least to Benny). They would always tell stories about their hunts out in to Ruins. Benny looked up to them. He thought of them as the real hero’s and not his brother. Since it was summer, and it was the easiest time of the year to be looking for jobs, he applied to a lot of the jobs that sounded easy along with his Chinese friend Chong. They didn’t succeed with almost all of them. Chong did. But the job he got wasn’t something Benny wanted to do. In his mind it was boring and Benny wanted to get a job that had at least some excitement in it. So almost towards the end of the summer, Benny gave in. He became his brother’s apprentice. He hated the thought that his brother was going to be his boss. He didn’t want to get bossed around by him anymore than he already was. Which really wasn’t a lot but still. Tom agreed to take him out to the Rot & the Ruin to show him what it is that he does. Of course Benny thought he killed zoms, but Tom does more than that and Benny was about to find out what it was the his brother truly does. Out in the Rot & Ruin, obviously there were zoms all around. But Tom stayed away from a lot of them. He would pull Benny to the side of the road and into the woods so they could go around the zoms. It felt like hours to Benny because of all the walking, which it was, they came up to a hill and climbed to they were to the very top. At the bottom of the hill, there was a cabin, with two people standing in the front lawn. Tom looked in his binoculars to see what they were then gave them to Benny to look. They were zoms. An old looking man and a young girl that looked like she was a teenager. Benny didn’t think any different from them than he thought of any other zom. Tom asked Benny questions. Like what did he see, how old he thought they were, what he thinks they were before First Night happened? Benny answered them all but didn’t get where his brother was going with this. He didn’t get his brother at all. But no matter what questions his brother asked he answered. Tom told Benny that these “zoms” were once people too. They had a home to go to. They had people who loved them & a life to look forward to. Benny started to get the idea now. His brother was trying to change his mind about the zoms. He started to tear up. Remembering only what happened on the First Night. How his brother ran away while the man who was once Benny and Toms father was attacking their mother. He never knew why his brother ran away but he blamed him for not helping. He blamed his for his mother’s death. He muttered underneath his voice. Curse words. Tom didn’t say anything but he could hear everything he was saying. Benny got up. Angry. Didn’t stop to have Tom show him the directions he needed to go. He just went the way he remembered they came. Tom followed him. Not saying anything. Just following. Then Benny turned around. He found whatever he could and he threw it at Tom. Tom grabbed him, Benny tried to get away but his grip was too strong. Tom told him that he can think whatever he wants to about it but it’s the wrong thing. Benny was shocked. He didn’t think his brother would ever do something like this. He apologized and so did Tom. What’s coming next is yet more shocking and horrifying than anything Benny has ever seen. Question is, we he drop out of the “Family Business” or will he continue helping his brother out? I’ll keep you updated
so my carters just got to the spot where 5 had told them to meat them and 4 walked up to 5 and at first it seamed that the mogadorian leader had trans formed in to 5 but once 4 and 5 started talking it was to clear that 5 was not possessed because 5 had been hiding on an island so he had no social skills at all and then boom the mogadorian ship came out from the tree line and all the mogadorians started running at them and luckily 4's shield deployed and other wise 5 would have been toast because he just froze up and didn't move because it was his first time seeing them and right then I just wanted to smack them because why would you just freeze up like that but luckily they all still survived.
Book:playground author:50 cent After butterball got his PQ him and Liz started talking about his week and he told her that it was a terrible week so he told her what happened at lunch than she asked what she was doing this weekend and he said he has to move in his moms roommates stuff and she asked about his mom and her roommate and he said that basically shes moving in because of her job and stuff and that its closer for her to get to and from work.
BIG NATE ON A ROLL LINCOLN PEIRCE right now in my book Nate is in detention and it was for something that he didn't do, he was in art class and he was supposed to hold the ladder for Artur while he painted. which he did, and some of the paint was dripping and some of it fell in his eyes and he couldn't see and Artur fell from the ladder and landed on Nate. and then Mr. Rosa came over freaking saying stuff OMG Artur are you ok?! and Nate Artur could have been seriously hurt falling from that height. you should think about what you done: IN DETENTION! BUM BUM BUUUUUUMMM!!!!! then after he got out of detention he was late for his Timber Scout meeting so he got on his skateboard and skated off to the meeting. but then this fat woman got in the way btw she was walking her dog and the dog moved the other way and the leash was stretching out and Nate got clotheslined and his skateboard fell in the creek. gone forever. and he had to walk all the way to Teddy's house. by the time he got there the meeting was already over. then guess who had Joined the Timber Scouts??? ARTUR!!!!!! BUM BUM BUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!! stay tuned for more. byyyyeee! ^_^
-Summary: Recently in this novel, what seemed like something that could never happen, has indeed happened. You see, Jurgis has gotten into some trouble. In this case, some with trouble with the law. AKA, he got arrested. Though it wasn't in vain. This is because Jurgis was arrested for beating and almost killing Ona's (His wife) boss, Connor. He did this because Ona confessed to Jurgis that Connor had raped her. Since Jurgis was furious, he decided to take matters into his own hands by going to Ona's place of work to find this man for himself. This in turn ended with Jurgis in the 'slammer'. Even worse, Jurgis is about to enter the courtroom for his trial.
-Response: I have some mixed feelings going on. I understand that Jurgis was very mad about what Connor had done to Ona, but I think he could have handled it better. Instead of just pummeling him, he could have gotten the authorities involved and they would have solved the issue. Yet, what Jurgis did wasn't the least understandable someone would do. Many, many people would react that way if something like that happened to them, their friends, or their family. Sometimes taking care of issues yourself can be more satisfying for some, than to just have outside help. I could that the police force may have not been the best option. For example, many places and people are corrupted in Packingtown, so Connor could have bribed the police officer. Etc. I just hope that Jurgis is able to get out of jail. Even though Jurgis inflicted physical pain on Connor, Connor inflicted psychological pain on Ona that is even worse.
Book Title: Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince Author: J.K Rowling
I'm not too far into this book, but Harry, Ron and Hermione just went back to Hogwarts and is on their first week there. Professor Snape usually teaches Potions, but they got a new Professor, Professor Slughorn. Professor Slughorn is really close with Dumbledore, and Dumbledore had Harry persuade Professor Slughorn to come out of retirement and teach at Hogwarts again. Since the last Defense Against Dark Arts teacher isn't teaching there anymore, Professor Snape took over. Even though Harry knows Dumbledore doesn't trust him teaching that class. Harry isn't too thrilled, because Snape is his least favorite teacher, and he always gives him a hard time. So, Harry knows that he'll give him an even harder time because Harry is like a 'perfectionist' when it comes to the Defense Against Dark Arts class. In Professor Snapes class, Harry already got a detention because they were performing spells without any words, and Harry used a spell with saying words. But, Dumbledore got him out of the detention because he's having Harry do 'private lessons' with him. I'm in the part where he just got into doing the private lessons with him, and Dumbledore is explaining how these private lessons he's going to be taking has a lot to do with the Prophecy. Dumbledore is taking Harry through a Pensieve, which is pretty much reliving someone elses, or their own memories in time. Dumbledore hasn't explained anything to Harry, and why they're going into the Pensieve. I wonder why Dumbledore is taking him into there?
Book- the fault in our stars SPOILER ALERT IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS DO NOT READ IT!!!!!!!! ok so I have read the whole book but never wrote anything about it so any way Augustus cancer came back and he died just like I predicted was horrible he was a big factor in the book he was one that really kept hazel in shape he was the one to get her out of her comfort zone and really helped her through alot so I was really bumbed when he dies
half of it did not copy but he really was a big part in hazels life and in the book it kind of made me think when he is with hazel does hazel think her cancer went away as in does he bring her such jiy that bbeing around him there is no pain? I just really need there to be a secong book beacsue I need to know more like hazel need to know more about a book she was reading and she need to know so bad and she flew half way aroung the world just to find out
Book:playground Author:50 cent In my book right now butterball is in lizs office again and he is talking to her about the lunchroom and how he thought Maurice said something about his mom to the school counselor well he never did and butterball is feeling really bad about what he did to him and he knows Maurice didn't even know why butterball hit him with a sock full of batteries and butte3rball was feeling pretty bad about it to.
Book: Torn Author: Margaret Haddix Right now in my book Jonah and Katherine are in 1611 to fix time once again but this time they do not have the kid that belongs in that time. So Jonah has to dress up like the guy and fake like him for a while then things start to mess up and what they communicate through stopped working and now stuck there alone with no guidance. Also they can not get out of that time because they lost contact and JB and the others are stuck in 1600 until they make time right again.
Book: the fall of five I hate who ever in vented the cliffhanger in my book I was at the end of the final book of the series and I was hopping that the lorine would defeat the mogadorians but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the author had to leave it at the mogadorians had brain washed 5 and he had killed another garde and 4 had just woken up from a coma and the mogadorians had took number ten and the mogadorians had just attacked the base and 4 met a mogadorian that wanted to help them and end NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO worst ending ever
Book:playground Author:50 cent in my book right now he got a laptop from evelyn because of him helping her and stuff like that so when he got it she said that she knew about him making a movie so she thought it would be nice if he had a laptop so sh gave him one but anyway the next day at school somebody puked in the bathroom and he wasn't going to sit in there and smell that awful smell for an hour so he decided to go back to the lunchroom and when he got his lunch he ran right into andre and that's when he didn't want to talk to him or his boys and well he told andre about making a movie because of andre asking what he was doing later and well andre said that he was going to make a movie about him eating chicken or peeing his pants well after he got away from andre he went over by the doors where it connects the little kids from the big kids and well butterball seen the kids outside playing and he looked around than he seen a kid from his apartment complex named Maliki and than this other kid in front of him making fun of him and than Maliki pulled out some money and the other kid took it from him well that's when butterball walks up and says give him his money back and the other kid knew that butterball wasn't afraid to do something and the other kid didn't give him the money back at first so he kept telling him to give him back his money and he didn't so then butterball threatened him and said don't make me do some im going to regret than after that he gave him back his money and butterball walked Maliki home and on there way home butterball and Maliki ran right into nia and she said basically like any normal person would say and that was what's up and how has it been and stuff like that.
For this reading response im going t o focus on mainly the diary and what its all about. Im dong this because I feel like I haven't said much about the diary and its making everything confusing so im going to switch the life of the other girl that's in the diary.
so, the girl in the diary is im guessing about the same age as andi. but this girl has a complete different life and for me its hard to understand. so ill start from the beginning. the girl lives with her poor family who are no where near well off and are barely surviving. the way they get there little amounts of food is by making puppets and preforming shows with them on the streets for change. as they did that, the girl began to take it further and ended up being better than everyone else. so that led her and her family to the king and queens palace to work for them and make them happy when they were feeling sad. They worked there for awhile until an invasion happened and the kings family all relocated themselves and the girls family went with. but thi led to trouble because now the king and queen barely ever needed the family and so they were lost on how to live. so the girl took it into her own hands and started to steal food from restaurants and ended up finally just deciding to go and take a ladies purse full of money one day. unfortunately the girl got caught by guards and was almost killed when a guy stopped the guards from going any further and told her that she needed to go with him. she was scared to but wanted to keep her life so she went with the strange man to a palace of his own. There she ate and ate and ate until she could not eat anymore. then the guy started talking to her and telling her that he knew exactly who she was. this made the girl frightened. right now in the book the next thing happened where the guy decided that the girl heeded to be reborn and turned into someone else. so he washed her clean and turned her into a boy.
that is where I left off. im still confused about the part of who the guy actually is. I understand the part that he knows who she is and why she has to be reborn but not who the guy is and the fact that his voice is familiar to the girl. im starting to think that it is the cousin of the queens son who threatened the girl before at a party but I am not for sure. so that is the inside feel of what the diary is about!
For weeks I been reading ''Enders game'' now I'm going to tell everybody about it ''There was a boy name ender Wiggin whose been smaller than everybody else, he was chosen to be humanity's last hope against the buggers the I.F (International Fleet)
I just got done with Sebastian telling clary their plane when she woke up on a park bench. They are going to open up the wards and let the greater demons through so the can kill them right there. after that they walked back to the house and Sebastian showed clary a secrete room behind the wardrobe in the master bedroom. it leads to a an arsenal/training area. then Sebastian showed his sister who he really is (a vampire) and she screamed. I think she will want him to change her so she could live with him or change his mother because she put religious symbols all over the house so he couldn't get in and now she has gone crazy thinking the devil has taken his place.
book: playground Author: 50cent in my book right now butterball is in Liz's office and he is basically talking to her about Maliki and she asked him and Maliki were friends well he said no and basically she said that they should maybe try and hangout and stuff and well after the convo about Maliki Liz told hi about a magnet school and what that is, is basically a school for kids that want to go into a law enforcement or artist or actor but anyway she told him about it and he didn't quite understand it so she gave him the brochure on it. Well that night he thought about it and started looking at it and started answering the questions but then he got to the hard parts and he didn't understand but he didn't quit so he thought about making a movie and sending it to them when he was laying down and then he thought about Maliki and the next morning he went to his house and got him and than went to this rich neighborhood and started filming there. Than after he got home he decided to call his dad and talk to him about the school and well when he called he didn't really have much to say besides "is it going to cost me a fortune" and when they got off the phone butterball got mad because he dad had nothing to say besides that and he didn't even say good luck or anything but that's when his mom and Evelyn his moms girlfriend went to the restraint and butterball ran right into nia and that's when they started talking.
Currently in my book Nico, Hazel, Leo, Jason, Frank, Piper, and Coach Hedge are traveling to ancient lands to defeat Gaea and her army of monsters, giants, and Titans from destroying humanity as we know it. currently they are stopped in Italy while on their way to the House of Hades in Epirus Greece to close the Doors of Death so no more monsters can escape back into the human world and help Gaea even more than they already are. While in the midst of all this Percy and Annabeth are going through Tartarus, which is where the monsters go to be reincarnated or spend the rest of there life in misery. When Annabeth was on a quest of her own trying to rescue the Athena Parthenos she had to face one of her biggest fears, spiders, because the statue was closely guarded by a giant spider human. When Annabeth defeated the monster by trapping her in a weaved pair of Chinese fingercuffs made from spider silk the spider started shooting her web and when she did she shot Annabeth in the chest which covered Annabeth from head to toe in spider silk which she got her ankle caught around and since Percy was holding onto her he was able to grab onto a ledge and tell Nico to meet them at the other side of the Doors of Death right before Percy and Annabeth fell into the depths of Tartarus.
I love this book along with both of the series that involves Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan and i woukd recommend these books to anybody that likes those action thrillers that usually tend to keep you on the edge of your seat.
-Summary: Recently in The Jungle, Jurgis has just gotten out of jail. On his way home, he discovers that his family has been evicted because they could not pay rent. He also learns that they are now residing in a boarding house. It's the same home they lived in when they first got to the United States, before they bought a house of their own. At the house, he finds the Ona (his wife) is giving birth to a second child. Eventually, Ona sadly dies in child birth. Luckily, Jurgis still has his son, Antanas. Afterwards, Jurgis is able to procure a job at a steel mill. This job pays a lot better then any of his previous ones. But his temporary happiness ended when he came home to find that Antanas, his only joy in life, had drowned in the flooded street. Filled with anger and rages, Jurgis randomly decides to hitch a ride on a train and leave everyone and everything in Packingtown.
-Response: I think that this is utterly terrible! Jurgis has gone through so much, just to have everything taken away from him. His strength, home, wife, son, etc. He has come this far. According to the book, 3 years to be exact. 3 whole years of suffering, and now it is gone. Just GONE. It seems to me like he's finally cracked. He has just had enough of this wretched city. It just used him like a tool. But eventually tools break, just like Jurgis. I'm just surprised he didn't stay to help the rest of his family. I think that he has lost everything and everyone he cared about, so he wants a new start. At this point, he might even know what to expect. More hardships and sacrifice. I hope that Jurgis knows what he is doing. Something like this can be very risky, yet it could wield good fortune for him. Without him living in the city with the rest of the family (having to provide for them), he can do what he wants and he might even end up a lot better.
Summary: Right now in the book, the 12 jurors and the foreman are trying to decide whether or not a 16 year old boy, accused with murder, is guilty or not. As they go through the evidence one more time, Juror 8 begins to poke holes in the guilty verdict. As the only juror supporting the innocent claim, he attempts to persuade the other jurors to vote innocent as well. As he does, Juror 3 becomes more and more hostile repeatedly saying "Can you believe this guy?!" and getting into 8's face, while 8 remains calm. Eventually, after going through all of the evidence again an again, they *SPOILER* decide on not guilty, with Juror 3 being the last one to fold.
Response: I think this is one of the most well written books/plays ever written, using many things, such as the rain that begins when Juror 3 first becomes hostile only to end when he votes not guilty, is a very good metaphor for 3's stubbornness until the end. I recommend this book to anyone with spare time on their hands, this is a very short book, but is still a classic
book: harry potter and the sorcerers stone author: J.K Rowling in my book harry realizes its voldermort that was trying to steal the stone. the kids have to find a way to make sure the stone does not end up in the wrong hands. they find the passage and then they have to play a huge game of chess to pass, never the less they win and pass through and catch them right in there tracks.
what I think about this book; this book is awesome and I'm so happy I decided to read it and I wish I would of read it sooner because it is amazing and I will be watching the movies very soon
in my book right now Clary Jace and Simon all got in to a fight with Sebastian because he killed Jace`s trainer in cold blood all they were trying to do is talk to him about why he had betrade them all they win and Sebastian is killed great story so far
Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Mayberry: They heard something. Gun shots. Tom went to go check it out. Benny sat there by the tall grass that blocked him from where the gun shots have been coming from. When Tom came back, he told Benny to come with him. He wanted to show what it was that was firing all of those gun shots. Benny didn't want to but curiosity got the best of him. He followed Tom until that got to where the shootings have been going on. Benny didn't want to look anymore because what he was seeing was now going to make a permanent stay inside of his brain. Some men were sitting by a wagon, calling out bets and marking down tallies on the ground with a stick but one man was fighting of zoms. He didn't have any gun or anything with him but he had a sword. Benny looked over to the wagon and he saw a bunch of torn of limbs. Benny felt like he was about to puke. He could not believe of what he was seeing. Benny and Tom were a bit easier on each other since then. But inside Benny still felt the same way. He now didn't want to but the feeling has been there so long that it is kind of sticked to the way he feels. When they got back to town, Benny didn't speak for a 5 days. He ate with his brother at the dinner table but no words were said. Nix would come over and sit with him but they wouldn't talk. Benny would want to say something but he couldn't. But on day 5 Benny decided to tell her about what happened out there in the Ruin. Thinking of it all again kind of made Benny feel like he was reliving the moment and it did not make him feel any better. Nix listened and towards the end she started to cry. She placed her hand on top of his and held it. Benny didn't do the same back; he just let her hand rest in his. They sat there for a little longer but then Nix stood up and walked away. Benny started to felt regret inside of him. Should he have held her hand? But now it was too late. She was gone and he sat there on the porch still. It felt like hours before Benny decided to go back inside. It looked like it was about to storm tonight, maybe some heavy lighting. Benny sat at the table across from where Tom was. Jesse Riley (Nix's mother) gave them some muffins to eat. Benny thought about how Jesse and Nix were one of the poorest families in Mountainside but they still did things for others. Tom told Benny how he had helped Jesse Riley a few years back and that was the reason she always sent them muffins. To show her appreciation. Benny didn't want to eat the muffin. Tom and Benny talked for a while before they heard gunshots. Tom told Benny to stay in the house and to lock both the front door and the back door; he grabbed his katana and his pistol then ran out the front door. Benny did as his brother told him so. He locked the front door first and then the back. He sat and waited for his brother. He heard gunshots and a million thoughts went through his head. Had we been attacked by zoms? He thought and thought and thought while the gunshot continued. One thing happened to catch Benny’s full attention. The door knob of the back door started to turn. Benny thought it was Tom; he got up and started to open the door. “Tom?” he said. Shocker here, it wasn’t Tom. Rob Sacchetto was at his door. He was a zom. Benny was stunned. He couldn’t believe that it was him. Him as a zom. He started to fight back with his bokken. Both fear and anger flowed through him at this moment. Fear that he wasn’t going to be able to beat him and would get eaten by the zombie and anger because this man was no longer the man he was when he was alive. Like the life he and was just token way from him. The rage in Benny took over. Hitting him numerous of times. Benny felt hurt. Even though he didn’t know Rob on a personal level he did like him. Tom came in and stopped Benny. Blood that was spattered onto his clothes. Is this what life really is? Benny knew that everything from then on was going to be dead serious and nothing was going to be taken lightly.
the chronicles of Vladimir to ninth grade slays this is the second book in the series and in this one da'blo is back an d still wants to kill vlad by using henrys cousin joss the vampire slayer to kill him and a thief named jasik so in the book eddie poe is trying to figure out what vlad is and trying to expose him so one night when vlad goes out to his secret place in the loft of of an old church that has been sealed off eddie poe gets a picture of him but it is really bad quality so no one see's what eddie took a picture of clearly then as vlad is about to have a chat with him the principles office calls him down there and they start to hear tid bits of there conversation through the p.a. system
So far in this book Stephen Quinn a fifteen-year-old who survived the sickness called influenza. He is now searching for whatever is in his path such as materials to clues. His father falls into a coma and his grandfather dies and he is now thinking of possibilities to find a way to survive. What I'm thinking right now is.... how he is going to survive with no food or resources in this journey to live.
Book: playground Author: 50 cent in my book right now butterball is at the restaurant with his mom and her girlfriend evelyn and when he was there he ran right into nia and they started talking while evelyn and his mom were talking to nias parents butterball was talking to nia and she said that maybe during the summer he could go over to her house and babysit and then he apologized for what he did at her party and she said that it was ok and that somebody else would've ruined it anyway but after they got done talking they went and sat down and evelyn said I think that girl likes you and he said nah she wouldn't be into a fat idiot like me and then his mom spoke up and said burton your not really that fat. the next day he went to lizs office and he showed her the application and it was all filled out to and she was looking through it and she said do u have a dvd of ur movie and butterball said ya and that he had it with him and so he gave it to her and he politely asked if she not watch it right now but later and well liz said that she cant wait to hand it to the principal at cuimmington highschool and well after that he walked liz out to her car and in the car he said that he was going to stop by maurices house and say that he is sorry.
book:BrakingDawn Edward and Bella get married and when they are on there honey moon . Edward takes bella to some place for a honey moon suprise.After they 14 days Bella and Eaward found out that Bella is pregnate.They have to go back home becuase the baby will kill Bella and Edward dose not want Bella to have the baby.Bella tells her dad that she is sick insted of beineg pregnate and tells him she is leaving from her honey moon and her dad is feaking out because he dose not know were she is at.Bella comes back home and jacob comes over and he sees bella really eally ill. THAT I ALL SO FAR SO KNOW THAT IS WERE I STOPED AT IN MY BOOK.BELLA AND EDWARD ARE SO CUTE THEY ARE PERFECT
book: harry potter and the chamber of secrets author: J.K Rowling
I just started my book harry potter and the chamber of secrets and harry has gone back to the mean aunt and uncles house for the summer and so he is basically getting mistreated and he never gets a good amount of food and they don't allow harry to let his owl send notes or even be outside, they have a padlock on the cage so he cant let her out. so they basically forget about harry and just don't care for him, they make him do all the dirty work while Dudley sits on his butt and eat food and play video games and crap all day. so I very much dislike that family they are bitter and mean and are just jealous of Harrys powers.
what I think... I think that harry is somehow going to get rescued? maybe or he's going to somehow figure out how to do magic and break out. because it seems like harry is a pretty strong kid if you ask me.
Harry potter and the chamber of secrets J.K Rowling
in my book, harry Ron and Hormine ( Sp?) are trying to figure out who opened the chamber. they think it is draco malfoy but im not to sure it seems to pointed at malfory I think there is going to be a twist like in the first book and its going to be a completely different character. not to mention there really is not much involvement with he- who-must-not-be-named. (voldermort) so I think that he has something to do with it because the whole legend is based on a slytheren that happened hundred's of years back. so far I am really liking this book but I know this is going to be some twist ending and maybe even a cliff hanger.
Dust & Decay by Jonathan Mayberry Benny and Nix are shocked. After all this traveling. After getting lost from Tom, Lilah and Chong, thinking they were going to find a place where they could wait until they all were reunited with each other and could calm their way through the night and relax till the next morning where they would start back up on their traveling and go farther east. They never thought that the Wawano Hotel was going to turn out to be Gameland. Gameland is where Charlie Mathias and Motor City Hammer and a bunch of other people would take kids, teenagers and anyone else willing to earn a a lot of rations, to fight for their lives against zombies in a zombie pit. Preacher Jack, who a lot have heard about but not a lot of people have seen, helps run the place a long with some others. Jack puts Benny and Nix in a room where they would wait until they were sent into a zombie pit. What they also didn't know is that Chong has already fought for his life just to be grazily bitten by a zombie. Tom found out where Gameland was and is now running for his life so he could help save all of their lives. Will it work though?
My Response: When I read these parts of the book, I was speechless. Yeah, I knew there was going to be a bad part where everything turns around and things start to become a disaster then things will get better and someone will save the day, but I never thought it would turn out the way it did. This, in my mind, was a great twist in the story! I really want to know something that has been talked about in the book a lot, which is, Is Charlie Pink-Eye still alive?? It is like mind-boggling for me!!!
in my book, Sam, has just discovered that his parents have been kidnapped. and now he is on the hunt to find them alive. he meets a family that feeds him and are really nice to him when they get ambushed and killed except for a little girl named Annie. she is only like 8 and she is really mature for her age. Sam decided to bring her with him because she was a orphan now... they are heading to new York to find there parents. and they got a long journey ahead of them...
bone; treasure hunters Jeff smith in my book fone bone and his two cousins plus thorn and her grandma finally come to the city of athia for the dragon worshipers meeting but the guards of the city will be on the look out for them and phoney is cooking a plan to get rich again.
Little one and Thin Elderly just got done with their night work by strengthening John with dreams from multiple objects. and now they are at the heap about to go to bed. I think that Littlest is going to be seen by the humans and get into a lot of trouble. then john is going to try and capture Littlest and Thin Elderly because of the horde that might come.
-Summary: Recently in Velocity, I have gotten to the part where Billy receives his 'Second Wound' from the currently unknown antagonist. The 'First Wound' being that Billy was dragged from his car and having fish hooks pierced through his eyebrows. This time, Billy has received, what I personally feel an even worse wound, a nail shot through his left hand and through the floor (at his dead friends house). Effectively nailing him to the floor (at least temporarily). This is because the stories antagonist is trying to attack Billy (The main character) for unknown reasons.
-Response: I think that experiencing this would be very, very, very painful to say the least. I cannot imagine having a piece of metal in between my hand. Just thinking about a nail going through the tendons that move my fingers makes me shutter. This event makes me predict that Billy will be even more enraged towards his assailant. With the murders happening all around him, the fish hook incident, and the 911 were all very bad. But I think that this could the last straw for Billy until he decides to get even more serious about finding this villain. Especially to protect his comatose wife, who Billy thinks is at risk from the killer.
I recently finished this book may i say it was written very well though not as good as "The Darkest Path" by Jeff also. The Eleventh Plauge is about the aftermath of a chinese bomb P-11 which is like a more deadly mutation of the flu. The Chinese droped this bomb on us because we bombed them first. Stephen Quinn was born after the collapse. His family lived a scavengers throughout the woods staying out of the way of the slavers and the red army but when his mom dies and his grandfather dies sooner later it is just him and his dad who are left. Though they try to stay out of the way of danger sometimes danger find you this happened to them when they were hiding in a plane to stay out of the rain and slavers come in not even 5 minutes after. Trying to be heroic they free the slaves but when trying to get away his dad falls off a cliff and falls into a coma everything turns for the orse until they find marcus, a male that lives in a nearby village where the houses were sill intact even after the cahos. When ii reached this part in the story it had litle action though it still left me very intreged in continuing to read the book.
Book Title: Miracle On 49th Street Author: Mike Lupica
Summary: This book is about this guy who is on the Celtics basketball team and Josh Cameron the guy who is the MVP of the team and he has a daughter named Molly Parker and she had never seen her father and so by making things better Josh and Molly get to know each other and they start to play basketball and he teaches her how to play the game of basketball.
the rangers apprentice the royal ranger by: John Flanagan
right now in my book Will is trying to get revenge on the people who killed his wife Alyss and he is only concerned with that so his friends decide to kill two birds with one stone and by that I mean Horace's and Cassandra's daughter needs to be taught how to be a leader and some shame so they decide to make Maddie ( Horace's and Cassandra's daughter ) Will's apprentice so that he can only concentrate on Maddie and not on revenge and it works so now Will has to train Maddie who is a spoiled princess into the first girl ranger.
I think that is cool how they all came up with that plan to get Will out of this rut and teach Maddie to be a leader and have some combat experience that really is a genius plan since will could not refuse his oldest and most dear friends a favor. now I'm going to make a prediction that will is going enjoy Maddie's company after she stops acting like a spoiled brat and help bring back the old will
Christian Issac Belvill
ReplyDeleteBook: City of Fallen Angels
Author Cassandra Clare.
Summery: I just started the 4th book in the series And right now Simon (a vampire) is talking to Isabelle (a Shdowhunter. they hunt demons) at a restaurant and these Subjugates (owned by vampires for blood) are staring at Simon because there master is wanting to talk to Simon because he can walk in sunlight. he can do that because he drank Jace's blood and Jace has angel blood.
sounds interesting
DeleteBook: I Funny
ReplyDeleteAuthor: JAMES PATERSON
summery: I just started to read this book last Wednesday and the book is getting really good. It is about a boy who is in a wheel chair and he is adopted by his aunt because both of his parents died. But it doesn't tell how his parents died. But the book is abut the boy getting adopted by his aunt and he moves to long beach from upstate new York where he was born. He also now has a step brother that goes to school with him and picks on him and other kids in the school. But when he got home one night his step brother locked him out of the house and let him sit in the cold weather out side. Because he lives in the garage and his step brother unplugged the garage door opener so when he went to open the garage door it wouldn't open. So his step brother also locked the front door so he also couldn't get in and that's why he sat out side in the cold weather. And that's what has happened so far in my book.
City of Fallen Angels
ReplyDeleteCassandra Clare
Short Write
Jace was dreaming about his girlfriend and then he seen a hunting dagger laying on the bed next to her so he picked it up and stabbed her. then he woke up and fell to the ground. ever since his dad died he has been having these kind of dreams, killing the one true love. his father taught him - 'that to love something is to destroy it forever."
I think that ever since his dad died and jace received the hunting dagger and letters from him he has had these bad dreams. I think that because it says in page 66 that jace's father taught him "that to love something is to destroy it forever." Also I think that somehow valentine put a spell on an item to make jace dream about destroying his loved one or actually make him kill her.
I heard that was a really good book
Deletebook: 13 reason why
ReplyDeleteauthor: Jay Asher
summary: this book is about this girl who killed herself and she had made 13 tapes before she had died. she had made the tapes for 13 guys and she had made them for the 13 guys because the 13 guys were part of the reason why she had killed herself. right now in the book clay Jensen is walking to the first star on the map and he had realized that as he got closer to Hannah bakers old house that he had been on that street helping this old man... clay was helping the old man because he had gotten in a car accident and he was only 2 blocks away from his house and he was on the phone with hiswife and when he had gotten in the accident so clay had ran to the old lady's house and told her what had happened and all that.... I predict that clay is going to find out a lot of things about Hannah that he didn't even know about her..
is that a more of a girl book?
DeleteBook: Safe Haven
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Nicholas Sparks
Summary: Safe Haven is about this girl named Katie, who moves into this small part of North Carolina. She moved into an apartment in town, and when she got into her apartment, she had opened her window because it was hot in there. She had opened her window and meet her neighbor named Jo. Jo and Katie are now friends because Jo said that she is going to help Katie with things, and that they are going to be really good friends.
After that, Katie had to go to the store to buy food for her, so she could eat. She doesn't have a car, so she has to walk everywhere in town. When she had gotten to the store she walked in and there were these two young kids playing with toys. Then she had met the store owner, which is a widow with those two kids at the store. The store owners name is Alex, and her instantly falls in love with Katie, and don't even know her. Katie always comes to the store to get something that she wants to have for dinner, but they never have it. The next day when she comes into the store, they have it because Alex is the one that gets it, only for her! When Katie starts coming to the store everyday now, Her and Alex talk more and more everyday.
Also in the book, Alex is starting to really fall in love with Katie, because to him, she is a really great person around kids and other adults. They start falling in love with each other, and then Alex keeps trying to get Katie to eat with them, like on a date so that they can get way more closer, and then have it become a relationship!!
ReplyDeleteBook: Rangers Apprentice Book 7
Date: 9-5-13
Summary: I haven't gotten but 5 chapters into the book but what I do know is that Erak the oberjarl ( Lord ) of the Skandians A ragtag Army of Big muscular brute's who raid and have a small past with the Ranger's Will and Halt
has Been Captured by a tribe south in the sandy deserts of what I believe now a days is called Mexico. So Will, Halt, Horace ( a knight ) Eveleyn ( a soon to be queen) and Other Skandians go and try to find and pay for his master back.
My Thoughts: Now in the book They are sailing along the ocean to get to the Arrdi's Land when they get there they have no idea what the desert is like or feels.
I predict that the period between them getting to Erak is going to be long torturous and Bloody, I also think That something at the end of the book is going to be Full of plot twist's That's how the other books go after all
Book: Ramona The Pest
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Beverly Cleary
Summary: right now in my book Ramona now starts
kindergarten, and is having a little bit of trouble fitting in.
she has trouble of getting along with certain kids: Susan, Howie, and Davy, Davy is her secret crush. she has gotten in trouble for pulling Susan's hair, and trying to kiss Davy, sometimes her sister Beezus, and thinks Howie is a complete bummer. she loves her teacher Miss Binney is the best teacher in the world because she doesn't get in trouble by her.
My Thoughts: I think this book is great because its funny and its a great series.Book: Ramona The Pest
Author: Beverly Cleary
Summary: right now in my book Ramona now starts
kindergarten, and is having a little bit of trouble fitting in.
she has trouble of getting along with certain kids: Susan, Howie, and Davy, Davy is her secret crush. she has gotten in trouble for pulling Susan's hair, and trying to kiss Davy, sometimes her sister Beezus, and thinks Howie is a complete bummer. she loves her teacher Miss Binney is the best teacher in the world because she doesn't get in trouble by her.
My Thoughts: I think this book is great because its funny and its a great series. I think the author has a great ideas because of what she wrote. this book is a brilliant kids book and I'm surprised that this isn't a Newbery honor book. if I was a book critic I would give this book an 8.
copy paste incident ^_^
ReplyDeleteStefan and Damon leave their home town because people found out that they are vampire's. They head to New Orleans to hide form the people that are trying to kill them. Stefan has to save his brother Damon because there is a vampire versus beast battle in New Orleans. Damon was caught bye vampire hunters. The vampire hunters put Damon in the battle for the vampire versus beast battle.
Book: Mockingjay
ReplyDeleteSummary: Katniss was marked as a little insane by the Doctors in the rebel fort/base. They live were the so called District 13 was destroyed by the capital there isn't a lot of people because they recently had a Pox Epidemic. So when the only people left from the bombing of District 12 traveled to the rebel's base/fort. They were welcomed. The book stated that they were only really welcomed for the reasons that most of the people in the rebel fort/base died from this Pox Epidemic. A little after the District 12 and 13 combined they knew they need a some what symbol for what I think is a revolution brewing.. They asked Katniss the main character to be that symbol that they need so she has accepted this offer and is in the making of becoming The Mockingjay.
My Thoughts: I think that the rebel base is not much different from the Capital in the book it talks about how they tortured people from the Katniss's Hunger Games prep team. I don't think that it was the right thing to do cause they grew up there and they just didn't really think that it was that bad. I know you had the view of Katniss living in a horrible District but they grew up being pampered.
book: twilight (*EXTRA CREDIT!!!!)
ReplyDeletesummary: in my book, Bella just moved from the big city of phoenix Arizona to the small town of forks to live with her dad, the chief of police force in the small town. She starts to go to the small school of forks and meets a boy named Edward. he doesn't even know her name but it seems as if he hates her.
my thoughts: why does Edward hate her?!?!? like he just seems so mean to her. I don't understand because they have never even spoke. he just glares at her and try's to switch classes to get away from her.. she's the new kid give her a break!!
author: Stephanie Meyer... sorry I forgot to put that in there.
DeleteBook Title: The Great Gatsby
ReplyDeleteAuthor: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Recently in this book, I have just finished the part where Gatsby wants to see Daisy again, after many years. To do so, Gatsby gets Nick to invite Daisy (His cousin) over for tea. Then Gatsby would come over too and see her. Luckily for him, his planned worked, and he got to talk to Daisy and catch up with there lives. The trio even went to Gatsby's house afterwards.
My thoughts:
From this part of the book, I can tell that Gatsby is really nervous and probably scared to see Daisy after so long. Earlier in the book, it says that Gatsby and Daisy had a relationship before he went to fight in World War One. That would explain why he didn't invite Daisy to his house in the first place. (As a side note, Gatsby has a mansion and Nick lives in a gardeners house that wasn't used anymore and was put up for sale. Big difference!) But he finally decided to talk to Daisy after so long, possibly as a sign of getting over his fears. I predict that he Daisy will mend their friendship together again because Daisy seems happy when she is with him.
I read that lately its 12548795 better than the movie
DeleteRamona and her father
ReplyDeleteBeverly Cleary
Summary:Right now in my book Ramona and Beezus's father loses his job and he has to find a new one. with all the stress Ramona and Beezus has been causing him, he starts smoking. Ramona and Beezus try to get him to stop and Ramona also tries helping him.
my thoughts: I find it sad that he has to have to find a new job and that their mom has only a part time job so she barely gets paid at all. so with the way the family's going on throughout all of this pressure, I feel very bad about it. and I would recommend people this book.
Book: Maximum ride the angle experiment
ReplyDeleteAuthor: James Paterson
in my book what is happing so far is that they are in there house getting ready for school and they ant wanting to go. through out some of the pages they are talking about cloning their self so they don't have to go. but they don't have the powers to do that. so it looks like are going to there schools today but at least they get to use their powers though. we don't have powers and we still have to go to school I don't really want to get up every morning to go to school but I do. and that is what is happening mky book so far.
ReplyDeleteWendelin Van Draanen
I'm at the point in my story where a plot twist is starting to happen. All through the beginning of the book, Bryce thought that Julianna was Rowdy, obnoxious, weird, and creepy since she moved in. But right now, 5 years later, Bryce is starting to see Juli differently. He is starting to like her. A lot. When Juli was younger she was very energetic and excited. But as she gets older, more anger towards Bryce build up and up until she can't take it anymore. They start getting mad at each other really often. But Bryce is finally starting to see Juli differently. He even brought a picture of her to school accidentally.
I kind of assumed that Bryce and Juli would end up being together in the end. But Bryce always seemed like he hated her and then out of no where he starts to like her. Then Juli liked Bryce SO MUCH in the beginning, but she starts to like him less as the book goes on. So they switch! I really like this book because it is relatable. Lots of things that happen in the book, have happened/will happen to me sometime through out my life. I'm almost done with the book though, which is kind of sad because I like it a lot.
Beezus and Ramona
ReplyDeleteBeverly Cleary
right now in my book Ramona is ruining everything, she ends up throwing a party without her mothers permission. the next day was Beezus's birthday and Ramona wastes all of the eggs, so her mom has to go back to store to get more. when she comes back she is baking a new cake and Ramona ends up putting her doll in the oven and messes up Beezus's cake. Beezus yells at Ramona and when their aunt Beatrice comes over she brings a new cake, and some presents for Beezus, and Ramona. I don't think Ramona deserves a present. :-)
City of Fallen Angles
ReplyDeleteBy Cassandra Clare
Simon was attacked on his walk home by someone in a track suit and had a hunting knife. when the mugger went to go stab Simon he was dragged up into the air and clawed at then he turned to ash. Simon watched as it all happened and when it was all done he thought what could have done it. Then he remembered the Mark of Cain. That is basically a rune. If someone tries to kill him he will not die they will. But I think it is supposed to make him human after awhile.
I think after the 5th attack something bad will happen to Simon. I think that because the attacker will find out about the Mark of Cain and will somehow bend the rules of it and kill him. Also I don't think that valentine is dead because a baby died and its eyes were big and all black and it had claws. When Jace was borne he had black eyes and he was valentines son.
Book Title: The Great Gatsby
ReplyDeleteAuthor: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Recently in this magnificent book, Gatsby has been inviting Daisy (Without her husband Tom)to many things. They've pretty much been spending a lot of time together. Though this may not seem like a big deal or something worth mentioning, this is actually very important. That's because Gatsby has told Daisy to tell her husband that "I never loved you". He wants her to do that, so he can marry her.
My Thoughts/Response:
This is where I feel that I can predict that this is when the book starts to get more dramatic and action-y (We can pretend that's a word). I say this because Gatsby is trying to break apart someones relationship for his benefit! I understand that he has missed her and she is the love of his life, but I feel that he should move on and realize Daisy has a whole life with Tom and their daughter. I'm glad Gatsby got over being shy, but I think he is just taking it too far. I have a feeling this won't end in Gatsby's favor, because Tom and Daisy have been married for 5 years! It's not like it's only been a little bit, but 5 whole years! I understand there are divorces and such, but those happened less in the past. In total, I think there will be some sort of conflict/confrontation with Gatsby and Tom.
is that a good book?? I been wanting to read it but they way u summarized it makes it sound really gooooooooooooodddd
DeleteThe book is amazing! I would highly suggest to anyone!
ReplyDeleteJohn Feinstien
Recently in my book Stevie and Susan Carol are at the Super Bowl both reporting for their own newspapers. They have discovered that there has been a scandal cover-up of 5 offensive linemen using steroids to enhance their body. The coach, players, team doctors, and most especially the owner of the Dreams are covering up that those players tested positive so that they will not have to have a second test and possibly if positive again will be suspended from the Super Bowl.
I think that I can predict that something is going to happen that will chance the route of where the story is going. I think that it is going to happen during the actual Super Bowl game that is coming up. I say this because I can see that nothing happening in the book really has an outcome of changing the scenario.
that's scandoluos
Deletesounds interesting
Deletemiracle on 49th street
In my book molly was just now hearing from the famous basket ball players agent aka the basket ball play is her dad she is just now finding out from bobby fisherman the agent that he doesn't want to hurt his daughters feelings but truly the basketball player dose love his daughter but the agent it trying to scare him away.
I think this is said that the agent wants to put a shoe deal first over the players daughter and he knows that josh likes his daughter he just wants to interfere with there relation ship which is bad , I think that his daughter is going to move in with him.
City of Fallen Angles
ReplyDeleteBy Cassandra Clare
since jace has died clary could have what ever she wanted so the angle Raziel granted her wish and that was to have jace back so The angle brought him back to life. but when a shadow hunter is born they get a spell sort of thing happen to them so they are not venerable to demonic influence. but when jace was brought back to life all those spells were washed away. so now he has been dreaming of killing clary the one he loves most. so he ends up stabbing her and then he tells her what has benn happening so they go to the silent brothers and they reach into his mind and find out he has been brought back to life. then when he is sleeping in the silent city and has a dream of his dead brother-max. max tells jace what to do to "stop" the dreams- cut your rist and draw a pattern on your heart. so jace did and now he in command of a vampire that wants her son alive and needs simon to maker her son a vampire. simon has angel blood in him and that's what makes him able to bring the dead back and if he doesn't jace will cut clarys neck
Rangers Apprentice Book 10
ReplyDeleteBy: John Flanagan
In the 2nd to last book of the series Will, Halt, Alyss, Horace, And Eveleyn go to China ( They call it something else in the book) As a part of Horace's Training but of course Horace gets dragged into a fight that isn't his and suddenly he fights against a clan that wants to over throw the emperor. The Chinese general who just so happens to be an American (Or Arulean as it's called in the book ) AND ( SPOILER ) Horace's father
I believe what will happen is that Will and the others will come to Horace's aid when they need him because their the good guys... and good guys never lose. Right?
The Vampire Diaries Vol4 The Ripper
ReplyDeleteStefan works at a farm. The next day he hears about a women that was murdered and he thinks it was his brother Damon Because he has not seen him for 20 years. Damon promised Stefan that he would give him a life of misery or Stefan thinks it might have been Kluse the old vampire because Stefan and Damon took Katherine away sopoosely because she loved them. So Kathrine got cout about being a vampire and know Stefan is trying to find out who is the Murder eather Kluise or Damon.
The Scorch Trials
ReplyDeleteIn my book Thomas and the Gladers are trying to get out of the second trial of 3. They are halfway there and have gotten past the city full of cranks. Thomas got shot by a rusty bullet and WICKED which is the new government and is the one who put them there came and saved him then left again to continue watching them try to get through the trials. The Gladers had 40-60 of them in the beginning and now only 11 remain from the deadly trials.
Book Title: The Great Gatsby
ReplyDeleteAuthor: F. Scott Fitzgerald
Recently in this magnificent novel, Daisy has sadly ended the life of Myrtle Wilson (The wife of George Wilson, and the Mistress of Tom Buchanan) by accidentally hitting her with Gatsby's automobile. This happened because Gatsby let her drive because it calms her down, and she couldn't see Myrtle when the collision occurred. In order to protect Daisy, Gatsby has decided to take the blame for running over Myrtle. No one else knows who actually killed the woman, because the car was going too fast to see who was in it.
My Thoughts/Response
I think this is another example of how much Gatsby cares/loves Daisy. He is pretty much ruining his image for this one girl, just so she doesn't get caught. I know for a fact that not many people would make a huge sacrifice like that for someone. This only reassures my earlier thought that Gatsby really loves Daisy. I can predict that things won't go to well for Gatsby, though. I say this because he is now taking credit for the murder of someone. There are major drawbacks to that! Such as imprisonment, people see you very differently, no one will go to his parties anymore, etc. I just hope that everything turns out okay.
Book: Mockingjay
ReplyDeleteBy: Suzanne Collins
Summary: Katniss is training and earlier in the book she was shot in her side by a Peacekeeper. The bullet barely touched her but it left really bad wounds. When she got word that they were about to try and get the Capital to surrender and that she wasn't going she pretty much forced them to let her go. The deal was she needed to do some training and if she passed the exam she would be able to go into battle. Now with her current state in mind she could barely walk or do anything without her side hurting. So she went to talk to her trainer and she told her to give a note to the hospital to speed up her healing process. When she got to the hospital and gave the note to her head doctor he warned her that this process would be very hard but she went on with it. So they strapped her down. After that they starting jabbing her with needles around 24 I think. It took about 2 or more days to heal. But for the kind of state she was in that is a pretty fast healing process. Now that's were I left off.
love that book but its not as good as the hunger games
DeleteBook : skeleton creek the raven
ReplyDeleteBy : Patrick carman
Summary : well there is a guy and a girl and they have found a ton of gold in a old gold dreage and then they found the missing Jefferson library books and now they are on the trail of a man called the apostal and they also have to worry about being caught by the raven frizs dad and he does not like them trying to figure this whole thing out and sarah ( the girl ) is going on this really long road trip from LA to Boston and has to find these clues along the was and they will find out what is at the end of the rainbow when sarah gets back to Boston
the odd squad
ReplyDeleteNick is the shortest kid in the school(by the way don't make a KYLE joke about that) anyway he is bullied by a kid named Roy, and Nick does not fit in, like with Molly and Karl they are having trouble fitting in and they end up joining safety patrol and they have to bring the crazy so Roy leaves them alone
Book Title: The Great Gatsby
ReplyDeleteAuthor: F. Scott. Fitzgerald
I have finished this magnificent novel a while ago, and it was amazing! The ending though, I hated very much. Since Gatbsy doesn't tell anyone (Besides Nick) that it was Daisy who ran over Myrtle, not him, something VERY bad happens to him, like I predicted before. You see, Myrtle's husband, George, was seeking revenge for the murder of his wife. He found out that the car that hit is wife was yellow. He managed to trace this unique car back to Gatsby (Since it's his). Deciding to take action, George gets a firearm and murders an unaware Gatsby in a swimming pool, and commits suicide. To top this off, no one comes to Gatsby's funeral, except Nick and Gatsby's dad. Out of the hundreds to thousands of people who came to his parties, no one came.
Wow, is all I have to say! I was really liking Gatsby (Besides the adultery) and he was killed! The part about the funeral especially angered me. I know this is just a book, but you can get attached, haha. The ending was so well written and detailed, that I can't hate on F. Scott Fitzgerald, but it was so sad! All these people coming to his parties, and not one, ONE, of them could come. I think this is horrible! I feel very bad for Gatsby (Even though he isn't real). Each kingdom will eventually fall, I guess. (Insert sad face here)
Book: Middle School Worst
ReplyDeleteAuthor: James Patterson
In my book what is happening is that the kid in the story is trying to fit in with a punch of kids that are being mean to teachers and getting detentions. So when he try to do what they do they tell him to pull a fire alarm during the school assembly. When he does pull he run back to the gym to sit back down and every one is already gone because of it. But now that he has done it they are trying to find out who did it. So as this goes on he gets points for what ever he did. And that is what is happening in my book so far
Book: 13 Reasons Why
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jay Asher
My book is about this girl named Hannah that had committed suicide because she got bullied. So since she got bullied she had sent out 13 types to 13 people that she knew, and they were 13 reasons why something happened and why she picked them to listen to the types. Each person has their own type about them. The 13th type is going to be the worst type of all. The types get worse everytime somebody listens to them.
Book: The Giver
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Lois Lowery
Well I just finished reading The Giver. It was amazingly amazing in every possible amazing way. Don't judge a book by it's cover or title, I debated reading it for years just because I thought the old guy on the cover was creepy and that the title was just plain weird. BUT IT'S NOT!!!!! The Giver is about an 11 year old named Jonas, who lives in basically our world in the future. The world is much different then though. While everyone thought they were solving problems, they're really just shielding the future from our experiences and opportunities. Sounds complicated now....just read the book. Anyway, there is only one person in the community that does have these memories, feelings, abilities, etc. He is called the Receiver. When Jonas is selected to be the new receiver, he must endure training and a bunch of other weird changes to his life. crazy amazing book, worst ending ever.
book: twilight
ReplyDeleteauthor: Stephanie Meyer
in twilight, Bella and Edward start talking and she realizes that she is love with him. Edward is acting weird around her... like one minute he wants to be friends he says that they shouldn't be friends.. to me that's weird but I think I know why he's acting weird...I wonder why Edward would even start talking to her if he couldn't hardly be around her? why leading someone on and then just tell them that they couldn't be friends anymore? it makes no sense to me.
I read that book a thousand times and I never get tired of It and I watch the movie all the time I LOVE TWILIGHT I read the book a week ago and I watched the movie last night.
DeleteCity Of lost Souls
ReplyDeleteBy Cassandra Clare
Jace woke Sebastian and now they are both missing and
cary went to the clave and they said that they she did nothing illegal so she was free. But they said that Jace's search was de-prioritized because they couldn't find any clues.
I think Jace will find away to get out of they spell and to get back to clary and the clave before he becomes a threat to the whole world.
ReplyDeletein my book the jus got done with visiting day and tris was talking to her mom an she knows how she is ranked and how she is fighting but she never reviled how she did it. (figured it out)
Book: revolution
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jennifer Donnelly
I started the book yesterday and I have already found myself very into reading about it. right now I am on chapter 4. So far in my book, I have definitely discovered a lot about the main character. To me she is a very disclosed person from the world, only because she has already faced so many struggles and challenges. She has found herself in lots of trouble lately at her high school. I'm not for sure but so far from what makes sense to me, the high school she attends is a preforming arts high school. therefor the standards are set extremely high for the students there. lately the main character has been finding herself in lots of trouble for her grades and behavior at school. But its obvious to me that the reason for this is because she has such a tough life at home. And it shows that it is effecting her whole life. she finds herself unlovable and has the addiction of making herself feel pain. The reason she is attending the school she does is because of her music. she is a prodigy on the guitar and finds herself playing until she is unable to play anymore because she has so many cuts on her hand she cant pare it anymore.
this girl interests me because I feel like there is a secret about her that I have yet to discover. I cant wait to read more so I can find out more about her story.
Book: City of ashes
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Cassandra Clare
Summary in The last Book City of bones Jace Found out that his father is alive and he is a the one who they have been fighting all along he uses this thing called the mortal cup to create an army of demons. When he is supposed to stand trial in front of the calve to find out if he is lying about not knowing his father is Valentine the one who is creating the army of demons to take/wipe out the calve. Jace has to spend a night in the Silent City prison when he wakes up only to Find Clary,Alec And Isabella rescuing him they all find there self Standing in front of the inquisitor and 30 other Shadow Hunters including Jace`s Foster mother they get Terrified.
Book: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
ReplyDeleteAuthor: J.K Rowling
In my story, it's just passed Christmas time and Harry got the new broom called "FireBolt." The reason why he got this is because during a Quidditch match, the dementors made Harry fall off his broomstick and land right on it. Dementors are these souls covered in black robes, and black faces. They take everything happy away from you, and make everything dark. They scare people really badly, but not as bad as Harry Potter. When Gryffindor's first Quidditch match with the FireBolt arrived, everyone was shocked at what he got because no one else can afford one, and they're supposedly the best brooms around. Harry doesn't know who sent him the FireBolt, because there was no note from anybody. Harry and Professor Lupin has been working on a spell to make Harry not so afraid of the dementors, because whenever he sees them, he passes out. Professor Lupin told Harry that he'd teach him how to stay strong when the dementors came, but it won't be an easy task because even the wizards who have been training on this spell haven't even completed it. When Harry first took his private lessons with Lupin, he would pass out every single time he'd do the spell. After a few times, he finally got it kind of accomplished. Whenever Harry passes out, he can hear his mother and father before they got killed by Voldemort, trying to save him. Gryffindor's first Quidditch match came, and Harry saw the dementors but performed the spell, and nothing happened to him at all. He was perfectly fine and Professor Lupin was shocked. I think that the spell actually worked perfectly fine for him is because he was so concentrated on it, and he didn't want to hear his mothers and fathers voice again trying to save him when he was little. Plus, on the other hand, Harry is so powerful that he was actually capable of casting it because of his skills. I now think that since the spell worked for him, whenever he sees another dementor, he will be fine as long as he performs this spell. I really love the Harry Potter books because they're so interesting and you never know what is going to happen. Harry Potter especially, because everyone is after him, so anything wrong can happen at anytime. I can't wait to read more into the story to figure out what happens next.
Book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Stephen Chbosky
In my book, the main character Charlie had to make a hard decision. He had been dating a girl named Mary Elizabeth for a while, but he was still in love with his best friend Sam. Charlie and Mary Elizabeth, Patrick and Brad, and Sam and Craig all decided to go to Craig's house for couples night. They drank wine & played a bunch of games like truth or dare. When Charlie was dared to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, he was faced with a problem. Does he kiss his girlfriend, or does he kiss the girt that he has been madly in love with for years? He knew that dating Mary Elizabeth and loving Sam wasn't fair for Mary at all. So he made the choice to kiss Sam. Which broke off his relationship with Mary Elizabeth and made Sam very mad at the same time.
I think that he made the right decision. It really wasn't fair for Mary because she liked him a lot. He even told Mary that she very beautiful, but he realized that Sam was more beautiful. From the very beginning of the story, you can pretty much tell that Sam and Charlie will end up together eventually. You just don't know when.
Book: The Adventures Of Captain Underpants Now In Full Color.
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Dav Pilkey
Summary: This book is about 2 fourth graders and there name is George Beard and Harold Hutchins and they love to make comics and one of there comics has a superhero that rules the elementary school and his name is Captain Underpants and there is a part of the book were Captain Underpants tries to save the world by chasing the Bad Guys and when in the process of doing that Captain Underpants gets caught and captured and the enemies rapped him in rope and when Harold and George finally knew what happen they both distracted the Bad Guys and got Captain Underpants out. Since Captain Underpants is in the comic that doesn't mean he can save the world.
Book: House Of Hades
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Rick Riordan
In my book I have a lot of main characters Leo Hazel Frank Nico Jason Piper Annebeth and Percy. Leo Hazel Frank Jason Piper and Nico are stuck with the Athena Parthoes a statue made to honor Athena. It attracts monsters along with all the gods that are trying to kill them. Gaea is a God of the earth and in a way grandmother of the Newer gods. She wants to open the doors of death overthrow the gods and rule the world. In a attempt to stop her these 7 demigods have to close the doors of death so gaea's army can't rise. There has been a setback though. Annebeth and Percy have fallen into tartarus and have to live the next few days with the worst and most dangerous monsters from the golden age. (Gaea's age). There goal is to battle there way to the doors of death on tartarus's side in order to stop the army from rising but once the doors are closed it is very highly unlikely that percy and annebeth will ever be able to escape. Meanwhile Hazel is being shown by a goddess of crossways that whatever she choses it will be bad. People will die and there is nothing she can do to stop it. Will they live long enough to beat Gaea. If so will Percy and Annebeth close the doors of death and make it back to there friends?
My 2 favorite characters are Percy and Annebeth so I am hoping that they will make it but they are facing the worst monsters of all time so I don't know if they will. I think that Hazel is ganna over come the challenges that are ahead. Including the challenge of stepping up as leader and defending her friends on the way to the doors of death. If it results into anyone dyeing you will have to deal with me crying in class as I read this..... sorry.
Deletedaaaang Amanda u sure love to type
DeleteBook: Mockingjay
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Susan Collins
Summary: Katniss is in the Capital square when she see's a Capital aircraft hovering over and his human shield made out of children and silver parachutes drop from the hovercraft and then the children start picking these parachutes up and one after another they start exploding and then Rebel Medics start rushing in to help help them. Once the Rebel's are in there Katniss's starts to see that one of the medics from the team is her little sister Prim so Katniss starts to yell "Prim Prim!" Prim then starts to notice that it's her sister yelling too her. Right after that a second round of the parachutes start exploding then killing Prim and giving Katniss horrible burns all over also burning some of her hair.
Book: Syren
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Angie Sage
Septimus Jenna and Beetle just rescued Nicko and Snorri. Septimus is taking beetle with him on his dragon Spit fyre while the others are taking Jenna's boat that her real father gave to her to win her over. Septimus just sent a message to Marcia to tell her he will be one day late and then someone said they had a message for him and that is where I left off at
Book City of ashes (Extra Credit)
ReplyDeleteBy Cassandra Clare
In my book right now Clary,Jace,Simon And Isabella Are on there Way to a seelie court. To see if the Court can be on their side when it comes time to the trial that Jace has to deal with. I still have know idea if Jace will be sentenced or no I will have to wait and see......
Book: Matched
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Ally Condle
I just started to read "Matched" and in the beginning of the book we meet Cassia, Xander, And their parents. All of the in a car on their way to the Hall. While in the Hall the get to meet their match. Everyone meets their match sometime after they turn seventeen. They will meet them by time they are eighteen. While your meeting them you have to dress fancy and carry around a artifact with you.
Everyone gets one artifact. But they can be passed down by generation. Artifacts are really hard to come by so if you find one and you don't have yet you better take it. Right now Xander and Cassia are going into the Hall to go see their matches. Its really cool because Cassia gets to meet her birthday.
What I like about this story so far is it kind of seems like its in the future. But I really want to know why they do these special matches? Also why do they need to have a special artifact with them? I also wonder why they wait until they are seventeen to do this match?
This blog is my extra credit blog ;)
ReplyDeleteBook: Revolution
Author: Jennifer Donnelly
I have read a coupe more chapters since my last blog yesterday. This blog will be more of a summary than it will be about the details of my main character. So anyways, The main character was invited to a party by her ex boyfriend. she didn't know if she should go but she took the risk and went anyway. there she flirted with the ex boyfriend after he surprisingly saved her from falling off the top of a building to kill herself. After some things happened she was told to leave ad it all went downhill from there. she was devastated. when she went home she found her dad at her house and that was strange because he left her and her mother months ago to pursue his career. the main character found herself actually hating her father even more when he told her that hes putting her mother in an insane hospital while he drags her off to Paris with him on a business trip so she can get her mind off of things. right now in my book they have made it to paris and she is not very happy with the results of what will happen there over the next few months. cant wait to find more out about the trip!
so right now in my book I haven't gotten too far but right now Katniss wen out to the woods to see gale and when she gets there he throws some fresh baked bread. (yuuuuuuuummmmm) any way he told her that all he did was trade in a squirrel to get the bread, then gale tells her that could escape DISTRICT 12 and runaway together but I don't think they could make it out there.
book: the fault in our stars
ReplyDeleteby john green
I just started reading the book yesterday so I haven't got very far in the book.. but people had said it was a very good book... so I thought i would read it so I got the book and started reading it. i hope its a good book.
and i hope to finish it soon
DeleteBook: 13 Reasons Why
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jay Asher
Right now in my book I am on the 4th tape out of 13. This book is about this girl who had committed suicide because of 13 people. I really like this book because it had really good dialogue and detail of why she killed herself. The only part of the book I don't get is the beginning, because at first it didn't give any detail really about the character, but now it gives a really good script of what the book is about.
Book: 13 Reasons Why
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Right now in my book Hannah's tapes are getting really good. I am on the 4th person which is the 4th tape. Hannah made 13 tapes for 13 certain people. The 13 tapes go to them, and each tape has somebody's name and the reason why she killed herself. (it was because of them). Since I'm only on the 4th video tape, I hope that I finish the book very soon.
Book: City of Ashes (Week of 15-19)
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Cassandra Clare
Well Jace,Simon,Clary And Isabella went through the court and at the end, The fairy Queen Pulled a Trick on Clary and said that she has to stay because she drank some of the fairy drink even though she did not. It spilled on her finger and she licked it off. The Queen said that she has to kiss somebody so, she tries to kiss Simon her boyfriend the Queen said NO,NO and NO she must kiss the one who she desires to. so the Queen said "you must kiss your brother". Clary asked why when I love Simon? "but to get the Queen on our side you have to obey her rules".said Jace so Clary was torn she thought that it only was a kiss she has kissed Jace before but Simon was right their so she did not want to but she did anyway. therefor Simon was mad an did not talk to her for the rest of the day and still has not talk to her at all yet. I Still Have not finished it yet im only in the middle but I cant wait to finsh it.
Book the chronicles of Vladimir Tod
ReplyDeleteAuthor heather brewer
right now in my book Vlad got lock in a room with Eddie Poe and he find out his friend joss is a vampire slayer and he get worded to bathory (the old high school) because of Joss he goes their to see his dad well a picture of course his parents are died vlad got bite by another vampire he almost died then the chapter ended bad ending
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
(Side Note: Yes, this is the book about the disgusting meat processing factory Mrs. Boehle told us about)
I have recently began this novel, and it's great (I haven't gotten to the gross part yet, haha) !! What has happened, is that it starts off at a wedding party. It's between a Lithuanian man named Jurgis Rudkus, and Ona Lukoszaite. Before I continue, I have to point out that Ona is barely 16 (I'll talk about this later, in my response)! We also learn about the families of the guests at the party. One the of most interesting people of the families, is Mikolas. He is a beef - boner. Their job is to remove meat from the cow carcass. The problem with this, is that it's very dangerous, because you can cut yourself if you hit a bone or slip up. That cut can be infected, which led to Mikolas having blood poisoning twice, in the last 3 years, that also cost him his job. To add on to that, he only makes about 40 cents, AN HOUR!
My Response:
First off, I can't believe a 16 year old is getting married to a grown man! That is a definite sign of the story taking place in the past (1905-1906). That may have been more normal and acceptable at the time, but today you need parents consent, and even if you have it, it is very frowned upon. Now, onto the (Dangerous) job of beef boning. I think that's crazy to take such a risk for so little pay. From reading the story though, I understand why he would do this job, because they are poor and jobs are rare and uncommon. I am also disturbed by the fact that his wounds got infected. That tells me health care was a luxury at the time, because most people would at least get it checked out nowadays. I hope things will get better for Mikolas's family, and that Jurgis's and Ona's (Weird and kind of creepy) marriage works out well.
in my book Dwight got kicked out of school they tried to get him back in school but they couldn't do it because the school board was mean. then Dwight went to a private school they went to go visit him at his house and he was acting really weird like he didn't even want to do origami (what!!!!) so then a couple days later his best friend went to his house his mom was gone she he tried to squeezes through the doggie door he made it they talked... the he left Dwight got in a lot of trouble ( so I am on book 3 and this is a really good series I love it )
ReplyDeletefortune wookie ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Deletefortune wookie I think that next in my book I think next Dwight will go back to his regular school and be very very happy then I think that his mom will be happy to because she will be saving money I think the principle is going to allow him to do origami and they will all be happy.
ReplyDeletebook: new moon
ReplyDeleteauthor: Stefanie Meyer
Bella is in a depression form Edward breaking up with her and she is starting to hang out with Jacob and they become best friends and she then realizes that she hallucinates when she is doing something dangerous like Edward starts speaking to her telling her to get away or not to do it. one day she jumps off a cliff and ends up getting hurt... but she does not die. Edward calls Charlie's phone and Jacob was at her house and said that Charlie was at a funeral( Larry Clearwater's...he had a heart attack) and he thinks its Bella's so he goes to Europe and try's to kill himself but Bella and Alice come to the rescue...
book: new moon (EXTRA CREDIT!!!!!!)
ReplyDeleteauthor: Stefanie Meyer
sooo... basically the end of the book is about how Bella and Edward get back together and then Bella starts having issues with Jacob because he is in love with Bella but Bella doesn't love him she loves Edward but Jacob wont let it go and just be her best Edward and Jacob are kind of like mortal enemy's because Jacob is a werewolf and Edward is a vampire... but they have to kind of get along for bella's sakes... so its just a mess. *sighs* stupid love triangles.
ReplyDeleteauthor: 50 cent
in my book playground, butterball lives in garden city and goes to Watkins school. he has gotten in to some trouble by the law. he thought it would be a good idea to hit a kid in his grade named Maurice with a sock full of batteries. now he goes to a therapist to talk out his problems. the girl he likes is now scared of him. so basically everything went downhill for him really fast.
Book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
ReplyDeleteAuthor: J.K Rowling
I'm more than halfway through the fourth story of the Harry Potter series, and Hogwarts is starting a new thing this year, that's called the 'Triwizard Cup. Basically, the whole point of this is to see who is best at doing very difficult tasks, and see who's mind works the best with magic. The 'Goblet of Fire' is what picks people for the Triwizard competition, but there is an age restriction and you have to be over the age of 16 to put your name into the Goblet of Fire, and if you're younger than that and try to put your name in it, it won't accept it. When the drawings came through, the Goblet of Fire chose 3 main people from different schools, but it also chose Harry Potter, who isn't of age to be in the competition. If the Goblet of Fire does this, you have to compete anyways. They have 3 main and difficult tasks to complete, and Harry Potter and his 3 'enemies' facing him just got complete with the 2nd task. They had to swim underwater and 'find what they'd miss the most' underneath there, and you only have a hour, and if you go beyond the hour the thing you'll miss the most will be gone. It turns out this wasn't exactly true, and they just said that because they wanted you to be done before the time for the task was over. Harry is now waiting for the 'grades' from the task, to see who won overall. My opinion on this, is that Harry got put in there for a reason, because he is so strong and powerful with his magic and he knows that he is better than some of the 17 or older wizards and witches. I think, what might happen later on is that Harry will probably end up winning the 'Triwizard Cup' and be even more famous than he already is because he's younger than everyone, but still competing because he has to.
I just finished the necromancer in the immortal Nicholas flamel series an d what happened is Sophie and josh return to their aunts house but someone is there waiting for them so they start running to their aunts house to see what is going on Sophie uses the power of fire to pop the tires of the car they were driving while josh goes inside to see if their aunt is ok then Sophie see a person who looks like there friend scathacth but it turns out to be Aoife her twin sister and she kidnaps Sophie to talk to her but as there escaping josh gets mad and chases after them with two broken chair legs and then they turn into golden rods and when he tries but as soon as they leave his hand they turn back into broken chair legs after that he goes to Nicholas and perrinelle and they track them down then after they clear things up they go to see Prometheus to teach josh fire but then mars takes control of josh's mind taking him to dee what happens next read the book to find out
ReplyDeleteIntervention response
ReplyDeleteBook: Maximum Ride
Author: James Patterson
in my story right now the flock is in Manhattan looking for a place called the Institute that may have information on their family's and where they came from. But while buying honey roasted peanuts and talking to a clown Max saw that the clown looked or winked to a man and that's when max knew they were Erasers looking to capture them again, Max said to Iggy "get the group" and off they were running through Manhattan trying to get away when more and more Erasers were closing the gap in between them so Max had a decision let the group get caught again or fly in front of all of Manhattan when Iggy suddenly said left and the snuck in a zoo with a group of kids and got away and from the Erasers, nut lets see how long they last.
Messenger by Lois Lowery
ReplyDeleteI just finished the book Messenger. It is the third book in the Giver series (which is amazing) and probably the 2nd best I've read so far (the original is my favorite). Messenger is about a boy named Matty who lives in a village with a blind man named Seer. Seer's daughter Kira lives in the neighboring village and Matty decides that he needs to bring her to her father before it's too late. Mostly the book is about the journey through the forest trying to get back to Seer. Really hard to explain if you haven't read The Giver or Gathering read them. Then we can talk:)
Book: Scary stories 3
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Alvin Schwatz
Jim worked on Thursdays as a stock boy at the mall he stocks stuff up than drives home.Jim was one of the last ones to leave that night he was walking to the big parking lot when all of a sudden a guy came out of the shadows with a big knife in his hand.The man said "nice sharp knife" than jim thought to him self don't panic and then the man stepped toward him and jim said to himself don't run.The man repeated himself nice sharp knife jim thought to himself again just give the man what he wants the man held the knife up to him and said"cuts nice and easy the man got in jims face and said in a low voice "hey man only three dollars two for five nice present for your mamma
Book: Fablehaven
ReplyDeleteIn my book right know they found a key inside a toy Unicorn and they unlocked the second lock on the side of the mysterious journal. She started thinking if all the other keys are in something that another key unlocked then what else in this room is unlocked and is most likely to have a small key in it.. Then she thought that the jewelry box would have something in it. So she used the key on her key chain that unlocks the jewelry box and sure enough on the inside in one of the small compartments was a small golden key. So she went over to the journal and the put the small golden key in the last key slot and it opened but the mysterious journal was empty except the last page which had a weird choice of words "Drink the milk.."
hey hey everyone im baaaaaack
ReplyDeletehunger gaaaaames
right noow in my book Katniss just dumbfounded the gamemakers and scored an 11. and right now she just aced the tv interview, and then wen it was Peetas trun he told a buncha stuff and at the very end of the chapeter he tells everyone he was in love with Katniss. ooooooooooh. and now im at the part where she shoves him into a flower pot. owwwwww! be back later to talk more about it.
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
Recently in this novel, we are starting to learn about a meat factory. Right now, we'ere being educated on the hog processing buildings. More disgustingly, we learn about how they kill the animals and cut them up. First, they have this big, slow spinning wheel. They attach the pigs to the wheel and slit their throats. Then, the wheel lowers the bodies into a vat of boiling water, etc etc. Let's just say a lot of blood and blades were involved. (It's very disgusting).
I think this is really gross (At least the killing part, for I very much enjoy the eating part of the finished product)! If you read what's actually written in the book, most people would find it disturbing to say the least. It just seems so inhumane to me, because they didn't do anything to deserve this death. I think this is a big sign that this book takes place in the past, because today, pork making is probably a lot more humane than it was in 1905/6 .
ReplyDeleteBy Brandon Mull
Right now in my book Kendra is going to a special meeting in Altanta, GA with Coulter, Tanu, and Warren to the Kights of the Dawn but they have a slight of a problem. They don`t know if the Sphinx is a traitor or not. He can be working on the enemy side The Society of the Evening Star. They are trying to get all 5 artifacts to unlock the demon.
I can predict that they will find out the true identity of the Sphinx. The hard way. But who knows what will hapen. Guess I will keep reading to find out.
book: playground
ReplyDeleteauthor: 50 cent
butter ball got mad because Maurice laughed at him and nia's friends but nia didn't because she liked him to but butterball got mad so he put battery's in a sock and hit Maurice with it so after that nia got scared so she walked away with fear of butterball so when butterball tried to talk to nia she didn't responed so he got upset but still didn't regret what butterball did after that butterball got mad because this kid on the bus was stairing at him so butterball got up and talked to him and after butterball was done the kid on the bus walked away
book: playground
ReplyDeleteauthor: 50 cent
in my book playground butterball is in a tough situation, his dad has just took him to a shoe store to buy him new shoes.. he shoes he wants the foamposites that cost like 300$. his dad has a better idea to get them. he steals them and leaves butterball in the dust. butterball then has to run about a block to catch up with his dad and then his dad starts like bullyinghim and calling him fat.
wow. what a great dad he is! -_-
ReplyDeleteauthor:50 cent
after when butterball got mad he talked to his dad about getting shoes and his dad said yes so butterball and dad went to the mall butterball saw these really cool shoes but he didn't want his dad to pay 300 dollars so he was just going to look for cheeper ones as he was about to walk away his dad asked do you want theses shoes butterball said ya but he don't want him to pay that much and his dad told him to look some were else so wall butterball was in the other isle and butterballs dad steels 300 dollar shoes and left butter ball behind after that butterball had to run from the cops when butterball got home his dada said butter ball I wish I had a camera cause its funny when you run man why didn't I have a camera
the enchantress
ReplyDeleteright now in my book Sophie and josh find out that there parents are Isis and Osiris and then they are going to there parents house on Danu talis (the first earth basically) and they see Anubis is attacking the temple so they tell the kids where the house is and send them off but Osiris and Isis go to stop Anubis,. meanwhile Perrinele, Nick, Nitten, and Prometheus are trying to help mars Hel and Odin fight the monsters on Alcatraz
Book: Enders Game
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Orson Card
In my book Ender just got transfered from the launchies to the salamander army but the leader is really mean and told him that during training he gets to sit out and do school work because his is 6 and you're supposed to be 8 before being in a real army. And during the games he sits in the door until 4 mins later then he is not allowed to shoot. also since he got to advance early everyone hates him.
Book: Enders Game
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Orson Card
Ender just got transfered again and now is with the rats. They are the second best team in the league and the leader hates Ender again. But his toon leader likes him and treats him well. His toon is the only one that does not go with the rest of the toons it learns more to.
book:scary stories 3
ReplyDeleteauthor: Alvin Schwartz
in my book, scary stories 3 this book is like a book full of little spooky storys that are supposed to creep you out. (they are not that creepy) so basically I will tell you about 2 of the stories in the book since they are all like 3 pages long.
storie number 1#
this story is called boo man and it is about a little girl who was trying to get home and she was late for supper, it was dark and she decided to walk through the cemetery, she sees a girl walking in the cemetery too so she catches up with her and says" do yo mind if I walk with you? the cemetery at night scares me" and the girl replies " I know what you mean, I used to feel that way myself when I was alive......(SPOOKY :p)
stories 2
this story is called the bus stop it is about a guy named Ed who was driving by a bus stop, it was pouring ran at this time and there was a beautiful woman standing out in the rain with no umbrella or anything he asks if she would like a ride and she agrees he takes her to her house and he asks her on a date and she agrees. a couple weeks later the man had not heard from the beautiful girl and was wondering if she was okay, so he goes to her house and a old lady comes to the door, he asks if the beautiful lady was there and the old lady replies " no, that's my daughter. she got hit by a car at a bus stop more then 15 years ago" ( :0)
I am on page 130 in my book- chapter 23.
This book is taking me awhile to read because I'm not the fastest reader and that's why I usually don't read bigger books but I am really liking this book. Its extremely interesting. The main character andi is in Paris with the dad she is not a fan of. She again had no choice and was forced to tag along with her dad as he put her mom in a mental hospital while they are gone or maybe forever. Andi is desperate to get back home in Brooklyn and to be back to her normal life so she made a deal with her dad that will allow her to take a flight back home if she follows through. so, andi has been working her but off on this project that will send her back to her normal life. but as she is finishing up her goal she decided to go out for a break to get something to eat and gets stopped by a guy who has some of the same interests as her. so she goes and meets this guy at dinner and they get to play there instruments together for the food. in my opinion I think that andi is actually having one moment of happiness and joy while she's in Paris.
considering there is so much of the book left, I think andi will end up getting to know this guy better and she will end up staying In Paris with this guy until she is actually suppose to leave. I am really exited to find more out about what she will end up doing and maybe some adventures her and this new guy will take while there together.
book: the distance
ReplyDeleteauthor: Jackqulin
in my book the distance this boy calvin at first wants to run track but after he ran that mile he was complaining about how much he was burning and the other kids on the track teem were making fun of him because he didn't go that far he cause he stopped and the kids were saying you suck and that made him feel bad about him self so the coach decided that he wanted to practice with calvin after prac tice so as they were talking calvin says I don't want to do track I hate track and the coach was trying to make it to the point were the kids don't make fun of him cause he is slow all the coach is trying to do is help and calvin wont let him and when thwey had there race calvin was there he jusat wasn't running but when he saw how hard the other kids were trying he felt bad for not doing it
Book: Maximum Ride
ReplyDeleteAuthor: James Patterson
Currently in my book Max and the rest of the Flock just got makeovers and are flying over the coast looking to stay a night or two (depending on how long it takes for the Erasers to find them). They found a place on the coast with boulders on both sides of them with no parking lots in sight. All while doing this Max keeps having this voice talking to her in her head like she is a crazy person. Max and Fang are trying to make a plan to find the institute while everyone else is swimming in the cold Atlantic ocean
Book: The Fault in Our Stars
ReplyDeleteAuthor: John Green
Currently in my book, something really important just happened. Augustus just told Hazel that he loved her. It makes it even more special because it was on the plane ride to Amsterdam. Where they are both going to meet their favorite author.
To be honest, I thought that Hazel would be the first to say it. Thinking back at all the times she has thought about him and all the things she has said to/about him, she is in love with him too. I just started reading this book on Tuesday and I'm already halfway done with it, because it is so interesting.
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
Recently in this novel, the family has purchased a house. Let me tell you, this must have been one of the most emotional moments these people have experienced. You see, they have saved up their money and want to purchase a house, because a single room apartment isn't exactly the best place to house a family of 12. One day, Jurgis finds an ad for some homes in a neighborhood. He meets the agent, but is dumb founded when he sees the contract. Since only one person kind of understands English (The family is made up of Lithuanian immigrants), this makes it very hard for the family. The next day while the men are at their jobs, the women decide to buy the house, but soon regret it, because they believe they have been scammed. When the men get home, they are all angered at the agent. Jurgis goes to see a lawyer and make him read the contract. To their disbelief, the contract all matched up, and they were okay. Eventually when everyone gets home, they share the news and pretty much cry the whole night out of joy.
I can't imagine how these people must feel after this huge relief. Since this country is new for them and they have almost no means of help or communication with others, they must be scared to death. At the time, and today still, there are people that take advantage of people that are foreign. So, this family must feel like they've won the lottery. I don't think I would be able to move to another country that I know almost nothing about and can't speak it's language. It would be like being trapped. I predict that the things might get better for this family, because they all most likely have high morale and may preform better in the outside world.
Book: The Alchemist
ReplyDeleteSummary: Right now in my book Nicholas Flamel and the twins he recently met named Josh and Sophie are at a magical place that will actually suck the energy of all your electronic devices. I'm not quite sure why this happens yet though. Before they arrived there they got stuck on a bridge when a bunch of possessed crows came after them so they decided to drive there giant SUV threw a small gap between the cars on the bridge this ended up with most of the mirrors of the other cars being knocked off but they were in a situation were that really didn't matter..
Book: Enders game
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Orson Card
Ender got to command school and with all the best people he ever had and they were playing a command "game" they then kept on winning no matter what they had to fight. the last game they had to fight an impossible number of enemy fighters to beat they then went through losing a lot of men when they got surrounded they flew straight at the planet and blew it and the enemies up. After that he found out that it was all real and they destroyed the buggers planet and all of them
the secret adventures of Jack London the wild
ReplyDeleteright now in the book jack has just met this girl who is very magical and he is in love with her but in the book jack does not know that he is so he's been there for 3 weeks now and he knows that he must go eventually but his heart would break if he did and she lives in a wooden cabin but the wood is alive and well it is winter but there is plants thriving in her garden she is not the normal women during the gold rush and jack right now is out walking in the woods with a book just walking.
book: a map of the known world
ReplyDeleteauthor: Lisa Ann Sandell
in my book a map of the known world a girl named Cora is the main character. she is 14 and just starting high school... she isn't very happy about it. her brother Nate died in a car accident six mouths earlier and now her parents are like zombies. she wants to get out of the little town she lives in and travel the world... to run away from her past and here home life now. she gets to high school and has advanced art.. she is reunited with Damien. he is the boy that was in the car with her brother when the car crashed. he walked away alive and everyone blames him for Nate's death even though it was Nate who was behind the wheel. Cora and Damien start to become friends and he takes her to this barn. it is full of sculptures and art that Damien and Nate had made together. Cora then realizes that it wasn't Damien's fault for Nate's death it was Nate's he was the one behind the wheel not Damien. to summarize, basically the rest of the story is that Damien and Cora start dating and they put on a art show to show off the artworks in the barn.
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
Recently in this book, we learn about some very drastic measures people are taking to keep their jobs. I say this because it's winter, and people have to make it to their jobs on time, or they will be fired without remorse. Since most of these people are very poor and can't afford to take a street car, they walk (Some walk miles). The problem with this is that temperatures range from 10 to 20 below 0 (Fahrenheit). Not to mention that the buildings they work in are mostly unheated. This will obviously cause major problems to these people. Problems include a boy having his ear torn off, freezing to everything, blood from wounds freezing, etc.
I think that this is just crazy! I can't believe that these people are risking (and most likely shortening) their lives so that they can keep a job. I talked about this before in an earlier response, but this just adds to the already great risk these people endure. The way the book describes these peoples lives sounds like a horrible torture that I don't think I could go through or survive. This tells me that most of these workers must care a lot for their families if they do this to support them. Using the information I have received in this book, I predict that things may get worse. I say this because the book has a tendency to do that, and winter isn't over yet in the timeline.
Book: the Dragon Rider
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Cornelia Funke
Date: 10-31-13
Right now in my book Firedrake ( a Dragon ) Ben ( The human) and Sorrel ( a brownie ) are on a adventure to find a safe spot for dragons to roam and not be in constant fear of humans firedrake the leader of this expedition is currently sleeping on a small mountain while Sorrel, a small cat like man ( otherwise known as a "brownie" ) and Ben keep watch. In a castle far below them, The golden one or nettlebrand as most call him is being pampered by his servant
DeleteI think in the future The golden one is going to get some information of the whereabouts on the heavens Arc ( the place their trying to go) and intercept them there in a bold attempt to kill the last few dragons on earth
: trackers
ReplyDelete: Patrick carman
in the book trackers a boy named adam is leading a team that likes to track people and kind of stalk them ( lol ) and they just had a field text called field test 14 and it Is just a test to put things through there bases to kind of like test them to see if everything is working right that is all I know for now so I will put more on here to update people
Title: Divergent
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Veronica Ross
So finally after about a thousand people recommended it to me, I decided to start reading Divergent a few days ago. I'm not super far into it, (page 64 to be exact) but so far its pretty good! There's not a lot I can say without giving the book away, but so far the main character Beatrice is from the faction Abnegation. She has to take an aptitude test to help her find which faction she will choose to live the rest of her life in. When the aptitude test reveals that she is divergent, Beatrice has to make a hard decision. Sorry I didn't include more! Didn't want to spoil it!
Title: Maximum Ride School's Out - Forever
ReplyDeleteAuthor: James Patterson
I am a little more than halfway through the second book in this series. So far this is an amazing series. I would recommend this series if you like thrillers. Ok o in my book right now the "Flock" just found out the person the they had been living with for the passed two months turned out to be worse than the person that abandoned them in the first place, mainly because she was his boss. Sothey are on their way to Florida right now.
Catching Fire
ReplyDeleteSuzanne Collins
heeeeey everyone I'm back with more Catching fire updates. so right now in my book Katniss has gotten a messed up tailbone and possibly a broken foot because she went to the woods and she found 2 new people: Twill and Bonnie. they escaped from district 8. and when Katniss got back to the fence she found out that it was actually on, so she couldn't go under it considering the ground was like rock hard. so she had to go over it so she went to get on a tree and tried to get over the fence and she fell off the tree and over the fence and landed on her back from a 25 ft drop. ouch, so now she had gotten done modeling her wedding dresses for her photo shoot and she was modeling them because Peeta had proposed to her. so nw that's all I have for now folks. il be back next week, or possibly later for more blogs. byyyyyye! '_' poker face
ReplyDeletethe Maze Runner
ReplyDeletethe book is about these boys put in the middle of a maze and for the past two years they have been trying to find a way out but then one day comes Thomas and then the next day comes a girl named Teresa who signals the end is near for them but she is in a coma then Thomas wants to become a runner but to do that you need to be the best of the best and he gets his chance when the walls close and he try's to rescue two people from the grievers (robot slug things) and then they let him become a runner because Minho the keeper (boss) of the runners says he should be the keeper (but outside he says aim high hit low) and every one is disagreeing with that so then Thomas gets to become a runner and he knows that he was sent her to help free them but he does not know how and so he starts to try and figure out how to get out of the maze
book: play ground
ReplyDeleteauthor; 50 cent
in my book, playground butterball breaks down in front of his therapist.. liz he is starting to open up to her and is starting to bond with his mom. his mom gives him permission to go to nias partie. im wondering... will he bring back the sock full butter? I hope he doesn't cuzz it seems as if his life is just now starting to come back together.
Title: Revolution
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jennifer Donnelly
In my book a lot of things have happened since my last response. I'm not on chapter 26 and I'm starting to think that andi is going to want to stay in Paris for awhile longer. there are two reasons that I think this. one is that she met new friends that she has found really nice and both love music like her. I have a feeling that she doesn't want to leave them behind. the next reason, and the main reason I think is because with the key that she has from her brother before he died was the actual key that fits into a lock in an old guitar case from centuries ago. it amazed her but also scared her because she couldn't believe that it was real. but anyways, when she opened the secret area at the bottom of the case she found an old diary from a poor girl . and right now in my book she is reading the diary and I have found it extremely interesting! Its a really long diary because I've been reading it for the past 2 chapters! But the diary is from the 1700s.
sooo yeah. that's what is happening right now in my book and I'm in intervention so I'm going to go read more!
Book: Ghost Buddy: Zero to Hero
ReplyDeleteSummary: in the book right now A kid named Billy Broccoli Moves into a new house which unknown to him at first it " haunted" by a teenage ghost which takes pity on him and makes friends with Billy. On the first day of his new school Billy- instructed by The hoove ( the ghost ) - tries to act cool in front of everyone but ends up falling flat on his face in front of the entire student body. After that the school bully Rod Brownstone comes over to Billy's house and figures out something about Billy that could ruin his life at school forever. Billy keeps his old Tonsil in a jar under his bed, Which on the next day of school he puts on the table of the most popular girl's in school with a note stating " Dear Ruby, Hers is a little piece of me, want to sit with me and my tonsil today at lunch"
My Response: The kid Billy reminds me of napoleon dynamite I don't know why he just does, it's the way they describe Billy as a small weakling who could never even hit a ball much less make the baseball team that really gets the picture in my head of a scrawny kid like napoleon.
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
Recently in this novel, Ona (Jurgis's wife) has just given birth to a baby boy. Sadly, both Ona and Jurgis hardly get to enjoy the perks of being parents. Since they both have strict jobs and low pay, they cannot afford to be arriving late to work, and they must work all day. Starting from early in the morning, to late at night when mostly everyone is asleep. This is especially hard on Jurgis, because when he wakes up for work, the baby is asleep and when he returns from his job, the baby has fallen asleep again. Luckily his boss allows him to have Sunday off, leaving him one day a week to be with his child.
I find this quite horrible. If I was going to raise a child in the future (Because I obviously don't have one now), I definitely would want to be there for him/her everyday of his/her 's life! I would understand if he would be able to come home at dinner time (6:00-7:00-ish), but this man is forced to come home a lot later. It's a shame that he can scarcely witness his own kids childhood. I imagine that this is torture to Jurgis because of what he already deals with at his job must be immense, but now his own infant. This makes me infer that Jurgis is most likely getting fed up with his job. I say this because to me, he is losing more than he is gaining. I see why he still works at the meat plant, because he must support the family. But precious memories?
ReplyDeleteTheir is this guy and he is a witter .The witter got a letter from count Dracula.Sir count Dracula said in the letter that he wants to have a interview with him at is HOUSE.So every one is trying to stop him from going to sir count Dracula plays and they also said that he is a vampire and that he is going to kill you by sucking your blood and that you will turn into a vampire with him and be his salve.When he leaves he tells every one bye and they all tell him again that not to go and that to be careful While he is there. When he gets their he sees a castle and he sees a beautiful garden and he loves the trees
BY haylee.h 11-7-2013
The Vile Village by Lemony Snicket
ReplyDeleteRight now in my book, the children (Violet, Klaus, & Sunny) think they have figured out a where they could find the Quagmire triplets (which are only 2 because the 3rd died in a fire that also killed their parents). When they go uptown to find everyone was getting ready to burn someone to stake, a man that was being framed as Count Olaf who really wasnt Count Olaf after all, was already dead because he was murdered mysteriously while he was in his jail cell. The children didnt need to guess who was the person that killed this inocent man because it was already clear who did it. Count Olaf, desguised as Detective Duplin, tries to frame the children for being acomplises of the murder and the children knew by the time he spoke in his screetching voice that that was indeed Count Olaf, not a detective. Will their problems become even worse from now on or will they once again escape from Olaf's clutches? Ill keep you updated :)
sounds interesting Destiny. keep us all updated about your book. great blog by the way ^_^ lots of detail
DeleteMagyk By: Angie sage
ReplyDeletein my book they were scrying to see if what the apprentice had said was true but before they could see he messed it up and they are inside aunt Zeldas cottage and aunt Zelda hands Jenna a bullet that inscribed on it was I.P witch stands for infant princess and aunt Zelda says an inscribed bullet always finds its target but not always the way the hunter wants it to as the apprentice boy thaws out from the cold
book title City of glass
ReplyDeleteby Cassandra Clare
in my book Clara and Luke a werewolf has entered the city of glass uninvited or broke the law of the angle first of downworlders are not supposed to be their in the first place Clara seeks Jace and the lightwoods when she finely finds the lightwoods house she is surprised to find out that her own brother lied to her about everything and now they are in a huge argument over little things like their not supposed to be brother and sister and things that happened in the past. "ah true love get over it you two past is the past forget about it"
counchPercy Jacksons lightning thief
ReplyDeleteAuthor:Rick Riordan
In my book Percy Jacksons Lightning Thief, Percy has just returned from "the under world" in attempt to retrieve Zeus's master lighting bolt and Hades's helm of darkness.To his surprise Ares (the god of war) is waiting for him upon his arrival, only to tell Percy he had been the master mind behind this whole thing, putting a curse on the lighting bolt making sure it would return to the book bag Ares had given Percy a few days before at an old restaurant after Percy had found and battled his way out of an old abandoned water park in desperation for information on his moms "death". With the help of Anabeth and Grover, Percy found the lighting bolt in the book bag with had magically appeared because of Ares's curse. So Percy with only a day to get to Olympus and stop the major gods from fighting has to take a big risk and fly back to New York with the small chance of Zeus knocking the plane right out of the sky and killing Percy. But Zeus seems to of given Percy a break and Anabeth Grover, and Percy landed safely in New York. With only hours to spare, he got to the impire state building went up to the 600th floor and returned the master bolt in time for a war not to start.
***book: Percy Jacksons Lighting Thief
Delete<(") penguin lover
ReplyDeletecatching fire
ReplyDeleteSuzanne Collins
hey everyone right now Katniss has found out shes going back in the arena and fast forward she had went to haymitch and got drunk, and now either peeta or haymitch is going back in ring with her. and now peeta has dumped all of haymitchs liquor down the drain and said that if they try to buy more they will go to jail. HOW DEVIOUS! what will haymitch do without his alcohol ??? I will let you guys know later on byeee
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
Recently in this novel, it seems the family has gone into catastrophe. This is due to the fact that Jurgis has been injured at his work. What happened is that a steer got loose, and Jurgis attempted to move out of its way, to avoid collision. But as if by some malevolent force, he slipped and fell into the traps (where they kill the animals), thus twisting his ankle. In addition, a doctor has told him that he may be disabled for months. This is especially bad because he is not just unable to support his family, but the company Jurgis works for isn't liable for his injury. His family depends heavily on his earnings, and he could even lose his job at Durhams.
I think this is just more salt to the wound for Jurgis. He has already been put through so much, just to have more put onto his platter (I like using figures of speech too much). I feel that this may be his final challenge before he finally loses his employment. He has already been weakened and put into torment from this position, and this seems like the end. If he gets any worse, he won't even be able to walk, much less work! Things are looking very grim for this man. To me, it just seems that his work force doesn't care about their workers (they actually talk about this in the story). It's almost as if Jurgis is their tool, and they're just using him until be breaks, just to be replaced with one of the thousands of fresh unemployed workers right outside their doors, begging for a job.
Book: Maximum Ride Schools - Out Forever
ReplyDeleteAuthor: James Patterson
Currently in my book the flock has escaped to Florida to be able to escape the grasp of the erasers though so far that hasn't worked out very well for them, mainly because Max has a chip in her arm to where the erasers are able to track her every move. They just got to Itex Which is where Max thinks she will have to save the world, but that is as far as i have gotten.
book: the series of unfortunate events book number #1
; lemony snicket
I just started my book and the kids are now orphans because there parents just died and now they have to live with a really mean guy and they have to basically get away from him because he is a bad guy just wants the kids fortune.
The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer
ReplyDeleteSo far in my book, Joss was having a normal day. He woke up, played with his little sister(Cecile), ate breakfast, then went to school. A lot of the kids didn't like Joss because they said he shows off or he "cheated" all because he could out run anyone in his school. So Joss was sort of the "invisible" boy. He then went home after school and continued to have a normal day. It was until night time when he was to excited to go to sleep because he was going to go over to his cousins house during the summer, that he heard his sister crying. He thought it was just another night mare she was having and to help her out he was going to go into her room and help her calm down. When he go there, he saw that his sister was almost as pale as snow and that she wasn't breathing. She had blood draining down from her neck to her ballerina pink gown and right next to her was a man who heard Joss when he accidently stepped on a creaky floor board. The man then came out and looked at Joss, with blood coming down his mouth. Things were never the same for Joss. Now he was the "invisible" boy to his parents and he would never forget who and what killed his sister. he was seeking for vengeance.. Now, his uncle brought him to a cabin that he was staying at so he can train him and teach him the ways of the Slayer Society. Joss, thinks he is ready for what is to come apon him but is he really?? That is the question I am going to be looking for an answer too!!! :)
wow this sounds like a really interesting and good book I cant wait to find out what happens next. :)
Deletebook: you don't know me
ReplyDeleteauthor: Sharon G. Flake
I kind of just started my book but in my book right now tow-kaye is marring this girl named cindella and they have been friends for a very long time. The only problem with that is that they're both fourteen years old and tow-kaye didn't think he could go through with marring her even his parents said he was making a huge mistake. But tow-kaye didn't really care what his parents say he wanted to do it but then again he didn't while they were at the wedding he about puked because he was so nervous about marring her. At the end of the wedding he said I do and they were both married and cindellas father was talking to him outside and he said "if you want out of this you can get out." he said he just cant believe that im going to be a father and now im a husband. In the next chapter im only couple pages in but in those first couple pages he found out that somebody had killed his grandpa and his grandmother was scared something was going to happen to hi to if he went and tried looking for who ever killed him.
Book: Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jeff Kinney
This book in the series is about Greg Heffley and he is losing his best friend Rowley Jefferson and he is trying to get him back. Greg is not accepting the fact that there friendship is over so with him trying to win him back and having a tough time in middle school and having a tough time a home with his brother is hard but also hard luck.
book: lovely bones
ReplyDeleteIm in the middle of my nook and it is really good you should really read it but here is a summary on the book in the beginning of the book there is this girl she is really a loving girl then one day she had to walk to school the shorter way threw the cornfield and then her neighbor asked her what is she doing all by herself etc but she said im going to school so he just let it go but then on her way back he was still there and she was kind of hesitant to keep walking that way he even sounded creepy and so anyway she kept walking trying to get past the point that he has been there all day the he spoke and said how he made a little place for teens to hang out and he went to show her but she could not fin it she said where is it at? and he said In the earth and he stomped at this one part of the cornfield and it was hollow and the he opened the door to get in and she said she needed to get home maby another time but he said it not polite you need to come down then she said just for a little bit when they got down there the book said that it had dolls and drinks etc everything a little playhouse would have for teens then he made her a a coke (soda) not the drug and she really needed to fget home but he would not let her out so she hurried and ran up the stairs but he got her a made her take her cloths off and she ended up getting raped and killed and then right now it talks about how her heaven is and how its not as fun as she thought it was
The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer
ReplyDeleteSummary: Right now in my book, Joss is at his uncles cabin, unpacking and trying to get used to his surrounding around him. He is already starting to feel a little homesick. Abraham is being doubtfully harsh on him because deep down, he does not believe Joss is fit to be the next Slayer in the family. Joss knows that, he can tell by the way he talks to him which is no way an uncle would talk to his nephew, but Joss wants to prove him wrong. He thinks if he shows his uncle that he is capable of his "Purification" test that it will show his uncle that he is good enough, but that is going to take a lot of work, especially since it is Abraham he has to impress. Will he be able to show off the skills he yet knows about to his uncle or will he keep being a disappointment?
Ill keep you updated!!! :)
keep us updated Destiny ^_^
DeleteTitle: Revolution
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jennifer Donnelly
Last week I didn't do a blog only because I wasn't really in to my book at the time so I figured that I shouldn't talk about what's going on if I didn't know! so over the weekend and in the last little bit I have re read and read more to discover new things that I didn't catch or still needed to find out.
I am on page 170, chapter 29. in my last reading response I talked about how I thought Andi would want to stay now that she met new friends and found the secret diary of a girl her age back in the 1700 hundreds. but now I am starting to have mixed thoughts on what I really think she wants to do. Andi already has a plane ticket booked for her still in 2 days and I don't think she forgot about that. other than my mixed feelings on the decision I think that she is having some too. Andi is still preceding on getting her essay done on her famous artist for school so she is able to leave on the flight in 2 days but she is also focused on the diary and what she is finding in it. I'm hoping Andi knows that unless she stole the diary, she wouldn't be able to take it back with her to Brooklyn. I also hope Andi considers the fact that she actually has the exact key to a hidden box all the way in Paris and it just so happened to fall in her hands! I would be freaked out and I also wouldn't just want to leave Paris unsure as to why I had the key in my hands in the first place.
this book is kind of making mad in a sense that it just keeps dragging on and on and I just want to know more and more! haha.. even though I'm sure that's what the author is trying to do.. well, now I got to go and find out more to be questioning. bye now.
book: three times lucky
ReplyDeleteauthor: Sheila Turnage
right now I just started this book and it takes place in a town that only like 158 people live in and its plot is a girl that has a resurant (family resterant ) with her acorse family and her uncle I think just stole a boat and turns out he finds the owner of it and dosent say anthing because he is scared but after that a detective ask the boss all of these weired mean questions and he lies witch isn't good so idk why he did it but he yelled at the detective and he left that is were I am in the story I like this book so far and it is a good read.
Book: City of Glass
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Cassandra Clare
clary and Jace go on a romantic walk out of The City of Glass and go to the wayland manor to find the book of white they get that book but Jace is having Childhood memories and finds these books that he was not allowed to touch when he was a child so he picks one up... but latter to find out that one of the books led them to a secret passage that led them down to what looked like a dungeon only to find that there is an angle locked up down their and looks dead or is it.... turns out it is still alive but somehow connected to the manor when it kills it self the whole house fell down with it but Clary and Jace make it out alive. when there walking home Clary notices that the sun is coming up or is it turns out the city of Glass is under attack but who is attacking it? Demons cant enter the city thanks to the tall glass pillars that create a magic barrier around the city turns out valentine went in their and took the magic away from the pillars next thing you know demonic creatures roam the streets and is killing everybody including the Shadow Hunters
even the sick what is wrong with this guy all I know is he is looking for the third mortal instrument the magic mirror to have all power in the world and take out the gard once and for all.
book 5 of the rangers apprentice series
ReplyDeletein this book it has been 5 years since the last book and will now has his own town to protect he is a fully fledged ranger but soon after his arrival he gets a message for a secret mission up north the baron in charge has fallen ill and his son is a scholar not very popular either and then there is his cousin who is a well renound warrior and leader and will is sent there trying to see if any magic is going on because 95 percent of cases are fake 4 percent are unexplainable and 1 percent is real so they are sending will to find out witch percent it is and ten after arriving he meets up with his contact who is long time friend Alyss who is disguised as a princess holding out there until the harshness of winter is done to see her fiancé but then they find out that the son is now poisoned to and so they escape into the woods and find Malcolm the supposed reincarnation of Malkalkom the evil sorcerer who slayed the barons family over a century ago and then shortly after they try to save Alyss who did not now until they had escaped and seen them fighting there way out of the fort. an d had been put up in the tower cell
Book: City of Lost Souls
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Cassandra Clare
Right now in my book Clary, Jace, and Sebastian just got done fighting off snake like demons with legs. they all got burn by the acid blood so when they were done they used an iratze to heal them. and now they are getting ready to go to a club to celebrate.
Also after Magnus, Isabelle, Simon, and Alec summoned the demon Azazel they had to give them one of there happy thoughts so they can hear his plan to try to separate Jace and Sebastian. so he said that he could drag Sebastian to *ell and the bond will slowly stop working. so after that they went to bed then the next morning when the got up Azazel was sending them messages so when Azazel came Simon accidently stepped inside the pentagram and if your inside the pentagram the demon can harm you but if your outside it he cant. so Azazel picked Simon up and spit sulfur on him the demon was blown back because of the Mark of Cain.
I think that Azazel will drag Simon to *ell to experiment on him to try to get the mark of Cain off him so he could kill Simon.
Book Title: The Playground
ReplyDeleteBy: 50 Cent (Author) Lizzi Akana (Illustrator)
In this book there is a kid named Butterball and yes he is overweight and that is how he got that nickname and Butterball lives in a world where he feels like he has no one to talk to besides Nia and his Dad but his Dad is not the best influence when it comes to having a good behavior and the reason I say that is because whyen he is around his Dad they either steal or do illegal stunts like for example when Butterball and his Dad went to the mall His Dad decided to steal a pair of shoes that are worth 300$ so when it comes to him hanging with his Dad they always get in trouble and with Nia she is good influence when it comes to having a good behavior and the way she does that is she tells him the right from wrong and that is a big deal in his life because for him he don't get the best grades and the best love that he needs to feel successful.
right now in my book I have found out that Katniss is in the arena and there's no place for a girl on fire. CINNA HAD JUST BEEN BEATEN REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD AND I THINK HE MIGHT BE DEAD! but who knows? a book this good always keeps you at wonder. Katniss had just watched Cinna beaten before she went up to the arena. I don't know what the arena is this time but I will find out later. byyyyye
ReplyDeleteBook: the Mark of Athena
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Rick Riordan
In my book right now Percy, Leo, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Jason, Piper are on their way to Rome to complete a quest to stop Gaea from waking all the giants but first they have to get to Rome and defeat the twin giants Otis and Ephialtes and release Nico Hazel's brother from dying. But it is constantly getting more difficult from running into monsters while having to stop for something, or having all of New Rome after because Leo was possessed by an evil spirit that made him use the ballista and volleys of arrows fire on New Rome, and that's as far as i am in my book right now.
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
Recently in this novel, great tragedy has been cast upon Jurgis. He has been fired from Durhams due to being inefficient and more like dead weight for the company. This is because he is still suffering from his injuries that caused him to lose his muscle. This is especially terrible, considering that his family depends on his income. In response to this, Jurgis has had to resort to working at the fertilizer plant because no one else will hire him. This may not sound too bad, but you'd be dead wrong. You see, this is were the lowest life forms of the town work. This is due to the fact the most of the workers there end up practically always covered in the fertilizer produced there. Followed by them eventually attributing the horrid smell of these chemicals.
I think that this definitely shows just how much Jurgis cares for his family. He is willing to compromise his own persona for the welfare of the household. There are absolutely very little people who would do such a thing. After everything, he still has the courage and perseverance to continue in his strive to work. He is truly a dedicated man. I know that I would most likely lose it if I had this sort of weight on my shoulders. I can't imagine being forced to degrade myself like that. Because of this, I hope that things don't get worse for Jurgis and his fellow relatives. I don't know what else they could do if something happened, since they already can hardly afford to keep a roof over their heads or food on the table.
The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer
ReplyDeleteSummary: Joss was walking through a field of flowers. He didn't know where he as because he never remember being there. He saw a little girl in the middle of the field picking flowers. Her blonde curls up in pigtails. He knew who she was. It was Cecile. He walked towards her asking what she was doing here. But she didn't answer. He asked her again and finally spoke saying "I'm picking flowers Jossie. There no flowers in hell". Joss got mad, and he pushed his little sister to the ground. He screamed at her telling her that she was not going to hell. Her eyes turned black like a deep pit. A centipede crawled out of her mouth. Joss screamed. Cecile smiled. The next thing he knows is he is sitting down on the ground where there were no flowers. He couldn't believe he fell asleep. Especially during his purification. He got up and started pacing back and forth. He was thinking of ways to explain to his uncle about it but then something caught his eye. Red liquid on the ground. Joss bent down and ran his finger in it. He smelled it. It smelled like metal. It was blood. Joss shook his hand so that the blood would come off. When he was done, he started to follow the blood trail. The trail lead to something behind the bushes. He saw a hand. He walked closer to find that the hand didn't belong to anything and that it was just laying on the ground by it self. NO BODY. He looked further find Malek's head also without a body. He couldn't believe. He blamed it on himself. He fell asleep and because of that Malek was dead. Everyone came from the cabin to the clearing where Maleks head laid. Abraham ordered everyone to start cleaning up the mess, then he told Joss to follow him. Joss knew he was in some type of trouble but he didn't know what his uncle would do to him. He lead Joss to the little shaft outside of the cabin and gave Joss an option. That he could go home. act as if nothing ever happened and he could move on with his life. But Joss didn't want to go home. He wanted to continue on with his training so he can tract down and kill the monster who took his little sisters life. He begged for his uncle to think of other ways so that he could finish his purification. And so he did. But this way of finishing gave Joss a big knot in his stomach. It made him think if it was better to just go home now instead of facing what was about to be done with him. He had to get whipped. He thought and though about it for a good couple of minutes. He thought about how crazy it was that his uncle was going to whip him with a coil whip. He thought about Cecile. He thought about Malek. To avenge his sister and now Malek. He then knew his answer. he nodded his head at his uncle, turned around and removed his shirt. His put his hands on the wall in front of him and took deep and slow breathes. He was going to regret this but he thought his disserved it. It was his punishment and it was about to hurt like crap
"." at the end. I forgot about it
Deletebook: playground
ReplyDeleteby:50 cent
butter ball asked his dad if he could stay with him and his dad said no because butterball and his mom got into a fight and butterball just found out that nia does not like butter ball Nia told butterball that she was sorry that she actually trusted butterball butter ball didn't now dis how tall she was she was close to his eye's Nia kept poking him and told butterball that she's sorry that he got hurt but butterball deserved it because butterball tried to hit Terrance with a sock full off batterys.
The Slayer Chronicles: First Kill by Heather Brewer
ReplyDeleteSummary: Joss wakes up to find himself laying on his bed. He looked at the clock, it was noon. He thought he past out for almost half of the hole day but really he was past out for 3 days. Sirus told him that they thought that he wasn't going to wake up any time soon but he didn't stop caring for him. Joss tried to sit up but his back ripped with pain so he couldn't really move with out it hurting. Sirus turned him over so that he was laying on his side. Sirus explained to him that what his uncle, Abraham did to him was uncalled for and unnecessary. That being whipped was an old way of going through purification and that you now need permission from the Slayers Society in order to do it. Joss didn't care. He agreed to get whipped on his own terms. He knew that Sirus was only trying to help but he didn't want it. In his mind, men don't need help. They can do everything by themselves. Sirus knew why Joss was doing this. But he warned how things are not going to get any better and how Joss should of just went home when he had the chance. Hearing all of this from Sirus, Joss started to get a little angry. Sirus was talking to him like a boy, he felt. He didn't want to be treated like a boy. He wanted to be treated like a man. But Joss didn't know that no matter what he would do to prove that he is a man, he will still be a boy and he knew that. He just didn't want to believe it.
Response to this: I think Joss is pushing himself way to hard. He blames himself for his sisters death and Maleks now too. He doesn't get that he is just a boy and that he cant do a lot of things because of it. He understands the dangers of all of this. I mean fighting vampires, who wouldn't understand what would happen to them if they made the wrong move or made the wrong choice. But still, I think Joss just wants to prove more that he is capable of doing what needed to be done, and that he will do whatever it takes to do so. Also, it seems as if Sirus is trying to care for him as if he was his own. I don't get why he grew so angry with him (Sirus).
Book: Wonder
ReplyDeleteby R.J. Palacio
in my book there is this kid and he is different from every one else and he don't go to school because kids make so much fun of him about the way he looks. But he is only in 5th grade and he had a friend named Christopher and about a couple years ago he moved away and he was his best friend he did everything with him. They even went on vacation with him when he was in town but after he moved we kind of stopped talking for a while even his mom didn't know who I was when I tried to call him. On the way home from there vacation his parents thought he was sleeping but he actually wasn't he was listening to his mom and dads conversation and his mom was talking about putting him in school and starting a new and try to make new friends but his dad didn't like the idea that he was going because he didn't want the other kids to make fun of him and than his dad compared him with a lamb in a slaughter house and that's when he spoke up and said "I'm going to school" and his mom explained the entire situation and then he asked what was a slaughter house to his dad.
Book: Titanic
ReplyDeletein my book there is this girl rose she gets on a ship with her husband the ship was called the Titanic and she found this boy his name was jack and jack saw rose at the very tip of the ship and he trys to talk her out of it and when he does he grabs her and puts her back on the ship when the other people came because rose had scream for her life cause she almost fell but when the men see her they thought that jack had rapped rose
Book: The Darkest Path
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jeff Hirsch
the author of the eleventh plague has come back with a new book titled The Darkest Path this book is about the glories path a army who is fighting the U.S. federal army From June 2026 to September 2026 I am almost finished with this book already im about half way through right now in my book Callum Roe who was in the glorious path and his younger brother James which was also in the path were captured by the U.S. federal army they are in jail cells right now Callum is in a corner of his cell when a guard unlocks his cell and moves into the cell he sprangs out of the corner and threw the blanket at the guard`s face and ran out of the cell only to find another guard standing in front of him stunned by surprise the guard hauled him and put Cullum's back against the wall and Callum finds him self being asked one question tell me what are the Path`s plans for this region or die? your choice
just ignore the "a" by army Sorry
DeleteBook: playground
ReplyDeleteauthor:50 cent
in my book right now butterball is at the store buying laundry detergent and that's when he ran right in to nyia and she was so mad at him she just looked at him for a second and that's when she just went off on him she was yelling at him and saying that he wasn't anything t her anymore and she was saying how she liked him last year and how he was better than what everybody said. she was pointing her finger in his chest and saying how she didn't want anything to do with him anymore and how he was nothing and how she should've known he wasn't anything else besides what everybody else said about him.
ReplyDeleteauthor: JENNIFER DONNELLY
In my last reading response I talked a little about how I figured that andi would want to go back to Brooklyn once its time for her flight but now I'm thinking a little differently. this is because I have a feeling andi wont finish her essay in time to leave considering she leaves in a couple days and all of her information is sitting in the exact library she just got kicked out of the day before. So I'm guessing that she will end up not making her flight for that reason but I honestly think she doesn't want to anymore either. this is because lately she's been really getting into the diary of the life of that girl from the 1700s and she's been feeling like the girl is trying to tell her something. I'm pretty sure andi is only about half way done with the diary also and she cant just leave all she's learned behind in Paris and go back to the normal crappy life she had down at her home in Brooklyn.
I honestly think right now where andi is at, she is having a better life then ever. even though I don't think andi would ever admit it anytime soon. because she has her dad with her, a safe house with food made for her every day, money to buy what she needs, she's doing her school work even if its not for the right purpose, she met a guy that she is slowly falling in love with, and she is also finding something that interests her to get her mind of the death of her brother Truman.
in my opinion, I think that she should stay in Paris with her dad and read more, see more, create memories and just enjoy what she's got there.
I am so exited to find out whether or not she will decide to stay the full time in Paris or not!
book: playground
ReplyDeleteAuthor: 50 cent
In my book right now butterball is at school and he is in the cafeteria when he runs into Andre and his boys and they started making fun of him about the fight he lost at nyias house they were basically saying stuff about his weight and how he cant fight and how he cant do anything but eat and how if he would get in to a fight with Terrance he would just sit on him and kill him and than one of Andres boys his name is bobby he through a fake punch at butterball and made him flinch and a small squeal. Then they said that they were just messing with him and on there way out of the cafeteria they were still making fun of his weight. After that school day he went in to lizs office and was happy to be there and when he sat down she got him out his favorite drink called PQ.
DeleteCity of Lost Souls
ReplyDeleteBy Cassandra Clare
Right now in my book clary followed Sebastian though a door to Paris. Then into an apartment. When she did she went though a door and smelt demons. then she started walking down the stairs. it was dark but an occasional match on the wall. when she got to the bottom she heard voices. so she walk out into the room and went forward and found a door. she looked inside and seen the 6 demons. she made a very little noise and the demons attacked her. she killed one with an ornamental axe and killed another with a punch. but before she could punch the second one it took one if its tentacles and wrapped it around her wrist. and then Sebastian came and killed it. he was telling her that they have deadly poison they releases when they wrap their tentacles around you. but when he was explaining that, she was loosing her vision.
I think that she will be perfectly fine because he will take her back to the house and give her an Iratze to heal her.
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
ReplyDeleteGabrielle Zevin
Right now in my book, Will, Naomi, & James are all on their way home after school. They are all conversing about how Naomi forgot about everything after 6th grade. James is trying to talk, but Will keeps answering with snobby answers. James starts talking about how Naomi losing her memory is a good thing. How she can forget about all of the bad things in her past that she wouldn't want to remember. But Will argues back that forgetting everything is horrible & how it ruined her life & how she forgot so many good memories.
I personally am not on either side. I agree with both guys. Losing my memory could be great because I have so many things that I want to forget. Like messing up in speech. Or missing every serve for the first few weeks of volleyball games. But then there are good things that I'd want to remember. Like going to see my baby sister in the hospital after she was born. Or getting a 1 on my speech. Or getting my first ace against Edison in volleyball. So I agree with both boys. It's a win/win and lose/lose situation for Naomi.
The Prophet of Yonwood
ReplyDeleteBy: Jeanne Duprau
Right now in the third book Nickie and her aunt Crystal went to her deceased Great-Grandfather's house to sell it. But Nickie has a different Idea when she wants to keep the house just because it looks so cool. While they are going through selling the house some crazy things start happening. Terrorists start to come to the U.S. and want to basically ruin it. There also have been a couple of sightings around Yonwood of these known terrorists. While searching the house Nickie find a small room on the third floor and calls it the nursery. But In the closet of the nursery she finds a young girl and a dog. The girl took care of her farther while he was sick. The dog she found in the street. The girl said her name was Amanda. Amanda soon finds a job as helping the Prophet but before that she lived in the nursery with her dog. Crystal could not find out about them because she would then kick them out. But Nickie kept the secret until she was ready for her to move out. but now Nickie is stuck with the dog Otis. Hopefully Crystal doesn't find out about Otis.
20,000 leagues under the sea
ReplyDeleteby Jules Verne
Right now in this book, M. Aronnax the main character is traveling on the Nautilus along with his friends Coanseil, Ned Land and Captian Nemo. At this point in the book they just arrived at the red sea and the Suez canal which Mr.Aronnax finds very appealing because it has many types of aquatic life forms that you can't normally see anywhere else in the sea. This is also one of the first times that they have been near inhabited land in a very long time and they are have to try to hid from ships because they have to keep there ship secret. I can predict that because its been many months since they have been near land that they are going to be caught and will have to escape
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea sounds like a great book. if I ever have time I think I'll try reading it.
Deletebook: harry potter and the sorcerers stone.
ReplyDeleteauthor: J.k. Rowling
in my book, harry has just got his magic stuff he needs for Hogwarts and he in now trying to board the train but he still cant find the entrance! so I think that there is going to be some like magical trap door or something that is going to lead him to the train station to go to Hogwarts.
this book is really good! I have never read these books nor really watched the movies but I like it! I may be a little late on harry potter but don't judge me!
so if I was harry I would be scared out of my mind. because he's going to a school with all wizards for crying out load I would be scared of the competition! not to mention I would HATE the people I lived with! the Dudley's or whatever are really mean and I don't like them. I am happy that harry got to leave because that wasn't fair for him.
book: the fall of five my
ReplyDeletetwo of the people in my book just went of to get the last member of the seven of them and the part that I think is funny they where driving in a Honda civic and that is one of the worst cars they could thing of but no before nines ceptan died he tricked out a ton of the worst cars he could find so now the have a small parking lot floor full of cars that he had tricked out but the Honda civic is one of the fastest cars in the world and it has a Mogadorein tracker in it to keep them safe from any of them sneaking up on them and killing them I thought that this is just amazing taking one of the worst cars and turning it in to one of the best
next to book I put my pretend its not there
DeleteRot & Ruin by Jonathan Maberry
ReplyDeleteSummary: (page 1-138) Benny hated zombies. Not just an original hate like hating the smell of onions or eating broccoli. It was a burning hot hate towards them that he never had any other opinions going against it. His brother, Tom Imura, is a bounty hunter. Benny wanted to see Tom kills some zoms. But he never wanted to be a part of the family business. He hated his brother. He never thought of his brother as cool. Especially as cool as Charlie Mathias and Motor City Hammer, the greatest bounty hunters of all time (at least to Benny). They would always tell stories about their hunts out in to Ruins. Benny looked up to them. He thought of them as the real hero’s and not his brother. Since it was summer, and it was the easiest time of the year to be looking for jobs, he applied to a lot of the jobs that sounded easy along with his Chinese friend Chong. They didn’t succeed with almost all of them. Chong did. But the job he got wasn’t something Benny wanted to do. In his mind it was boring and Benny wanted to get a job that had at least some excitement in it. So almost towards the end of the summer, Benny gave in. He became his brother’s apprentice. He hated the thought that his brother was going to be his boss. He didn’t want to get bossed around by him anymore than he already was. Which really wasn’t a lot but still. Tom agreed to take him out to the Rot & the Ruin to show him what it is that he does. Of course Benny thought he killed zoms, but Tom does more than that and Benny was about to find out what it was the his brother truly does. Out in the Rot & Ruin, obviously there were zoms all around. But Tom stayed away from a lot of them. He would pull Benny to the side of the road and into the woods so they could go around the zoms. It felt like hours to Benny because of all the walking, which it was, they came up to a hill and climbed to they were to the very top. At the bottom of the hill, there was a cabin, with two people standing in the front lawn. Tom looked in his binoculars to see what they were then gave them to Benny to look. They were zoms. An old looking man and a young girl that looked like she was a teenager. Benny didn’t think any different from them than he thought of any other zom. Tom asked Benny questions. Like what did he see, how old he thought they were, what he thinks they were before First Night happened? Benny answered them all but didn’t get where his brother was going with this. He didn’t get his brother at all. But no matter what questions his brother asked he answered. Tom told Benny that these “zoms” were once people too. They had a home to go to. They had people who loved them & a life to look forward to. Benny started to get the idea now. His brother was trying to change his mind about the zoms. He started to tear up. Remembering only what happened on the First Night. How his brother ran away while the man who was once Benny and Toms father was attacking their mother. He never knew why his brother ran away but he blamed him for not helping. He blamed his for his mother’s death. He muttered underneath his voice. Curse words. Tom didn’t say anything but he could hear everything he was saying. Benny got up. Angry. Didn’t stop to have Tom show him the directions he needed to go. He just went the way he remembered they came. Tom followed him. Not saying anything. Just following. Then Benny turned around. He found whatever he could and he threw it at Tom. Tom grabbed him, Benny tried to get away but his grip was too strong. Tom told him that he can think whatever he wants to about it but it’s the wrong thing. Benny was shocked. He didn’t think his brother would ever do something like this. He apologized and so did Tom.
What’s coming next is yet more shocking and horrifying than anything Benny has ever seen. Question is, we he drop out of the “Family Business” or will he continue helping his brother out? I’ll keep you updated
mind... blown.
DeleteBook: the fall of five
ReplyDeleteso my carters just got to the spot where 5 had told them to meat them and 4 walked up to 5 and at first it seamed that the mogadorian leader had trans formed in to 5 but once 4 and 5 started talking it was to clear that 5 was not possessed because 5 had been hiding on an island so he had no social skills at all and then boom the mogadorian ship came out from the tree line and all the mogadorians started running at them and luckily 4's shield deployed and other wise 5 would have been toast because he just froze up and didn't move because it was his first time seeing them and right then I just wanted to smack them because why would you just freeze up like that but luckily they all still survived.
ReplyDeleteauthor:50 cent
After butterball got his PQ him and Liz started talking about his week and he told her that it was a terrible week so he told her what happened at lunch than she asked what she was doing this weekend and he said he has to move in his moms roommates stuff and she asked about his mom and her roommate and he said that basically shes moving in because of her job and stuff and that its closer for her to get to and from work.
right now in my book Nate is in detention and it was for something that he didn't do, he was in art class and he was supposed to hold the ladder for Artur while he painted. which he did, and some of the paint was dripping and some of it fell in his eyes and he couldn't see and Artur fell from the ladder and landed on Nate. and then Mr. Rosa came over freaking saying stuff OMG Artur are you ok?! and Nate Artur could have been seriously hurt falling from that height. you should think about what you done: IN DETENTION! BUM BUM BUUUUUUMMM!!!!! then after he got out of detention he was late for his Timber Scout meeting so he got on his skateboard and skated off to the meeting. but then this fat woman got in the way btw she was walking her dog and the dog moved the other way and the leash was stretching out and Nate got clotheslined and his skateboard fell in the creek. gone forever. and he had to walk all the way to Teddy's house. by the time he got there the meeting was already over. then guess who had Joined the Timber Scouts??? ARTUR!!!!!! BUM BUM BUUUUMMMMM!!!!!!! stay tuned for more. byyyyeee! ^_^
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
Recently in this novel, what seemed like something that could never happen, has indeed happened. You see, Jurgis has gotten into some trouble. In this case, some with trouble with the law. AKA, he got arrested. Though it wasn't in vain. This is because Jurgis was arrested for beating and almost killing Ona's (His wife) boss, Connor. He did this because Ona confessed to Jurgis that Connor had raped her. Since Jurgis was furious, he decided to take matters into his own hands by going to Ona's place of work to find this man for himself. This in turn ended with Jurgis in the 'slammer'. Even worse, Jurgis is about to enter the courtroom for his trial.
I have some mixed feelings going on. I understand that Jurgis was very mad about what Connor had done to Ona, but I think he could have handled it better. Instead of just pummeling him, he could have gotten the authorities involved and they would have solved the issue. Yet, what Jurgis did wasn't the least understandable someone would do. Many, many people would react that way if something like that happened to them, their friends, or their family. Sometimes taking care of issues yourself can be more satisfying for some, than to just have outside help. I could that the police force may have not been the best option. For example, many places and people are corrupted in Packingtown, so Connor could have bribed the police officer. Etc. I just hope that Jurgis is able to get out of jail. Even though Jurgis inflicted physical pain on Connor, Connor inflicted psychological pain on Ona that is even worse.
omg I love that book!!! have you finished it the end is great and suprising?
DeleteBook Title: Harry Potter & The Half-Blood Prince
ReplyDeleteAuthor: J.K Rowling
I'm not too far into this book, but Harry, Ron and Hermione just went back to Hogwarts and is on their first week there. Professor Snape usually teaches Potions, but they got a new Professor, Professor Slughorn. Professor Slughorn is really close with Dumbledore, and Dumbledore had Harry persuade Professor Slughorn to come out of retirement and teach at Hogwarts again. Since the last Defense Against Dark Arts teacher isn't teaching there anymore, Professor Snape took over. Even though Harry knows Dumbledore doesn't trust him teaching that class. Harry isn't too thrilled, because Snape is his least favorite teacher, and he always gives him a hard time. So, Harry knows that he'll give him an even harder time because Harry is like a 'perfectionist' when it comes to the Defense Against Dark Arts class. In Professor Snapes class, Harry already got a detention because they were performing spells without any words, and Harry used a spell with saying words. But, Dumbledore got him out of the detention because he's having Harry do 'private lessons' with him. I'm in the part where he just got into doing the private lessons with him, and Dumbledore is explaining how these private lessons he's going to be taking has a lot to do with the Prophecy. Dumbledore is taking Harry through a Pensieve, which is pretty much reliving someone elses, or their own memories in time. Dumbledore hasn't explained anything to Harry, and why they're going into the Pensieve. I wonder why Dumbledore is taking him into there?
Book- the fault in our stars
ReplyDeleteSPOILER ALERT IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS DO NOT READ IT!!!!!!!! ok so I have read the whole book but never wrote anything about it so any way Augustus cancer came back and he died just like I predicted was horrible he was a big factor in the book he was one that really kept hazel in shape he was the one to get her out of her comfort zone and really helped her through alot so I was really bumbed when he dies
half of it did not copy but he really was a big part in hazels life and in the book it kind of made me think when he is with hazel does hazel think her cancer went away as in does he bring her such jiy that bbeing around him there is no pain? I just really need there to be a secong book beacsue I need to know more like hazel need to know more about a book she was reading and she need to know so bad and she flew half way aroung the world just to find out
ReplyDeleteAuthor:50 cent
In my book right now butterball is in lizs office again and he is talking to her about the lunchroom and how he thought Maurice said something about his mom to the school counselor well he never did and butterball is feeling really bad about what he did to him and he knows Maurice didn't even know why butterball hit him with a sock full of batteries and butte3rball was feeling pretty bad about it to.
Book: Torn
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Margaret Haddix
Right now in my book Jonah and Katherine are in 1611 to fix time once again but this time they do not have the kid that belongs in that time. So Jonah has to dress up like the guy and fake like him for a while then things start to mess up and what they communicate through stopped working and now stuck there alone with no guidance. Also they can not get out of that time because they lost contact and JB and the others are stuck in 1600 until they make time right again.
Book: the fall of five
ReplyDeleteI hate who ever in vented the cliffhanger in my book I was at the end of the final book of the series and I was hopping that the lorine would defeat the mogadorians but noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo the author had to leave it at the mogadorians had brain washed 5 and he had killed another garde and 4 had just woken up from a coma and the mogadorians had took number ten and the mogadorians had just attacked the base and 4 met a mogadorian that wanted to help them and end NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO worst ending ever
ReplyDeleteAuthor:50 cent
in my book right now he got a laptop from evelyn because of him helping her and stuff like that so when he got it she said that she knew about him making a movie so she thought it would be nice if he had a laptop so sh gave him one but anyway the next day at school somebody puked in the bathroom and he wasn't going to sit in there and smell that awful smell for an hour so he decided to go back to the lunchroom and when he got his lunch he ran right into andre and that's when he didn't want to talk to him or his boys and well he told andre about making a movie because of andre asking what he was doing later and well andre said that he was going to make a movie about him eating chicken or peeing his pants well after he got away from andre he went over by the doors where it connects the little kids from the big kids and well butterball seen the kids outside playing and he looked around than he seen a kid from his apartment complex named Maliki and than this other kid in front of him making fun of him and than Maliki pulled out some money and the other kid took it from him well that's when butterball walks up and says give him his money back and the other kid knew that butterball wasn't afraid to do something and the other kid didn't give him the money back at first so he kept telling him to give him back his money and he didn't so then butterball threatened him and said don't make me do some im going to regret than after that he gave him back his money and butterball walked Maliki home and on there way home butterball and Maliki ran right into nia and she said basically like any normal person would say and that was what's up and how has it been and stuff like that.
title: Revolution
ReplyDeleteauthor: Jennifer Donnelly
For this reading response im going t o focus on mainly the diary and what its all about. Im dong this because I feel like I haven't said much about the diary and its making everything confusing so im going to switch the life of the other girl that's in the diary.
so, the girl in the diary is im guessing about the same age as andi. but this girl has a complete different life and for me its hard to understand. so ill start from the beginning. the girl lives with her poor family who are no where near well off and are barely surviving. the way they get there little amounts of food is by making puppets and preforming shows with them on the streets for change. as they did that, the girl began to take it further and ended up being better than everyone else. so that led her and her family to the king and queens palace to work for them and make them happy when they were feeling sad. They worked there for awhile until an invasion happened and the kings family all relocated themselves and the girls family went with. but thi led to trouble because now the king and queen barely ever needed the family and so they were lost on how to live. so the girl took it into her own hands and started to steal food from restaurants and ended up finally just deciding to go and take a ladies purse full of money one day. unfortunately the girl got caught by guards and was almost killed when a guy stopped the guards from going any further and told her that she needed to go with him. she was scared to but wanted to keep her life so she went with the strange man to a palace of his own. There she ate and ate and ate until she could not eat anymore. then the guy started talking to her and telling her that he knew exactly who she was. this made the girl frightened.
right now in the book the next thing happened where the guy decided that the girl heeded to be reborn and turned into someone else. so he washed her clean and turned her into a boy.
that is where I left off. im still confused about the part of who the guy actually is. I understand the part that he knows who she is and why she has to be reborn but not who the guy is and the fact that his voice is familiar to the girl. im starting to think that it is the cousin of the queens son who threatened the girl before at a party but I am not for sure.
so that is the inside feel of what the diary is about!
For weeks I been reading ''Enders game'' now I'm going to tell everybody about it ''There was a boy name ender Wiggin whose been smaller than everybody else, he was chosen to be humanity's last hope against the buggers the I.F (International Fleet)
I just got done with Sebastian telling clary their plane when she woke up on a park bench. They are going to open up the wards and let the greater demons through so the can kill them right there. after that they walked back to the house and Sebastian showed clary a secrete room behind the wardrobe in the master bedroom. it leads to a an arsenal/training area. then Sebastian showed his sister who he really is (a vampire) and she screamed.
I think she will want him to change her so she could live with him or change his mother because she put religious symbols all over the house so he couldn't get in and now she has gone crazy thinking the devil has taken his place.
book: playground
ReplyDeleteAuthor: 50cent
in my book right now butterball is in Liz's office and he is basically talking to her about Maliki and she asked him and Maliki were friends well he said no and basically she said that they should maybe try and hangout and stuff and well after the convo about Maliki Liz told hi about a magnet school and what that is, is basically a school for kids that want to go into a law enforcement or artist or actor but anyway she told him about it and he didn't quite understand it so she gave him the brochure on it. Well that night he thought about it and started looking at it and started answering the questions but then he got to the hard parts and he didn't understand but he didn't quit so he thought about making a movie and sending it to them when he was laying down and then he thought about Maliki and the next morning he went to his house and got him and than went to this rich neighborhood and started filming there. Than after he got home he decided to call his dad and talk to him about the school and well when he called he didn't really have much to say besides "is it going to cost me a fortune" and when they got off the phone butterball got mad because he dad had nothing to say besides that and he didn't even say good luck or anything but that's when his mom and Evelyn his moms girlfriend went to the restraint and butterball ran right into nia and that's when they started talking.
Book: House of Hades
ReplyDeleteAuthor:Rick Riordan
Currently in my book Nico, Hazel, Leo, Jason, Frank, Piper, and Coach Hedge are traveling to ancient lands to defeat Gaea and her army of monsters, giants, and Titans from destroying humanity as we know it. currently they are stopped in Italy while on their way to the House of Hades in Epirus Greece to close the Doors of Death so no more monsters can escape back into the human world and help Gaea even more than they already are. While in the midst of all this Percy and Annabeth are going through Tartarus, which is where the monsters go to be reincarnated or spend the rest of there life in misery. When Annabeth was on a quest of her own trying to rescue the Athena Parthenos she had to face one of her biggest fears, spiders, because the statue was closely guarded by a giant spider human. When Annabeth defeated the monster by trapping her in a weaved pair of Chinese fingercuffs made from spider silk the spider started shooting her web and when she did she shot Annabeth in the chest which covered Annabeth from head to toe in spider silk which she got her ankle caught around and since Percy was holding onto her he was able to grab onto a ledge and tell Nico to meet them at the other side of the Doors of Death right before Percy and Annabeth fell into the depths of Tartarus.
I love this book along with both of the series that involves Percy Jackson by Rick Riordan and i woukd recommend these books to anybody that likes those action thrillers that usually tend to keep you on the edge of your seat.
Book Title: The Jungle
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Upton Sinclair
Recently in The Jungle, Jurgis has just gotten out of jail. On his way home, he discovers that his family has been evicted because they could not pay rent. He also learns that they are now residing in a boarding house. It's the same home they lived in when they first got to the United States, before they bought a house of their own. At the house, he finds the Ona (his wife) is giving birth to a second child. Eventually, Ona sadly dies in child birth. Luckily, Jurgis still has his son, Antanas. Afterwards, Jurgis is able to procure a job at a steel mill. This job pays a lot better then any of his previous ones. But his temporary happiness ended when he came home to find that Antanas, his only joy in life, had drowned in the flooded street. Filled with anger and rages, Jurgis randomly decides to hitch a ride on a train and leave everyone and everything in Packingtown.
I think that this is utterly terrible! Jurgis has gone through so much, just to have everything taken away from him. His strength, home, wife, son, etc. He has come this far. According to the book, 3 years to be exact. 3 whole years of suffering, and now it is gone. Just GONE. It seems to me like he's finally cracked. He has just had enough of this wretched city. It just used him like a tool. But eventually tools break, just like Jurgis. I'm just surprised he didn't stay to help the rest of his family. I think that he has lost everything and everyone he cared about, so he wants a new start. At this point, he might even know what to expect. More hardships and sacrifice. I hope that Jurgis knows what he is doing. Something like this can be very risky, yet it could wield good fortune for him. Without him living in the city with the rest of the family (having to provide for them), he can do what he wants and he might even end up a lot better.
Book: 12 Angry Men
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Reginald Rose
Right now in the book, the 12 jurors and the foreman are trying to decide whether or not a 16 year old boy, accused with murder, is guilty or not. As they go through the evidence one more time, Juror 8 begins to poke holes in the guilty verdict. As the only juror supporting the innocent claim, he attempts to persuade the other jurors to vote innocent as well. As he does, Juror 3 becomes more and more hostile repeatedly saying "Can you believe this guy?!" and getting into 8's face, while 8 remains calm. Eventually, after going through all of the evidence again an again, they *SPOILER* decide on not guilty, with Juror 3 being the last one to fold.
I think this is one of the most well written books/plays ever written, using many things, such as the rain that begins when Juror 3 first becomes hostile only to end when he votes not guilty, is a very good metaphor for 3's stubbornness until the end. I recommend this book to anyone with spare time on their hands, this is a very short book, but is still a classic
book: harry potter and the sorcerers stone
ReplyDeleteauthor: J.K Rowling
in my book harry realizes its voldermort that was trying to steal the stone. the kids have to find a way to make sure the stone does not end up in the wrong hands. they find the passage and then they have to play a huge game of chess to pass, never the less they win and pass through and catch them right in there tracks.
what I think about this book; this book is awesome and I'm so happy I decided to read it and I wish I would of read it sooner because it is amazing and I will be watching the movies very soon
Book title: city of glass
ReplyDeleteBy Cassandra Clare
in my book right now Clary Jace and Simon all got in to a fight with Sebastian because he killed Jace`s trainer in cold blood all they were trying to do is talk to him about why he had betrade them all they win and Sebastian is killed great story so far
Rot & Ruin by Jonathan Mayberry: They heard something. Gun shots. Tom went to go check it out. Benny sat there by the tall grass that blocked him from where the gun shots have been coming from. When Tom came back, he told Benny to come with him. He wanted to show what it was that was firing all of those gun shots. Benny didn't want to but curiosity got the best of him. He followed Tom until that got to where the shootings have been going on. Benny didn't want to look anymore because what he was seeing was now going to make a permanent stay inside of his brain. Some men were sitting by a wagon, calling out bets and marking down tallies on the ground with a stick but one man was fighting of zoms. He didn't have any gun or anything with him but he had a sword. Benny looked over to the wagon and he saw a bunch of torn of limbs. Benny felt like he was about to puke. He could not believe of what he was seeing. Benny and Tom were a bit easier on each other since then. But inside Benny still felt the same way. He now didn't want to but the feeling has been there so long that it is kind of sticked to the way he feels. When they got back to town, Benny didn't speak for a 5 days. He ate with his brother at the dinner table but no words were said. Nix would come over and sit with him but they wouldn't talk. Benny would want to say something but he couldn't. But on day 5 Benny decided to tell her about what happened out there in the Ruin. Thinking of it all again kind of made Benny feel like he was reliving the moment and it did not make him feel any better. Nix listened and towards the end she started to cry. She placed her hand on top of his and held it. Benny didn't do the same back; he just let her hand rest in his. They sat there for a little longer but then Nix stood up and walked away. Benny started to felt regret inside of him. Should he have held her hand? But now it was too late. She was gone and he sat there on the porch still. It felt like hours before Benny decided to go back inside. It looked like it was about to storm tonight, maybe some heavy lighting. Benny sat at the table across from where Tom was. Jesse Riley (Nix's mother) gave them some muffins to eat. Benny thought about how Jesse and Nix were one of the poorest families in Mountainside but they still did things for others. Tom told Benny how he had helped Jesse Riley a few years back and that was the reason she always sent them muffins. To show her appreciation. Benny didn't want to eat the muffin. Tom and Benny talked for a while before they heard gunshots. Tom told Benny to stay in the house and to lock both the front door and the back door; he grabbed his katana and his pistol then ran out the front door. Benny did as his brother told him so. He locked the front door first and then the back. He sat and waited for his brother. He heard gunshots and a million thoughts went through his head. Had we been attacked by zoms? He thought and thought and thought while the gunshot continued. One thing happened to catch Benny’s full attention. The door knob of the back door started to turn. Benny thought it was Tom; he got up and started to open the door. “Tom?” he said. Shocker here, it wasn’t Tom. Rob Sacchetto was at his door. He was a zom. Benny was stunned. He couldn’t believe that it was him. Him as a zom. He started to fight back with his bokken. Both fear and anger flowed through him at this moment. Fear that he wasn’t going to be able to beat him and would get eaten by the zombie and anger because this man was no longer the man he was when he was alive. Like the life he and was just token way from him. The rage in Benny took over. Hitting him numerous of times. Benny felt hurt. Even though he didn’t know Rob on a personal level he did like him. Tom came in and stopped Benny. Blood that was spattered onto his clothes. Is this what life really is? Benny knew that everything from then on was going to be dead serious and nothing was going to be taken lightly.
ReplyDeleteyou type a lot girl and the book sounds interesting I might have to check it out
DeleteYou will have to read the book in order to know everything else that goes on in it!! This takes to much typing :p
ReplyDeletethe chronicles of Vladimir to ninth grade slays
ReplyDeletethis is the second book in the series and in this one da'blo is back an d still wants to kill vlad by using henrys cousin joss the vampire slayer to kill him and a thief named jasik so in the book eddie poe is trying to figure out what vlad is and trying to expose him so one night when vlad goes out to his secret place in the loft of of an old church that has been sealed off eddie poe gets a picture of him but it is really bad quality so no one see's what eddie took a picture of clearly then as vlad is about to have a chat with him the principles office calls him down there and they start to hear tid bits of there conversation through the p.a. system
Book: The Eleventh Plague
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jeff Hirsch
So far in this book Stephen Quinn a fifteen-year-old who survived the sickness called influenza. He is now searching for whatever is in his path such as materials to clues. His father falls into a coma and his grandfather dies and he is now thinking of possibilities to find a way to survive. What I'm thinking right now is.... how he is going to survive with no food or resources in this journey to live.
Book: playground
ReplyDeleteAuthor: 50 cent
in my book right now butterball is at the restaurant with his mom and her girlfriend evelyn and when he was there he ran right into nia and they started talking while evelyn and his mom were talking to nias parents butterball was talking to nia and she said that maybe during the summer he could go over to her house and babysit and then he apologized for what he did at her party and she said that it was ok and that somebody else would've ruined it anyway but after they got done talking they went and sat down and evelyn said I think that girl likes you and he said nah she wouldn't be into a fat idiot like me and then his mom spoke up and said burton your not really that fat. the next day he went to lizs office and he showed her the application and it was all filled out to and she was looking through it and she said do u have a dvd of ur movie and butterball said ya and that he had it with him and so he gave it to her and he politely asked if she not watch it right now but later and well liz said that she cant wait to hand it to the principal at cuimmington highschool and well after that he walked liz out to her car and in the car he said that he was going to stop by maurices house and say that he is sorry.
ReplyDeleteEdward and Bella get married and when they are on there honey moon . Edward takes bella to some place for a honey moon suprise.After they 14 days Bella and Eaward found out that Bella is pregnate.They have to go back home becuase the baby will kill Bella and Edward dose not want Bella to have the baby.Bella tells her dad that she is sick insted of beineg pregnate and tells him she is leaving from her honey moon and her dad is feaking out because he dose not know were she is at.Bella comes back home and jacob comes over and he sees bella really eally ill. THAT I ALL SO FAR SO KNOW THAT IS WERE I STOPED AT IN MY BOOK.BELLA AND EDWARD ARE SO CUTE THEY ARE PERFECT
book: harry potter and the chamber of secrets
ReplyDeleteauthor: J.K Rowling
I just started my book harry potter and the chamber of secrets and harry has gone back to the mean aunt and uncles house for the summer and so he is basically getting mistreated and he never gets a good amount of food and they don't allow harry to let his owl send notes or even be outside, they have a padlock on the cage so he cant let her out.
so they basically forget about harry and just don't care for him, they make him do all the dirty work while Dudley sits on his butt and eat food and play video games and crap all day. so I very much dislike that family they are bitter and mean and are just jealous of Harrys powers.
what I think...
I think that harry is somehow going to get rescued? maybe or he's going to somehow figure out how to do magic and break out. because it seems like harry is a pretty strong kid if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteHarry potter and the chamber of secrets
J.K Rowling
in my book, harry Ron and Hormine ( Sp?) are trying to figure out who opened the chamber. they think it is draco malfoy but im not to sure it seems to pointed at malfory I think there is going to be a twist like in the first book and its going to be a completely different character. not to mention there really is not much involvement with he- who-must-not-be-named. (voldermort) so I think that he has something to do with it because the whole legend is based on a slytheren that happened hundred's of years back.
so far I am really liking this book but I know this is going to be some twist ending and maybe even a cliff hanger.
Dust & Decay by Jonathan Mayberry
ReplyDeleteBenny and Nix are shocked. After all this traveling. After getting lost from Tom, Lilah and Chong, thinking they were going to find a place where they could wait until they all were reunited with each other and could calm their way through the night and relax till the next morning where they would start back up on their traveling and go farther east. They never thought that the Wawano Hotel was going to turn out to be Gameland. Gameland is where Charlie Mathias and Motor City Hammer and a bunch of other people would take kids, teenagers and anyone else willing to earn a a lot of rations, to fight for their lives against zombies in a zombie pit. Preacher Jack, who a lot have heard about but not a lot of people have seen, helps run the place a long with some others. Jack puts Benny and Nix in a room where they would wait until they were sent into a zombie pit. What they also didn't know is that Chong has already fought for his life just to be grazily bitten by a zombie. Tom found out where Gameland was and is now running for his life so he could help save all of their lives. Will it work though?
My Response: When I read these parts of the book, I was speechless. Yeah, I knew there was going to be a bad part where everything turns around and things start to become a disaster then things will get better and someone will save the day, but I never thought it would turn out the way it did. This, in my mind, was a great twist in the story! I really want to know something that has been talked about in the book a lot, which is, Is Charlie Pink-Eye still alive?? It is like mind-boggling for me!!!
book: woods runner
ReplyDeleteauthor: Gary Paulsen
in my book, Sam, has just discovered that his parents have been kidnapped. and now he is on the hunt to find them alive. he meets a family that feeds him and are really nice to him when they get ambushed and killed except for a little girl named Annie. she is only like 8 and she is really mature for her age. Sam decided to bring her with him because she was a orphan now... they are heading to new York to find there parents. and they got a long journey ahead of them...
bone; treasure hunters
ReplyDeleteJeff smith
in my book fone bone and his two cousins plus thorn and her grandma finally come to the city of athia for the dragon worshipers meeting but the guards of the city will be on the look out for them and phoney is cooking a plan to get rich again.
ReplyDeleteLois Lowery
Little one and Thin Elderly just got done with their night work by strengthening John with dreams from multiple objects. and now they are at the heap about to go to bed.
I think that Littlest is going to be seen by the humans and get into a lot of trouble. then john is going to try and capture Littlest and Thin Elderly because of the horde that might come.
Book Title: Velocity
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Dean Koontz
Recently in Velocity, I have gotten to the part where Billy receives his 'Second Wound' from the currently unknown antagonist. The 'First Wound' being that Billy was dragged from his car and having fish hooks pierced through his eyebrows. This time, Billy has received, what I personally feel an even worse wound, a nail shot through his left hand and through the floor (at his dead friends house). Effectively nailing him to the floor (at least temporarily). This is because the stories antagonist is trying to attack Billy (The main character) for unknown reasons.
I think that experiencing this would be very, very, very painful to say the least. I cannot imagine having a piece of metal in between my hand. Just thinking about a nail going through the tendons that move my fingers makes me shutter. This event makes me predict that Billy will be even more enraged towards his assailant. With the murders happening all around him, the fish hook incident, and the 911 were all very bad. But I think that this could the last straw for Billy until he decides to get even more serious about finding this villain. Especially to protect his comatose wife, who Billy thinks is at risk from the killer.
Book Title: Eleventh Plauge
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Jeff Hirsch
I recently finished this book may i say it was written very well though not as good as "The Darkest Path" by Jeff also. The Eleventh Plauge is about the aftermath of a chinese bomb P-11 which is like a more deadly mutation of the flu. The Chinese droped this bomb on us because we bombed them first. Stephen Quinn was born after the collapse. His family lived a scavengers throughout the woods staying out of the way of the slavers and the red army but when his mom dies and his grandfather dies sooner later it is just him and his dad who are left. Though they try to stay out of the way of danger sometimes danger find you this happened to them when they were hiding in a plane to stay out of the rain and slavers come in not even 5 minutes after. Trying to be heroic they free the slaves but when trying to get away his dad falls off a cliff and falls into a coma everything turns for the orse until they find marcus, a male that lives in a nearby village where the houses were sill intact even after the cahos. When ii reached this part in the story it had litle action though it still left me very intreged in continuing to read the book.
Book Title: Miracle On 49th Street
ReplyDeleteAuthor: Mike Lupica
Summary: This book is about this guy who is on the Celtics basketball team and Josh Cameron the guy who is the MVP of the team and he has a daughter named Molly Parker and she had never seen her father and so by making things better Josh and Molly get to know each other and they start to play basketball and he teaches her how to play the game of basketball.
the rangers apprentice the royal ranger by: John Flanagan
ReplyDeleteright now in my book Will is trying to get revenge on the people who killed his wife Alyss and he is only concerned with that so his friends decide to kill two birds with one stone and by that I mean Horace's and Cassandra's daughter needs to be taught how to be a leader and some shame so they decide to make Maddie ( Horace's and Cassandra's daughter ) Will's apprentice so that he can only concentrate on Maddie and not on revenge and it works so now Will has to train Maddie who is a spoiled princess into the first girl ranger.
I think that is cool how they all came up with that plan to get Will out of this rut and teach Maddie to be a leader and have some combat experience that really is a genius plan since will could not refuse his oldest and most dear friends a favor. now I'm going to make a prediction that will is going enjoy Maddie's company after she stops acting like a spoiled brat and help bring back the old will